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Version vom 22. Dezember 2013, 14:36 Uhr
Zeile 7:
Zeile 7:
Bei der Dateiendung [[docx]] handelt es sich um die neueste Version des Microsoft Word Dateiformats [[doc]]. Das Format [[docx]] wird ab der Version 2007 des weltweit eingesetzten Textverarbeitungsprogramms unterstützt. Die Dateiendung [[docx]] bedeutet schlicht Document [[Xml]], also ein Dokument im [[XML]] Format. Eine [[docx]] Datei enthält, wie auch die alten [[doc]] Dateien neben Texten und Formatierungsanweisungen auch Bilder und Grafiken. Sie kann keine Makros enthalten. Dateien mit Makros erhalten automatisch die Endung [[docm]]. [[docx]] ist ein [[XML]] basiertes Dateiformat (Office Open [[XML]]), das mit älteren Wordversionen nicht lesbar ist. Für die Officeversionen 2000, 2003 und XP lässt sich diese Funktionalität allerdings mithilfe des Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack nachrüsten, wobei das Ergebnis einer eingelesenen [[docx]] Datei nicht immer zu 100% dem Original entsprechen muss. Office Open [[XML]] ist ein von Microsoft entwickelter offener Standard für Büroanwendungen, der den Dateiaustausch zwischen verschiedenen Office-Suiten gewährleisten soll. Eine [[docx]] Datei besteht aus mehreren [[XML]] Dateien, die beim Speichern automatisch mit dem [[ZIP]]-Algorithmus komprimiert als Archiv zusammengefasst werden. Dadurch wird eine Platzersparnis gegenüber dem alten Format erreicht. Weitere Vorteile sind eine höhere Datenintegrität und eine leichtere Wiederherstellung von Daten bei einem Datenverlust. [http://www.dateiendung.com/format/docx Quelle: DateiEndung] <!--20131116083036-->
Bei der Dateiendung [[docx]] handelt es sich um die neueste Version des Microsoft Word Dateiformats [[doc]]. Das Format [[docx]] wird ab der Version 2007 des weltweit eingesetzten Textverarbeitungsprogramms unterstützt. Die Dateiendung [[docx]] bedeutet schlicht Document [[Xml]], also ein Dokument im [[XML]] Format. Eine [[docx]] Datei enthält, wie auch die alten [[doc]] Dateien neben Texten und Formatierungsanweisungen auch Bilder und Grafiken. Sie kann keine Makros enthalten. Dateien mit Makros erhalten automatisch die Endung [[docm]]. [[docx]] ist ein [[XML]] basiertes Dateiformat (Office Open [[XML]]), das mit älteren Wordversionen nicht lesbar ist. Für die Officeversionen 2000, 2003 und XP lässt sich diese Funktionalität allerdings mithilfe des Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack nachrüsten, wobei das Ergebnis einer eingelesenen [[docx]] Datei nicht immer zu 100% dem Original entsprechen muss. Office Open [[XML]] ist ein von Microsoft entwickelter offener Standard für Büroanwendungen, der den Dateiaustausch zwischen verschiedenen Office-Suiten gewährleisten soll. Eine [[docx]] Datei besteht aus mehreren [[XML]] Dateien, die beim Speichern automatisch mit dem [[ZIP]]-Algorithmus komprimiert als Archiv zusammengefasst werden. Dadurch wird eine Platzersparnis gegenüber dem alten Format erreicht. Weitere Vorteile sind eine höhere Datenintegrität und eine leichtere Wiederherstellung von Daten bei einem Datenverlust. [http://www.dateiendung.com/format/docx Quelle: DateiEndung] <!--20131116083036-->
Office Open [[XML]], Textdatei, Microsoft 2007 Word Dokument, Text document, Word 2007-Dokument, Word-Dokument, Textdatei, Word Dokument [http://www.endungen.de/ResultList/docx.aspx Quelle: EndungenDE] <!--
Office Open [[XML]], Textdatei, Microsoft 2007 Word Dokument,
document, Word 2007-Dokument, Word-Dokument, Textdatei, Word Dokument [http://www.endungen.de/ResultList/docx.aspx Quelle: EndungenDE] <!--
[[DOCX]]-Dateien sind Textdateien, in erster Linie Word Microsoft Office Open [[XML]] Format Document (Microsoft Corporation). [http://www.solvusoft.com/de/file-extensions/file-extension-docx/ Quelle: SolvuSoft] <!--20131116083036-->
[[DOCX]]-Dateien sind Textdateien, in erster Linie Word Microsoft Office Open [[XML]] Format Document (Microsoft Corporation). [http://www.solvusoft.com/de/file-extensions/file-extension-docx/ Quelle: SolvuSoft] <!--20131116083036-->
