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As Libertarians, we seek a world of liberty; a

world in which all individuals are sovereign over

their own lives, and no one is forced to sacrifice

his or her values for the benefit of others.

We believe that respect for individual rights is the

essential precondition for a free and prosperous world,

that force and fraud must be banished from human re-

lationships, and that only through freedom can peace

and prosperity be realized.

Consequently, we defend each person’s right to

engage in any activity that is peaceful and honest, and

welcome the diversity that freedom brings. The world

we seek to build is one where individuals are free to

follow their own dreams in their own ways, without

interference from government or any authoritarian


In the following pages we have set forth our basic

principles and enumerated various policy stands de-

rived from those principles.

These specific policies are not our goal, however.

Our goal is nothing more nor less than a world set free

in our lifetime, and it is to this end that we take these



We, the members of the Libertarian Party, chal-

lenge the cult of the omnipotent state and defend

the rights of the individual.

We hold that all individuals have the right to

exercise sole dominion over their own lives, and have

the right to live in whatever manner they choose, so

long as they do not forcibly interfere with the equal

right of others to live in whatever manner they choose.

Governments throughout history have regularly

operated on the opposite principle, that the State has

the right to dispose of the lives of individuals and the

fruits of their labor. Even within the United States, all

political parties other than our own grant to govern-

ment the right to regulate the lives of individuals and

seize the fruits of their labor without their consent.

We, on the contrary, deny the right of any govern-

ment to do these things, and hold that where govern-

ments exist, they must not violate the rights of any

individual: namely, (1) the right to life — accordingly

we support the prohibition of the initiation of physical

force against others; (2) the right to liberty of speech

and action — accordingly we oppose all attempts by

government to abridge the freedom of speech and

press, as well as government censorship in any form;

and (3) the right to property — accordingly we oppose

all government interference with private property,

such as confiscation, nationalization, and eminent

domain, and support the prohibition of robbery, tres-

pass, fraud, and misrepresentation.

Since governments, when instituted, must not

violate individual rights, we oppose all interference by

government in the areas of voluntary and contractual

relations among individuals. People should not be

forced to sacrifice their lives and property for the

benefit of others. They should be left free by govern-

ment to deal with one another as free traders; and the

resultant economic system, the only one compatible

with the protection of individual rights, is the free



No conflict exists between civil order and individual rights.

Both concepts are based on the same fundamental principle: that

no individual, group, or government may initiate force against any

other individual, group, or government.


Members of the Libertarian Party do not necessarily advocate

or condone any of the practices our policies would make legal. Our

exclusion of moral approval and disapproval is deliberate:

people's rights must be recognized; the wisdom of any course of

peaceful action is a matter for the acting individual(s) to decide.

Personal responsibility is discouraged by society routinely deny-

ing the people the opportunity to exercise it. Libertarian policies

will create a society where people are free to make and learn from

their own decisions.


The continuing high level of violent crime — and the

government’s demonstrated inability to deal with it -— threatens

the lives, happiness, and belongings of Americans. At the same

time, governmental violations of rights undermine the people’s

sense of justice with regard to crime. The appropriate way to

suppress crime is through consistent and impartial enforcement of

laws that protect individual rights. Laws pertaining to “victimless

crimes” should be repealed since such laws themselves violate

individual rights and also breed other types of crime. We applaud

the trend toward private protection services and voluntary com-

munity crime control groups. We support institutional changes,

consistent with full respect for the rights of the accused, that

would permit victims to direct the prosecution in criminal cases.


Because only actions that infringe on the rights of others can

properly be termed crimes, we favor the repeal of all federal, state,

and local laws creating “crimes” without victims. In particular, we


a. the repeal of all laws prohibiting the production, sale,

possession, or use of drugs, and of all medicinal prescrip-

tion requirements for the purchase of vitamins, drugs, and

similar substances;

b. the repeal of all laws restricting or prohibiting the use

or sale of alcohol, including the imposition of a minimum

drinking age, and making bartenders or hosts responsible

for the behavior of customers and guests;

c. the repeal of all laws or policies authorizing stopping

drivers without probable cause to test for alcohol or drug


d. the repeal of all laws regarding consensual sexual re-

lations, including prostitution and solicitation, and the ces-

sation of state oppression and harassment of homosexual

men and women, that they, at last, be accorded their full

rights as individuals;

e. the repeal of all laws regulating or prohibiting the pos-

session, use, sale, production, or distribution of sexually

explicit material, independent of “socially redeeming

value” or compliance with “community standards”;

f. the repeal of all laws regulating or prohibiting gam-

bling; and

g. the repeal of all laws interfering with the right to

commit suicide as infringements of the ultimate right of an

individual to his or her own life.

We demand the use of executive pardon to free and exonerate

all those presently incarcerated or ever convicted solely for the

commission of these “crimes.”

