
So Not Okay by Nancy Rue

This book takes place, at Gold Country Middle School, in Grass Valley, California. Mr. V, the Science teacher, assigns his class to think up a question about the human mind or body. The answer to the question needs to be unknown, you and your group had to figure out the answer to your question. Victoria Taylor, who goes by Tori, creates a group of four other girls in the class. Her, Ophelia Smith, Winnie George, and Mitch make up the group. The new girl Virginia Hollingberry, who goes by Ginger, gets invited by Tori to be in their group. Ophelia doesn't like that Tori invited her without the group's permission, because Ginger is getting bullied by a group of girls that tori calls, "The Pack". Soon the girls come up with the question; Why are boys and girls mean? Is it natural or learned? Because of the way and amount of time Ginger hangs out with Tori, "The Pack" has started bullying Tori as well. Soon her entire group, they call themselves a "Tribelet", also begins to be bullied by "The Pack". As the bullying increases, Ophelia soon gets tired of it, and begins to exclude herself from the "Tribelet". Winnie makes cards for the "Tribelet" to help protect each other, especially Ginger, from getting bullied. As time passes "The Pack" starts to back off of the "Tribelet", only to find that "The Pack" is going to make a big finish to end the "Tribelet" after their report is presented to the class. Finally, "The Pack's" plan gets destroyed by the "Tribelet", when one of the girls gets help from a teacher. The "Tribelet" makes a long paper with a list of things bullies do and the bystanders don't do to help, they get the whole school to sign their names on it. Everyone, except Kylie Steppe, the "Alpha Wolf" of "The Pack" that is.

I would definitely recommend this book to girls ages 10 to 15. It teaches that, just because you are not the bully or even the one being bullied, you should still do the right thing and help the bullying to stop. It teaches not to start a war with the bully, but with bullying itself. I loved reading this book, because it showed me that everyone has the choice to stop bullying before it happens.

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I received this book to read and post my honest review. Thank you for reading.

This review was written by my 13 year old daughter. She love to review the teen books that I receive.

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