Zeile 14:
Zeile 14:
Word Microsoft Office Open [[XML]] Format Document (Microsoft Corporation) [[DOCX]] stands for Word Microsoft Office Open [[XML]] Format Document (Microsoft Corporation) This was last updated in March 2012 [http://whatis.techtarget.com/fileformat/DOCX-Word-Microsoft-Office-Open-XML-Format-Document-Microsoft-Corporation Quelle: TechTarget] <!--20131116083036-->
Word Microsoft Office Open [[XML]] Format Document (Microsoft Corporation) [[DOCX]] stands for Word Microsoft Office Open [[XML]] Format Document (Microsoft Corporation) This was last updated in March 2012 [http://whatis.techtarget.com/fileformat/DOCX-Word-Microsoft-Office-Open-XML-Format-Document-Microsoft-Corporation Quelle: TechTarget] <!--20131116083036-->
Document created by Microsoft Word word processing software; contains text, images, formatting, styles, drawn objects, and other document elements; used for authoring, business, academic, and personal documents; is one of the most popular word processing document formats. Unlike .[[DOC]] files, which store document data in a single binary file, [[DOCX]] files are created using the Open [[XML]] format, which stores documents as a collection of separate files and folders in a compressed [[zip]] package. Within a [[DOCX]] file are [[XML]] files and three folders, docProps, Word, and _rels, which hold the document properties, content, and relationships between the files. This structure is designed to make document content more accessible. For example, document text is saved using plain text files and document images are stored as individual image files within the [[DOCX]] file. [[DOCX]] files can be opened by Word 2007 or later for Windows, or with Word 2008 or later for Mac OS X. They may also be opened with earlier versions of Word for Mac and Windows via Open [[XML]] document support. NOTE: To explore the contents of a [[DOCX]] file manually, rename the ".[[docx]]" extension to ".[[zip]]" and then decompress the resulting file with any [[zip]] decompression utility. Common [[DOCX]] Filenames: Document1.docx - The default filename that Microsoft Word gives to new documents. [http://www.fileinfo.com/extension/docx Quelle: FileInfo] <!--
Document created by Microsoft Word word processing software; contains
, images, formatting, styles, drawn objects, and other document elements; used for authoring, business, academic, and personal documents; is one of the most popular word processing document formats. Unlike .[[DOC]] files, which store document data in a single binary file, [[DOCX]] files are created using the Open [[XML]] format, which stores documents as a collection of separate files and folders in a compressed [[zip]] package. Within a [[DOCX]] file are [[XML]] files and three folders, docProps, Word, and _rels, which hold the document properties, content, and relationships between the files. This structure is designed to make document content more accessible. For example, document
is saved using plain
files and document images are stored as individual image files within the [[DOCX]] file. [[DOCX]] files can be opened by Word 2007 or later for
, or with Word 2008 or later for Mac OS X. They may also be opened with earlier versions of Word for Mac and
via Open [[XML]] document support. NOTE: To explore the contents of a [[DOCX]] file manually, rename the ".[[docx]]" extension to ".[[zip]]" and then decompress the resulting file with any [[zip]] decompression utility. Common [[DOCX]] Filenames: Document1.docx - The default filename that Microsoft Word gives to new documents. [http://www.fileinfo.com/extension/docx Quelle: FileInfo] <!--