Further, we recognize that, often, the Federal Government

blackmails states which refuse to comply with these laws by

withholding funds and we applaud those states which refuse to be

so coerced.


Until such time as persons are proved guilty of crimes, they

should be accorded full respect for their individual rights. We are

thus opposed to reduction of present safeguards of the rights of the

criminally accused.

Specifically, we are opposed to preventive detention, so-

called “no-knock” laws, and all other measures that threaten

individual rights.

We support full restitution for all loss suffered by persons

arrested, indicted, tried, imprisoned, or otherwise injured in the

course of criminal proceedings against them that do not result in

their conviction. When they are responsible, government police

employees or agents should be liable for this restitution.

We call for a reform of the judicial system allowing criminal

defendants and civil parties to a court action a reasonable number

of peremptory challenges to proposed judges, similar to their right

under the present system to challenge a proposed juror.


The present system of criminal law is based almost solely on

punishment with little concern for the victim. We support testim-

tion for the victim to the fullest degree possible at the expense of

the criminal or wrongdoer.

We oppose the prosecution of individuals for the rights of


We oppose all “no-fault” insurance laws, which deprive the

victim of the right to recover damages from those responsible in

the case of injury. We also support the right of the victim to pardon

the criminal or wrongdoer, barring threats to the victim for this

purpose. We applaud the growth of private adjudication of dis-

putes by mutually acceptable judges.

We support a change in rape laws so that cohabitation will no

longer be a defense against a charge of rape.


We oppose the current practice of forced jury duty and favor

all-volunteer juries.

In addition, we _urge the assertion of the common-law right of

juries to judge not only the facts but also the justice of the law.

Juries may hold all criminal laws invalid that are, in their opinion,

unjust or oppressive, and find all persons not guilty of violating

such laws.


The only legitimate use of force is in defense of individual

rights — life, liberty. and justly acquired property — against

aggression, whether by force or fraud. This right inheres in the

individual, who — with his or her consent — may be aided by any

other individual or group.

The right of defense extends to defense against aggressive

acts of government. We favor an immediate end to the doctrine of

“Sovereign Immunity” which ignores the primacy of the individ-

ual over the abstraction of the State, and holds that the State.

contrary to the tradition of redress of grievances, may not be sued

without its permission or held accountable for its actions under

civil law.


We oppose the involuntary commitment of any person to a

mental institution. To incarcerate an individual not convicted of

any crime, but merely asserted to be incompetent, is a violation of

the individual's rights. We further advocate:

a. the repeal of all laws permitting involuntary psychiatric

treatment of any person, including children and those

incarcerated in prisons or mental institutions;

b. an immediate end to the spending of tax money for any

program of psychiatric or psychological research or treat-


c. an end to all involuntary treatment of prisoners by such

means as psychosurgery, drug therapy, and aversion ther-


d. an end to tax-supported “mental health” propaganda

campaigns and community “mental health” centers and

Programs: and

e. an end to criminal defenses based on “insanity” or “di-

minished capacity” which absolve the guilty of their re-



We defend the rights of individuals to unrestricted freedom

of speech and freedom of the press. It is particularly important in

any society, including our own, to guarantee the right of individu-

als to dissent from government itself. We recognize that full

freedom of expression is only possible as part of a system of full

property rights. The freedom to use one’s own voice; the freedom

to hire a hall; the freedom to own a printing press, a broadcasting

station, or a transmission cable; and similar property-based free-

doms are precisely what constitute freedom of communication. At

the same time, we recognize that freedom of communication does

not extend to the use of other people's property to promote one’s

ideas without the voluntary consent of the owners.

We oppose all forms of government censorship, whatever the

medium involved. Specifically, we oppose all laws against ob-

scenity or commercial advertising. For example, we oppose all

laws and regulations that would ban “pornography" as an instiga-

tion of rape or assault or as demeaning or slanderous to the

character and nature of women. Enacting such a view of instiga-

tion or a group libel law is simply an abridgment of liberty of

expression. We further condemn indirect oensorshi p through

government control of the postal system and regulation of cable


We support the right of individuals to purchase, manufacture,

and use any type of information reception and storage equipment,

such as digital audio tape recorders and radar warning devices.

We support the repeal of the Intelligence Identities Protection

Act, which classifies information as secret that should be avail-

able to taxpayers, violates freedom of speech and press, and

prohibits public discussion of covert government paramilitary

activities and spying abroad.

We also oppose the government's burgeoning practice of

invading newsrooms, or the premises of other innocent third

parties, in the name of law enforcement. We further oppose court

orders gagging news coverage of criminal proceedings — the

right to publish and broadcast must not be abridged merely for the

convenience of the judicial system. We deplore any efforts to

impose thought control on the media, either by the use of anti-trust

laws, or by any other government action in the name of stopping

“bias.” We further deplore all measures that restrict competition

in the electronic media by barring telephone companies from

publishing electronic newspapers and electronic “Yellow Pages.”

