01. Title:
02. Full name: Amy Mendoza
03. Gender (sex): Female
04. Date of birth & age: 3/23/1985 (30 years old)
05. Ph. Number: #1500781
06. Domestic address: #012 Hospital Street, APT 4, Market, Los Santos SA
07. Do you have a clean criminal record:
(Mark [X] where applicable)
[ ] Yes
[X] No
08. Do you possess a valid drivers license:
(Mark [X] where applicable)
[X] Yes
[ ] No
09. Are you a permanent resident of the United States of America?:
(Mark [X] where applicable)
[X] Yes
[ ] No
10. Do you have any impairments which would interfere with your ability to perform the essential functions of this position?:
(Mark [X] where applicable)
[ ] Yes
[X] No
01. Previous employment:
2003-2006: Stripclub "Octopussy"
2006-NOW: FAUX News Company
02. Have you ever worked for any department within the Los Santos Government? (May include PD/SD/DOC/FD):
(Mark [X] where applicable)
[ ] Yes
[X] No
If you answered yes to the above why did you resign or why were you discharged: N/A
03. Have you ever worked for an employer that required a lot of paperwork:
(Mark [X] where applicable)
[X] Yes
[ ] No
05. Academic Qualifications:
(List your College/University, and include degree)
International School of Brasil
Basic Education
Bachelor Degree
Los Santos University
Degree in Law
Degree in Psychology
06. Key skills and competences:
(Name at least 4)
Logic - Smart and wise decisions to be followed by efficient and structured solutions
Understanding the System - Knowing how things work can mean a great advantage and helps one to think outside the box
Intolerance to Injustice - I will stand by my word even if it's not advantageous to me, simply because it's morally right thing to do
Advanced Writing Skills - I can make any decision sound like the right choice and get people's support for it when I word it in an appealing and provoking manner
07. Do you have any previous employment background as a press official?
(Mark [X] where applicable)
[X] Yes.
[ ] No.
08. If you answered yes to the previous question, name the company and list your duties: FAUX, I took role of any positions, including but not limited to writing articles, posing in reinacting of events, and being appart of the filmcrew. I actually filmed our current mayor's interview during the election, which can be found here:
09. Computer typing skills:
(Mark [X] where applicable)
[ ] Beginner.
[ ] Intermediate.
[X] Expert.
10. Tell us something about yourself and why you want to become a press official with the Los Santos Government: (At least 100 words, please include your key skills and competences)
I grew up in a poor family in Brasil, me and my sister had very little to thrive for, but I had a dream of becoming a lawyer and I jumped at my first opportunity to fly to Los Santos. I started working at a strip club "Octopussy", as I had very little other choice - it was either sell drugs, become a prostitute, or become a stripper. I chose the legal option even though it was the least profitable one, but it was the right thing to do in my mind as I made just enough money to get buy, afford a small cheap car and live peacefully.
I also went into the University of Los Santos, studying law at the time in my efforts to become a lawyer. But sadly I met with a wrong group of people and being a young 19 year old I was at the time, I didn't think too much and I got addicted to marijuana. I was promptly dropped out of college and I was pretty upset about that, I realized that I had to take a hold of my addiction, so I went into therapy for it.
In the therapy I was given pills that helped me suppress my desire to consume marijuana, and instead I ended up volunteering and helping out our local police departament. I would bring abandoned cars to police departament so they would contact their owners. I would report any crime I saw going on on the street. But having little friends I suffered a lot of damage when it came to gang violence.
I never joined a gang. I did everything I could to avoid joining a gang, but I was kidnapped and raped. Not once. Not twice. But five times. I couldn't afford a bodyguard obviously and being only 19 at the time I had no choice but to protect myself. Now I'd like to reference the San Andreas Penal Code of 2015 - Section 12, subsection 04 - Nessesity:
A person who commits an offense out of necessity to protect themselves or others from significant bodily harm or emergency, has no adequate legal alternative, did not create a greater danger through their actions and held an actual and reasonable belief that their action was necessary to prevent harm, will be absolved of criminal liability for the offense deemed to be committed as a necessity to prevent greater harm.
I acquired a firearm for self-protection. Sadly, I couldn't do so legally being a 19 year old(minimum age was and still is 21), and I took plenty of gun safety classes before doing so, to ensure that I would not put anyone in danger. I learned to not point a weapon at anything I'm not planning to destroy, I learned to not hold my finger on the trigger unless I'm going to fire. I put the gun to good use, I was attacked and almost killed by various gangs, I suffered many gunwounds, and I was arrested for carrying an unlicenced firearm, because I called 911 after each incident despite the fact that I knew I was going to get arrested. Why? Because those people that I shot in self-defence, I didn't want them to die. Some did and I had to go into therapy again, but I couldn't afford a lawyer to argue necessity for the crime of owning an unlicensed firearm. The thing is - it was a necessity. I did it to protect my safety, protect my life, and according to aforementioned quote I should have not been criminally liable for those offences. Yet I still have them to this day.