Have you ever paid attention to [[DOCX]] file extension? Before knowing this format, you must have known [[DOC]] file extension. This file extension is widely used by an increased number of people. This file extension is produced from Microsoft Word . This text file extension also consists of [[DOT]], [[DOTM]], [[DOTX]], [[PSW]], EMAIL and etc. Main functions of [[DOCX]] file extension: [[DOCX]] file extension is a commonly used word processing program. This file extension is designed to achieve document contents. Compared with [[DOC]] file extension, [[DOCX]] files can store documents by the way of collecting devided files and folders in a compressed [[zip]] packages. [[DOCX]] file extension consists of document drawn objects, images, formatting, styles, text and other revelant document settings. [http://file.downloadatoz.com/docx-file-extension/ Quelle: DownloadAToZ] <!--
Have you ever paid attention to [[DOCX]] file extension? Before knowing this format, you must have known [[DOC]] file extension. This file extension is widely used by an increased number of people. This file extension is produced from Microsoft Word . This
file extension also consists of [[DOT]], [[DOTM]], [[DOTX]], [[PSW]],
and etc. Main functions of [[DOCX]] file extension: [[DOCX]] file extension is a commonly used word processing program. This file extension is designed to achieve document contents. Compared with [[DOC]] file extension, [[DOCX]] files can store documents by the way of collecting devided files and folders in a compressed [[zip]] packages. [[DOCX]] file extension consists of document drawn objects, images, formatting, styles,
and other revelant document settings. [http://file.downloadatoz.com/docx-file-extension/ Quelle: DownloadAToZ] <!--
The [[docx]] file extension is a new document, produced by Microsoft office 2007 for MS Word, being used to open word processing files. [[DOCX]] is the upgraded version of [[DOC]] older version. [[Docx]] extension files cannot be opened with the older versions of MS Word can be viewed only. To open .[[DOCX]] extension files you can download the compatibility pack from Microsoft which will allow you to open, edit and save the [[DOCX]] format in the older version of MS Office or you can download ADVANCED FILE OPTIMIZER software to open file successfully if you do not have older version also in your PC. Sometime it happens that Microsoft compatibility gives some errors, ADVANCED FILE OPTIMIZER scan your registry and fixes problems. This software fixes all registry related problems. [http://advancedfileoptimizer.com/file-extension/docx/ Quelle: AdvancedFileOptimizer] <!--20131116083036-->
The [[docx]] file extension is a new document, produced by Microsoft office 2007 for MS Word, being used to open word processing files. [[DOCX]] is the upgraded version of [[DOC]] older version. [[Docx]] extension files cannot be opened with the older versions of MS Word can be viewed only. To open .[[DOCX]] extension files you can download the compatibility pack from Microsoft which will allow you to open, edit and save the [[DOCX]] format in the older version of MS Office or you can download ADVANCED FILE OPTIMIZER software to open file successfully if you do not have older version also in your PC. Sometime it happens that Microsoft compatibility gives some errors, ADVANCED FILE OPTIMIZER scan your registry and fixes problems. This software fixes all registry related problems. [http://advancedfileoptimizer.com/file-extension/docx/ Quelle: AdvancedFileOptimizer] <!--20131116083036-->
Microsoft Word ([[XML]]) document, generated with Microsoft Word 2007 (or later) that is saved in [[XML]] format. The file is actually a set of [[XML]] files that are compressed. The individual [[XML]] files can be viewed by [[renaming]] the .[[docx]] file to [[.zip]] and treating it as a .[[zip]] file. It is possible to open .[[docx]] files using earlier versions of Microsoft Word, but to do this you need the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack. The Microsoft Office Compatibility pack is available from [http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=941B3470-3AE9-4AEE-8F43-C6BB74CD1466&displaylang=en www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=941B3470-3AE9-4AEE-8F43-C6BB74CD1466&displaylang=en]. Earlier version of Microsoft Word (i.e. before Word 2007) saved documents using the [[.doc]] file extension. For more information see: [http://www.docx2doc.com/Default.aspx www.docx2doc.com/Default.aspx] - Site providing a conversion from .