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Version vom 22. März 2014, 14:42 Uhr

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Zeile 4:


Compiled Script, Makenet File, makro, Project makefile, Projektdatei


Compiled Script, Makenet File, makro, Project makefile, Projektdatei





C Makefile, Developer Files, Make File, Makefile
, Notepad Document, UEStudio Document (.mak), UltraEdit Document (.mak)


C Makefile, Developer Files, Make File, Makefile, Notepad Document
, Project (Visual Basic or Microsoft C++)
, UEStudio Document (.mak), UltraEdit Document (.mak)






makro, Compiled [[Script]], Projektdatei, Makenet File, Project makefile [http://www.endungen.de/ResultList/mak.aspx Quelle: EndungenDE] <!--20130929155934-->


makro, Compiled [[Script]], Projektdatei, Makenet File, Project makefile [http://www.endungen.de/ResultList/mak.aspx Quelle: EndungenDE] <!--20130929155934-->

Zeile 12:

Zeile 11:







) [[MAK]] stands for
) This was last updated in March 2012 [http://whatis.techtarget.com/fileformat/MAK-
Quelle: TechTarget] <!--


Visual [[Basic]] or Microsoft C++
) [[MAK]] stands for
Visual [[Basic]] or Microsoft C++
) This was last updated in March 2012 [http://whatis.techtarget.com/fileformat/MAK-
Quelle: TechTarget] <!--




Developer file used by compilers and software development IDEs; stores instructions that specify how source files are compiled and linked. Makefiles more commonly use the filename Makefile, which does not have a file extension. [http://www.fileinfo.com/extension/mak Quelle: FileInfo]


Developer file used by compilers and software development IDEs; stores instructions that specify how source files are compiled and linked. Makefiles more commonly use the filename Makefile, which does not have a file extension. [http://www.fileinfo.com/extension/mak Quelle: FileInfo]

Zeile 22:

Zeile 21:


It is a Visual C++ project file. It is a configuration file to instruct a compiler for creating a binary file from the source code. This file contains instructions that determine how source files are compiled and also includes references to necessary files and a compiler [[script]]. Microsoft C++ and Visual [[Basic]] project files are the examples. [http://advancedfileoptimizer.com/file-extension/mak/ Quelle: AdvancedFileOptimizer] <!--20130929155934-->


It is a Visual C++ project file. It is a configuration file to instruct a compiler for creating a binary file from the source code. This file contains instructions that determine how source files are compiled and also includes references to necessary files and a compiler [[script]]. Microsoft C++ and Visual [[Basic]] project files are the examples. [http://advancedfileoptimizer.com/file-extension/mak/ Quelle: AdvancedFileOptimizer] <!--20130929155934-->



[[MAK]] file is a Visual Studio Makefile . [[MAK]] is a simple configuration file to instruct a compiler into creating a binary from the source code. [[MAK]] file contains instructions that determine how source files are compiled and often includes references to necessary files and a compiler [[script]]. Open [[MAK]] File on [[Windows]]: Microsoft Visual C++ A commercial integrated development environment (IDE) product engineered by Microsoft for the C, C++, and C++/CLI [[programming]] languages. [http://file.downloadatoz.com/mak-file-extension/ Quelle: DownloadAToZ] <!--


[[MAK]] file is a Visual Studio Makefile . [[MAK]] is a simple configuration file to instruct a compiler into creating a binary from the source code. [[MAK]] file contains instructions that determine how source files are compiled and often includes references to necessary files and a compiler [[script]]. Open [[MAK]] File on [[Windows]]: Microsoft Visual C++ A commercial integrated development environment (
) product engineered by Microsoft for the C, C++, and C++/CLI [[programming]] languages. [http://file.downloadatoz.com/mak-file-extension/ Quelle: DownloadAToZ] <!--




==Freeware Programme, die mak Dateien öffnen==


==Freeware Programme, die mak Dateien öffnen==

Zeile 38:

Zeile 37:









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