To complete the separation of media and State, we support

legislation to repeal the Federal Communications Act, and to

provide for private homesteading and ownership of airwave

frequencies, thus giving the electronic media First Amendment

parity with the other communications media. Government regu-

lation of broadcasting can no longer be tolerated. We therefore

urge repeal of the the “equal time” rule and the “reasonable

access” provision and oppose legislative renewal of the “fairness

doctrine.” Government ownership or subsidy of broadcast band

radio and television stations and networks -- in particular, the tax

funding of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting — must end.

We also oppose government ownership of, grants of monopoly

franchise for, or regulation of, “pay TV” cable, or satellite

transmission systems. We specifically condemn such government

efforts to control broadcast content by banning advertising for

cigarettes and sugar-coated breakfast foods, or regulating depic-

tion of sex or violence.

We call for immediate cessation of federal funding and

contracting of ads produced by the National Ad Council, so that

no individuals be forced to pay to support issues or ideas to which

they would not voluntarily contribute. The implied threat of loss

of license renewal broadcasters face, if they refuse to show

National Ad Council advertisements for free, can only be ended

by abolishing the FCC.

In particular, FCC regulation of political coverage must be

immediately ended, to stop its chilling effect on the level of

political debate in this country. Federally mandated lower rates

for political ads, which unjustly harm established broadcasters,

must cease, as must FCC rules and regulations that unjustly

benefit established broadcasters.

Removal of all of these regulations throughout the commu-

nications media would open the way to untrammeled diversity

and innovation. We shall not be satisfied until the First Amend-

ment is expanded to protect full, unconditional freedom of com-



We defend the rights of individuals to engage in (or abstain

from) any religious activities that do not violate the rights of

others. In order to defend freedom, we advocate a strict separation

of church and State. We oppose government actions that either aid

or attack any religion. We oppose taxation of church property for

the same reason that we oppose all taxation.

We condemn the attempts by parents or any others — via

kidnappings, conservatorships, or instruction under confinement

—- to force children to conform to their parents’ or any others’

religious views. Government harassment or obstruction of uncon-

ventional religious groups for their beliefs or non-violent activi-

ties must end.


There is no conflict between property rights and human

rights. Indeed, property rights are the rights of humans with

respect to property, and as such, are entitled to the same respect

and protection as all other human rights.

Moreover, all human rights are property rights too. Such

rights as the freedom from involuntary servitude as well as the

freedom of speech and the freedom of press are based on self-

ownership. Our bodies are our property every bit as much as is

justly acquired land or material objects.

We further hold that the owners of property have the full right

to control, use, dispose of, or in any manner enjoy, their property

without interference, until and unless the exercise of their control

infringes the valid rights of others. We oppose all violations of the

right to private property, liberty of contract, and freedom of trade

done in the name of national security. We also condemn current

government efforts to regulate or ban the use of property in the

name of aesthetic values, riskiness, moral standards, cost—benefit

estimates, or the promotion or restriction of economic growth.

We demand an end to the taxation of privately owned real

property, which actually makes the State the owner of all lands

and forces individuals to rent their homes and places of business

from the State. We condemn recent attempts to employ eminent

domain to municipalize sports teams or to try to force them to stay

in their present location.

Where property, including land, has been taken from its

rightful owners by the government or private action in violation

of individual rights, we favor restitution to the rightful owners.

Specifically, we call for the return of lands taken from Americans

of Japanese ancestry during World War II.


The individual’s privacy, property, and right to speak or not

to speak should not be infringed by the government. The govern-

ment should not use electronic or other means of covert surveil-

lance of an individual’s actions or private property without the

consent of the owner or occupant Correspondence, bank and

other financial transactions and records, doctors’ and lawyers’

communications, employment records, and the like should not be

open to review by government without the consent of all parties

involved in those actions. So long as the National Census and all

federal, state, and other government agencies’ compilations of

data on an individual continue to exist, they should be conducted

only with the consent of the persons from whom the data is sought.

We oppose the issuance by the government of an identity

card, to be required for any purpose, such as employment, voting,

or border crossing.


We condemn the government’s use of secret classifications

to keep from the public information that it should have. We favor

substituting a system in which no individual may be convicted for

violating government secrecy classifications unless the govern-

ment discharges its burden of proving that the publication:

a. violated the right of privacy of those who have been

coerced into revealing confidential or proprietary informa-

tion to government agents, or

b. disclosed defensive military plans so as to materially

impair the capabilities to respond to attack.

It should always be a defense to such prosecution that

information divulged shows that the government has violated the



We call for the abolition of all federal secret police agencies.

In particular, we seek the abolition of the Central Intelligence

Agency and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and we call for

a return to the American tradition of local law enforcement. We

support Congressional investigation of criminal activities of the

CIA and FBI and of wrongdoing by other governmental agencies.

