



>Sees Pearl x Dewey shippers doing a “Pewey Bomb” to fight back against ship haters

>Sees Pearl x Rose shippers doing a “Pearlrose Bomb” to fight back against Pewey shippers

Remember when crackshipping was FUN and not a fucking battleground?

I’ve been catching up on the show, and so far the history episode seems like the only time Pearl and Dewey interact in any manner of depth, and it’s fairly shallow anyway.

As opposed to millennia of serving, loving with all her…gem(heart too, maybe?), and even worshipping Rose, I find it hard to believe Pearl would have any manner of interest in Dewey. Just from a logical standpoint, I suppose.

But then again, I’m not particularly educated in all things SU, even if I am catching up. So take it with a grain of salt, I guess.

This is all of course assuming the ship is serious, because from what I understand, crack shipping is based upon nonsensical and generally amusing or impractical ideas (Tingle x Rupees, for example), rather than any measure of character depth (almost put death. Whoops.). But that’s just me.

Nope, you are pretty much spot on actually.

The Pearl x Dewey ship started out very small after it came forth that Dewey has a one-sided crush on Pearl. For the most part, it was fans finding this crush rather adorable and going “What if it could be legit?” and making up ideas that made the idea make sense (Anywhere from Pearl learning that humans aren’t so bad and actually enjoying Dewey’s efforts to make her happy in even the smallest ways–to ships where Dewey is just REPEATEDLY screwing up but he just keeps trying anyways, even though it’s hopeless).

Overall, it’s just a bunch of silly nonsensical fun within the fandom. Probably NEVER going to be canon, but people enjoy it!

But my GOD did other people decide to make it far more serious than it needed to be, anywhere from attacking people who ship Pewey, to insisting that anyone who ships Pearl with anyone who isn’t another crystal gem or a female character is a homophobe.

You know what was super fucking hip back when I was your age, kiddies?

Yaoi ships fucking EVERYWHERE! Even ones that made NO fucking sense! (Ken Ichijouji x Digimon Emperor, anyone?~)

It didn’t matter if the character was canonly as straight as a fucking post, fangirls yaoishipped ALL the guys! We didn’t give a shit! It was FUN god dammit!

And for the most part, we were aware that this was silly, wasn’t canon, and could never truly be taken seriously–but it didn’t keeps us from having fun.

Now? Shipping–especially in the SU fandom–has become as controversial as politics. If you have a differing opinion, you are absolutely fucking hated and labeled all sorts of things before you can even explain your stance.

It’s fucking stupid, and you’re all embarrassing as fuck to be lynching each other over a god damned crack ship from a fucking children’s cartoon!

Grow the fuck up! This has exceeded ridiculousness!

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