Another offence that I have which might pose concern for you is "Rape". However, it is completely redundant claim, and the fact that I was convicted for it in the first place just goes to show how ridiculous LSPD can get. I had /clear/ CCTV evidence that all intercourse was completely and utterly consented to, I completely cooperated with LSPD officers, and they released me. Only to then arrest me a week later, and the only thing on my criminal record that says about that references a document file that I, being a civilian, cannot access! And neither could my lawyer! Here's included CCTV footage and a news report of the incident:
And this is CCTV video of me being arrested a week later:
The LSPD posed no question as to why would a rape victim, commit rape? I am planning to propose solutions to this problem. That wasn't the only ridiculous incident that I had expirienced with LSPD.
The local police departament shows no regard for public safety in pursuits. I was actually just coming home to write an article about just that, when this happened:
An officer drove straight into me, through a stopping zone, while responding Code 3 to a pursuit. He was heavily injuried, and had there been any pedestrians - they would've died. This isn't a single incident, police officers are completely reckless in their driving. And they had shown complete disregard for public safety with an incident that happened with me today:
Police officers showed no regard for public safety, they didn't investigate anything. Reason being? "We have enough arrests already"
This whole "quota" mentality leaves me completely baffled. I wasn't arrested for over five years at this point, I really wish I can get a chance to make a difference for this world. To turn my life around and to do something good for a living. I wish to help people, because it's a morally right thing to do.
And I personally know at least two people in Government of Los Santos that agree with me and can vouch for me:
David Finnegan - Deputy Director of the Mayor Aid Bureau
Devonte Banks - Mayoral Security Detail
I, Amy Mendoza, certify that the answers given herein are true and complete. I, [NAME], authorize investigation of all statements contained in this application for employment as may be necessary in coming to an employment decision.
I Amy Mendoza have read and understand the Terms of Agreement for this application.
01. LS-RP forum name (link included in URL format):Userone
02. Can you communicate efficiently in the English language?: Yes, as proven here:
03. Time playing LSRP actively: I play every day on average for 4 hours, although next week I'm going on a brief vacation from 16th July to 4th August, so I will be LESS active(not inactive completely though)
04. Age: 17
05. In-game levels on all of your accounts, lay out the character you'll use with bold text:
Amy Mendoza - Level 26
Paulette Sanderson - Level 18
Joseph Liberty - Level 2
06. List the current faction(s) you're in if applicable: N/A
If yes, provide a link to your DF Permission: N/A
07. Have you ever been removed from an official faction?
(Mark [X] where applicable)
[X] Yes
[ ] No
If yes, explain: I "abused" /togcolor in LSPD as a P1, all I really did was change into police color when I was OFF-DUTY and I was wearing a police uniform at home in my bedroom just because I looked like a cop, I was not aware that it would put me on-duty, I asked in /f and they told me all it did was change my color of tag. Michael Houston explained that if I was P2 when I did that he'd allow that sort of "corruption", even though I was removed OOCly.
08. List ALL past faction memberships and your rank within those factions:
Paulette Sanderson, P1
09. Post screen-shots of all characters' admin-jail record linked to your UCP:
Amy Mendoza
Paulette Sanderson
Joseph Liberty
I'll explain:
Amy Mendoza's bans - they're mostly misunderstandings, first time I was fairly new to the game as you can tell that it happened about 6 months ago, and I used /idle and was too lazy to shut my computer of. Never done that again.
Here's link to ban appeal:
Second time more recently I got banned cause I left game AFK in /seat, but I wasn't aware that it wouldn't kick me back then. I often just leave the game to kick me because I have a lot of family stuff going on, and I didn't realize that the game wouldn't kick me after I used /seat. I was instantly unbanned after the misunderstanding and admin made it clear to not idle in ANY animation.
Here's link to ban appeal:
The third time was for "illegal modifications", which was absurd because all I really did was fail to take screenshot of being aproved for use of the mod. Admin was interestingly enough part of SAN and the video I was banned for THREE MONTHS over was made by FAUX, SAN's competition.
Here's the video I was banned over:
Here's the video where I was banned:
Here's the ban appeal responce:
Here's the where I don't actually get banned for three months(otherwise I'd be banned right now):
Statistics: Posted by Userone — Sun Jul 12, 2015 5:39 pm