We support the abolition of the subpoena power as used by

Congressional committees against individuals or firms. We hail

the abolition of the House Internal Security Committee and call

for the destruction of its files on private individuals and groups.

We also call for the abolition of the Senate Subcommittee on

Internal Security.


Maintaining our belief in the inviolability of the right to keep

and bear arms, we oppose all laws at any level of government

restricting the ownership, manufacture, transfer, or sale of fire-

arms or ammunition. We oppose all laws requiring registration of

firearms or ammunition. We also oppose any government efforts

to ban or restrict the use of tear gas, “mace,” or other self-

protection devices. We further oppose all attempts to ban weapons

or ammunition on the grounds that they are risky or unsafe.

We support repeal of the National Firearms Act of 1935 and

the Federal Gun Control Act of 1968, and we demand the

immediate abolition of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and


We favor the repeal of laws banning the concealment of

weapons or prohibiting pocket weapons. We also oppose the

banning of inexpensive handguns (“Saturday night specials").


Recognizing that registration is the first step toward full

conscription, we oppose all attempts at compulsory registration of

any person and all schemes for automatic registration through

government invasions of the privacy of school, motor vehicle, or

other records. We call for the abolition of the still—functioning

elements of the Selective Service System, believing that impress-

ment of individuals into the armed forces is involuntary servitude.

We call for the destruction of all files in computer-readable or

hard-copy form compiled by the Selective Service System. We

also oppose any form of national service, such as a compulsory

youth labor program.

We oppose adding women to the pool of those eligible for and

subject to the draft, not because we think that as a rule women are

unfit for combat, but because we believe that this step enlarges the

number of people subjected to government tyranny.

We support the immediate and unconditional exoneration of

all who have been accused or convicted of draft evasion, desertion

from the military, and other acts of resistance to such transgres-

sions as imperialistic wars and aggressive acts of the military.

Members of the military should have the same right to quit their

jobs as other persons.

We call for the end of the Defense Department practice of

discharging armed forces personnel for homosexual conduct. We

further call for retraction of all less-than-honorable discharges

previously assigned for such reasons and deletion of such infor-

mation from military personnel files.

We recommend the repeal of the Uniform Code of Military

Justice and the recognition and equal protection of the rights of

armed forces members. This will thereby promote morale, dig-

nity, and a sense of justice within the military.


We hold that human rights should not be denied or abridged

on the basis of nationality. We condemn massive roundups of

Hispanic Americans and others by the federal government in its

hunt for individuals not possessing required government docu-

ments. We strongly oppose all measures that would punish

employers who hire undocumented workers. Such measures

repress free enterprise, harass workers, and systematically dis-

courage employers from hiring Hispanics.

Undocumented non-citizens should not be denied the funda-

mental freedom to labor and to move about unmolested Further-

more, immigration must not be restricted for reasons of race,

religion, political creed, age, or sexual preference.

We therefore call for the elimination of all restrictions on

immigration, the abolition of the Immigration and Naturalization

Service and the Border Patrol. and a declaration of full amnesty for

all people who have entered the country illegally. We oppose

government welfare payments to non-citizens just as we oppose

government welfare payments to all other persons.

Because we support the right of workers to cross borders

without harassment, we oppose all government-mandated “tem-

porary worker” plans. Specifically, we condemn attempts to

revive the Bracero Program as government imposition of second-

class status on Mexican-bom workers.

We welcome all refugees to our shores and condemn the

efforts of U.S. officials to create a new “Berlin Wall” which would

keep them captive. We condemn the U.S. government’ s policy of

barring those refugees from our shores and preventing Americans

from assisting their passage to help them escape tyranny or

improve their economic prospects.


Individual rights should not be denied, abridged, or enhanced

at the expense of other people's rights, on the basis of sex, wealth,

race, color, creed, age, national origin, personal habits, political

preference, or sexual orientation by the laws at any level of

government. Protective labor laws, Selective Service laws, and

other laws that violate rights selectively should be repealed

entirely rather than being extended to all groups.

Discrimination imposed by the government has brought

disruption in normal relationships of people, set neighbor against

neighbor, created gross injustices, and diminished human poten-

tial. Anti—discrimination enforced by the government is the re-

verse side of the coin,and will for the same reasons create the same

problems. Consequently, we oppose any government attempts to

regulate private discrimination, including discrimination in

employment, housing, and privately owned so-called public

accommodations. The right to trade includes the right not to trade

— for any reasons whatsoever.


We hold that individual rights should not be denied or

abridged on the basis of sex. We call for repeal of all laws

discriminating against women, such as protective labor laws and

marriage or divorce laws which deny the full rights of men and

women. We oppose all laws likely to impose restrictions on free

choice and private property or to widen tyranny through reverse


Recognizing that each person must be the sole and absolute

owner of his or her own body, we support the right of women to

make a personal choice regarding the termination of pregnancy.