[[docx]] to [[.doc]]. [http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/products/HA102058001033.aspx http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/products/HA102058001033.aspx] - for [[XML]] file format information relating to .[[docx]] files. [http://www.panergy-software.com/products/docxconverter/index.html www.panergy-software.com/products/docxconverter/index.html] - docXConverter, a utility that works on Windows 98 through to Vista, Mac OS X (10.2 to 10.4) and Mac OS 9.2 that is able to open and convert .[[docx]] files, useful to those who cannot use the Microsoft compatibility pack or do not have Microsoft Office. [http://sourceforge.net/projects/ooop http://sourceforge.net/projects/ooop] - OxygenOffice will also allow .[[docx]] files to be opened and edited. [http://www.neooffice.org www.neooffice.org] - Mac OS X (free, open source, based on the [[OpenOffice]] [[suite]]), will allow .[[docx]] files to be opened and edited. [http://www.cryer.co.uk/file-types/d/docx.htm Quelle: Cryer] <!--
Microsoft Word ([[XML]]) document, generated with Microsoft Word 2007 (or later) that is saved in [[XML]] format. The file is actually a set of [[XML]] files that are compressed. The individual [[XML]] files can be viewed by [[renaming]] the .[[docx]] file to [[.zip]] and treating it as a .[[zip]] file. It is possible to open .[[docx]] files using earlier versions of Microsoft Word, but to do this you need the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack. The Microsoft Office Compatibility pack is available from [http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=941B3470-3AE9-4AEE-8F43-C6BB74CD1466&displaylang=en www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyId=941B3470-3AE9-4AEE-8F43-C6BB74CD1466&displaylang=en]. Earlier version of Microsoft Word (i.e. before Word 2007) saved documents using the [[.doc]] file extension. For more information see: [http://www.docx2doc.com/Default.aspx www.docx2doc.com/Default.aspx] - Site providing a conversion from .[[docx]] to [[.doc]]. [http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/products/HA102058001033.aspx http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/products/HA102058001033.aspx] - for [[XML]] file format information relating to .[[docx]] files. [http://www.panergy-software.com/products/docxconverter/index.html www.panergy-software.com/products/docxconverter/index.html] - docXConverter, a utility that works on
98 through to Vista, Mac OS X (10.2 to 10.4) and Mac OS 9.2 that is able to open and convert .[[docx]] files, useful to those who cannot use the Microsoft compatibility pack or do not have Microsoft Office. [http://sourceforge.net/projects/ooop http://sourceforge.net/projects/ooop] - OxygenOffice will also allow .[[docx]] files to be opened and edited. [http://www.neooffice.org www.neooffice.org] - Mac OS X (free, open source, based on the [[OpenOffice]] [[suite]]), will allow .[[docx]] files to be opened and edited. [http://www.cryer.co.uk/file-types/d/docx.htm Quelle: Cryer] <!--
[[DOCX]] file is a Microsoft Office Word 2007 Document without macros. Office Open [[XML]] (commonly abbreviated as OOXML) is a new file format specification for the storage of electronic documents such as memos, reports, books, spreadsheets, charts, presentations and word processing documents. [http://www.filesuffix.com/de/extension/docx Quelle: FileSuffix] <!--20131116083036-->
[[DOCX]] file is a Microsoft Office Word 2007 Document without macros. Office Open [[XML]] (commonly abbreviated as OOXML) is a new file format specification for the storage of electronic documents such as memos, reports, books, spreadsheets, charts, presentations and word processing documents. [http://www.filesuffix.com/de/extension/docx Quelle: FileSuffix] <!--20131116083036-->