We oppose the undermining of the right via laws requiring

consent of the pregnant woman’s parents, consent of the prospec-

tive father, waiting periods, or compulsory provision of indoctri-

nation on medical risks or fetal development. However, we also

oppose all tax funding for abortions. It is particularly harsh to

force someone who believes that abortion is murder to pay for

another’s abortion. We also condemn state-mandated abortions.


Children are human beings and, as such, have all the rights of

human beings.

We oppose all laws that empower government officials to

seize children and make them “wards of the state” or, by means of

child labor laws and compulsory education, to infringe on their

freedom to work or learn as they choose. We oppose all legally

created or sanctioned discrimination against (or in favor of)

children, just as we oppose government discrimination directed at

any other artificially defined sub-category of human beings.

Specifically we oppose ordinances that outlaw adults-only apart-

ment housing.

We also support the repeal of all laws establishing any

category of crimes applicable to children for which adults would

not be similarly vulnerable, such as curfew, smoking, and alco-

holic beverage laws, and other status offenses. Similarly, we favor

the repeal of “stubborn child” laws and laws establishing the

category of “persons in need of supervision.” We call for an end

to the practice in many states of jailing children not accused of any

crime. We seek the repeal of all “children's codes” or statutes

which abridge due process protections for young people. We

further favor the abolition of the juvenile court system, so that

juveniles will be held fully responsible for their crimes.

Whenever parents or other guardians are unable or unwilling

to care for their children, those guardians have the right to seek

other persons who are willing to assume guardianship, and chil-

dren have the right to seek other guardians who place a higher

value on their lives. Accordingly, we oppose all laws that impede

these processes, notably those restricting private adoption serv-

ices or those forcing children to remain in the custody of their

parents against their will.

Children should always have the right to establish their

maturity by assuming administration and protection of their own

rights, ending dependency upon their parents or other guardians

and assuming all the responsibilities of adulthood.


The major factors underlying the unconscionable plight of

America's Indians may be summarized as follows: (1) the unre-

solved complexity of dual national citizenship; (2) the attrition of

reservation lands and abridgement of Indian rights to remaining

properties; (3) the subjugation of individual Indians to the Bureau

of Indian Affairs and tribal governmental authority; and (4)

various federal commitments to provide the tribes with health,

education, and welfare benefits “forever” in exchange for expro-

priated lands.

We favor the following remedies, respectively: (1) individual

Indians should be free to select their citizenship, if any, and tribes

should be allowed to choose their level of autonomy, up to

absolute sovereignty; (2) Indians should have their just property

rights restored; including rights of easement, access, hunting and

fishing; (3) the Bureau of Indian Affairs should be abolished and

tribal members allowed to decide the extent and nature of their

government, if any; and (4) negotiations should be undertaken to

exchange various otherwise unclaimed and unowned federal

properties for any and all remaining governmental obligations to

the tribes.

We further advocate holding fully liable those responsible for

any and all damages which have resulted from authorization of, or

engagement in, resource development on reservation lands, in-

cluding damages done by careless disposal of uranium tailings

and other mineral wastes.


Because each person has the right to offer goods and services

to others on the free market, and because government interference

can only harm such free activity, we oppose all intervention by

government into the area of economics. The only proper role of

existing governments in the economic realm is to protect property

rights, adjudicate disputes, and provide a legal framework in

which voluntary trade is protected.

Efforts to forcibly redistribute wealth or forcibly manage

trade are intolerable. Government manipulation of the economy

creates an entrenched privileged class — those with access to tax

money —— and an exploited class — those who are net taxpayers.


Government intervention in the economy imperils both the

personal freedom and the material prosperity of every American.

We therefore support the following specific immediate reforms:

a. drastic reduction of both taxes and government spending;

b. an end to deficit budgets;

c. a halt to inflationary monetary policies;

d. the removal of all governmental impediments to free

trade; and

e. the repeal of all controls on wages, prices, rents, profits,

production, and interest rates.


Since we believe that all persons are entitled to keep the fruits

of their labor, we oppose all government activity that consists of

the forcible collection of money or goods from individuals in

violation of their individual rights. Specifically, we:

a. recognize the right of any individual to challenge the

payment of taxes on moral, religious, legal, or constitu-

tional grounds;

b. oppose all personal and corporate income taxation, in-

cluding capital gains taxes;

c. support the repeal of the Sixteenth Amendment, and

oppose any increase in existing tax rates and the imposition

of any new taxes;

d. support the eventual repeal of all taxation; and

e. support a declaration of unconditional amnesty for all

those individuals who have been convicted of, or who now

stand accused of, tax resistance.

As an interim measure, all criminal and civil sanctions

against tax evasion should be terminated immediately.

We oppose as involuntary servitude any legal requirements

forcing employers or business owners to serve as tax collectors for

federal, state, or local tax agencies.

In the current fiscal crisis of states and municipalities, default

is preferable to raising taxes or perpetual refinancing of growing

public debt.


We recognize that government control over money and

banking is the primary cause of inflation and depression. Indi-

viduals engaged in voluntary exchange should be free to use as

money any mutually agreeable commodity or item, such as gold

coins denominated by units of weight. We therefore call for the

repeal of all legal tender laws and of all compulsory governmental

units of account. We support the right to private ownership of and

contracts for gold. We favor the elimination of all government fiat

money and all government minted coins. All restrictions upon the

private minting of coins should be abolished so that minting will

be open to the competition of the free market.

We favor free-market banking. We call for the abolition of

the Federal Reserve System, Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora-

tion, the National Banking System, and all similar national and

state interventions affecting banking and credit. Our opposition

encompasses all controls on the rate of interest. We also call for

the abolition of the Federal Home Loan Bank System, the Federal

Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation, the National Credit

Union Administration, the National Credit Union Central Liquid-

ity Facility, and all similar national and state interventions affect-

ing savings and loan associations, credit unions, and other deposi-

tory institutions. There should be unrestricted competition among

banks and depository institutions of all types.

To complete the separation of bank and State, we favor the

Jacksonian independent treasury system, in which all government

funds are held by the government itself and not deposited in any

private banks. The only further necessary check upon monetary

inflation is the consistent application of the general protection

against fraud to the minting and banking industries.

Pending its abolition, the Federal Reserve System, in order to

halt rampant inflation, must immediately cease its expansion of

the quantity of money. As interim measures, we further support:

a. the lifting of all restrictions on branch banking;

b. the repeal of all state usury laws;

c. the removal of all remaining restrictions on the interest

paid for deposits;

d. the elimination of margin requirements on stock pur-


e. the revocation of all other selective credit controls;

f. the abolition of Federal Reserve control over the reserves

of non-member banks and other depository institutions;


g. the lifting of the prohibition of domestic deposits de-

nominated in foreign currencies.


We call for the abolition of all regulation of financial and

capital markets. Specifically, we demand the abolition of the

tyrannical Securities and Exchange Commission, of state “Blue

Sky” laws which repress small and risky capital ventures, and of

all federal regulation of commodity markets. We oppose any

attempts to ban or regulate such innovative financial devices as

investing in stock-market index futures.

We call for repeal of all laws based on the muddled concept

of insider trading. What should be punished is the theft of

information or breach of contract to hold information in confi-

dence, not trading on the basis of valuable knowledge. We support

the right of third parties to make stock purchase tender offers to

stockholders over the opposition of entrenched management, and

oppose all laws restricting such offers.


We support the drive for a constitutional amendment requir-

ing the national government to balance its budget, and also

support similar amendments to require balanced state budgets. To

be effective, a balanced budget amendment should provide:

a. that neither Congress nor the President be permitted to

over-ride this requirement;

b. that all off-budget items are included in the budget;

c. that the budget is balanced exclusively by cutting expen-

ditures, and not by raising taxes; and

d. that no exception be made for periods of national emer-


The Federal Reserve should be forbidden to acquire any

additional government securities, thereby helping to eliminate the

inflationary aspect of the deficit. Governments facing fiscal crises

should always default in preference to raising taxes. At a mini-

mum, the level of government should be frozen.


We condemn all coercive monopolies. We recognize that

government is the source of monopoly, through its grants of legal

privilege to special interests in the economy. In order to abolish

monopolies, we advocate a strict separation of business and State.

“Anti-trust” laws do not prevent monopoly, but foster it by

limiting competition. We therefore call for the repeal of all “anti-

trust” laws, including the Robinson-Patman Act which restricts

price discounts, the Sherman Anti-Trust Act, and the Clayton

Anti-Trust Act. We further call for the abolition of the Federal

Trade Commission and the anti-trust division of the Department

of Justice.

We defend the right of individuals to form corporations,

cooperatives, and other types of companies based on voluntary

association. Laws of incorporation should not include grants of

monopoly privilege. In particular, we oppose special limits on the

liability of corporations for damages caused in noncontractual

transactions. We also oppose state or federal limits on the size of

private companies and on the right of companies to merge. We

further oppose efforts, in the name of social responsibility, or any

other reason, to expand federal chartering of corporations into a

pretext for government control of business.


In order to achieve a free economy in which government

victimizes no one for the benefit of any other, we oppose all

government subsidies to business, labor, education, agriculture,

science, broadcasting, the arts, sports, or any other special inter-

est. In particular, we condemn any effort to forge an alliance

between government and business under the guise of “reindustri-

alization” or “industrial policy.” The unrestricted competition of

the free market is the best way to foster prosperity. We therefore

oppose any resumption of the Reconstruction Finance Corpora-

tion, or any similar plan that would force the taxpayer to subsidize

or sustain any enterprise.

We call for the abolition of the Federal Financing Bank, the

most important national agency subsidizing special interest with

government loans. We also oppose all government guarantees of

so-called private loans. Such guarantees transfer resources to

special interests as effectively as actual government expenditures

and, at the national level, exceed direct government loans in total

amount. Taxpayers must never bear the cost of default upon

government—guaranteed loans. All national, state, and local gov-

ernment agencies whose primary function is to guarantee loans,

including the Federal Housing Administration, the Rural Electri-

fication Administration, and the Small Business Administration,

should be abolished or privatized.

The loans of government-sponsored enterprises, even when

not guaranteed by the government, constitute another form of

subsidy. All such enterprises-— the Federal Home Loan Mortgage

Corporation, the Federal National Mortgage Association, the

Farm Credit Administration, and the Student Loan Marketing

Association — must either be abolished or completely privatized.

Relief or exemption from taxation or from any other involun-

tary government intervention, however, should not be considered

a subsidy.


Like subsidies, tariffs and quotas serve only to give special

treatment to favored interests and to diminish the welfare of other

individuals. The measures also reduce the scope of contracts and

understanding among different peoples. We therefore support

abolition of all tariffs and quotas as well as the Tariff Commission

and the Customs Court.


We advocate the tennination of government-created fran-

chise privileges and governmental monopolies for such services

as garbage collection, fire protection, electricity, natural gas,

telephone, or water supplies. Furthermore, all rate regulation in

these industries should be abolished. The right to offer such

services on the market should not be curtailed by law.


We support the right of free persons to voluntarily establish,

associate in, or not associate in, labor unions. An employer should

have the right to recognize, or refuse to recognize, a union as the

collective bargaining agent of some, or all, of its employees.

We oppose government interference in bargaining, such as

compulsory arbitration or the imposition of an obligation to

bargain. Therefore, we urge repeal of the National Labor Rela-

tions Act, and all state Right-to-Work Laws which prohibit

employers from making voluntary contracts with unions. We

oppose all government back-to-work orders as the imposition of

a form of forced labor.

Government-mandated waiting periods for closure of facto-

ries or businesses hurt, rather than help, the wage-earner. We

support all efforts to benefit workers, owners, and management by

keeping government out of this area.

Workers and employers should have the right to organize

secondary boycotts if they so choose. Nevertheless, boycotts or

strikes do not justify the initiation of violence against other

workers, employers, strike-breakers, and innocent bystanders.


Current problems in such areas as energy, pollution, health

care delivery, decaying cities, and poverty are not sol ved, but are

primarily caused, by government. The welfare state, supposedly

designed to aid the poor, is in reality a growing and parasitic

burden on all productive people, and injures, rather than benefits,

the poor themselves.


We oppose all government control of energy pricing, alloca-

tion, and production, such as that imposed by the Department of

Energy, state public utility commissions, and state pro-rationing

agencies. Thus, we call for the immediate decontrol of natural gas

prices. We also call for the immediate repeal, of the “windfall

profits tax,” which is really a graduated excise tax on the produc-

tion of crude oil, and which cripples the discovery and production

of oil. We oppose all government subsidies for energy research,

development,. and operation, including subsidies for solar en-

ergy. We call for the abolition of the Federal Synthetic Fuels

Corporation. We further oppose government subsidies for the

development of solar energy.

We oppose all direct and indirect government participation in

the nuclear energy industry, including subsidies, research and

development funds, guaranteed loans, waste disposal subsidies,

and federal uranium enrichment facilities. The Nuclear Regula-

tory Commission should be abolished; full liability — not govern-

ment agencies — should regulate nuclear power. The Price-

Anderson Act, through which the government limits liability for

nuclear accidents and furnishes partial payment at taxpayer ex-

pense, should be repealed. Nuclear energy should be denational-

ized and the industry’s assets transferred to the private sector. Any

nuclear power industry must meet the test of a free market.

We support abolition of the Department of Energy and the

abolition of its component agencies, without their transfer else-

where in the government. We oppose the creation of any emer-

gency mobilization agency in the energy field, which would wield

dictatorial powers in order to override normal legal processes. We

oppose all government conservation schemes through the use of

taxes, subsidies, and regulation, as well as the dictated conversion

of utilities and other industries to coal or any other fuel. We

oppose any attempt to give the federal government a monopoly

over the importation of oil, or to develop a subsidized government

energy corporation whose privileged status would be used as a

yardstick for condemning private enterprise. We oppose the

“strategic storage” program, any attempt to compel national self-

sufficiency in oil, any extension of cargo preference law to

imports, and any attempt to raise oil tariffs or impose oil import

quotas. We oppose all efforts to nationalize energy companies, or

force them to plow back revenues solely into energy production

and the discovery of energy sources, or prohibit them from

acquiring companies in non-energy fields. We also oppose all

efforts to break up vertically and horizontally integrated energy

companies or force them to divest their pipelines.

We consider all attempts to impose an operational or standby

program of gasoline rationing as unworkable, unnecessary, and


We favor the creation of a free market in oil by instituting full

property rights in underground oil and by the repeal of all federal

and state controls over price and output in the petroleum industry.

All government-owned energy resources should be turned over to

private ownership.


Pollution of other people's property is a violation of individ-

ual rights. Present legal principles, particularly the unjust and

false concept of “public property,” permit continued degradation

of the environment and continued violations of individual rights.

We support the development of an objective legal system defmin g

property rights to air and water. We call for a modification of the

laws governing such torts as trespass and nuisance to cover

damages done by air, water, radiation, and noise pollution. We

oppose legislative proposals to exempt persons who claim dam-

age from radiation from having to prove such damage was in fact

caused by radiation. Strict liability, not government agencies and

arbitrary government standards, should regulate pollution. We

therefore demand the abolition of the Environmental Protection

Agency. We also oppose government-mandated smoking and

non-smoking areas in privately owned businesses.

Toxic waste disposal problems have been created by govern-

ment policies that separate liability from property. Rather than

making taxpayers pay for toxic waste clean-ups, individual prop-

erty owners, or in the case of corporations, the responsible

managers and employees, should be held strictly liable for mate-

rial damage done by their property. Claiming that one has aban-

doned a piece of property does not absolve one of the responsibil-

ity for actions one has set in motion. We condemn the EPA’s

Superfund whose taxing powers are used to penalize all chemical

firms, regardless of their conduct. Such clean-ups are a subsidy of

irresponsible companies at the expense of responsible ones.


We support strong and effective laws against fraud and

misrepresentation. However, we oppose paternalistic regulations

which dictate to consumers, impose prices, define standards for

products, or otherwise restrict risk-taking and free choice. We

oppose governmental promotion or imposition of the metric


We oppose all so-called “consumer protection” legislation

which infringes upon voluntary trade, and call for the abolition of

the Consumer Product Safety Commission. We advocate the

repeal of all laws banning or restricting the advertising of prices,

products, or services. We specifically oppose laws requiring an

individual to buy or use so-called “self-protection” equipment

such as safety belts, air bags, or crash helmets.

We advocate the abolition of the Federal Aviation Admini-

stration, which has jeopardized airline safety by arrogating to

itself a monopoly of safety regulation and enforcement.

We advocate the abolition of the Food and Drug Administra-

tion and particularly its policies of mandating specific nutritional

requirements and denying the right of manufacturers to make non-

fraudulent claims concerning their products. We advocate an end

to compulsory fluoridation of water supplies. We specifically

oppose government regulation of the price, potency, or quantity

able to be produced or purchased of drugs or other consumer

goods. There should be no laws regarding what substances (nico-

tine, alcohol, hallucinogens, narcotics, Laetrile, artificial sweet-

eners, vitamin supplements, orother “drugs”) a person may ingest

or otherwise use.


We advocate the complete separation of education and State.

Government schools lead to the indoctrination of children and

interfere with the free choice of individuals. Government owner-

ship, operation, regulation, and subsidy of schools and colleges

should be ended.

As an interim measure to encourage the growth of private

schools and variety in education, we support tax credits for tuition

and other expenditures related to an individual‘s education. We

support the repeal of all taxes on the income or property of private

schools, whether for profit or non-profit.

We condemn compulsory education laws, which spawn

prison-like schools with many of the problems associated with

prisons, and we call for an immediate repeal of such laws.

Until government involvement in education is ended, we

support elimination, within the governmental school system, of

forced busing and corporal punishment. We further support

immediate reduction of tax support for schools, and removal of the

burden of school taxes from those not responsible for the educa-

tion of children.


Recognizing that the American people are not a collective

national resource, we oppose all coercive measures for population


We oppose government actions that either compel or prohibit

abortion, sterilization, or any other forms of birth control. Specifi-

cally, we condemn the vicious practice of forced sterilization of

welfare recipients or of mentally retarded or “genetically defec-

tive” individuals.

We regard the tragedies caused by unplanned, unwanted

pregnancies to be aggravated, if not created, by government

policies of censorship, restriction, regulation, and prohibition.

Therefore, we call for the repeal of all laws that restrict anyone,

including children, from engaging in voluntary exchanges of

goods, services, or information regarding human sexuality, repro-

duction, birth control, or related medical or biological technolo-


We equally oppose government laws and policies that restrict

the opportunity to choose alternatives to abortion.

We support an end to all subsidies for childbearing built into

our present laws, including welfare plans and the provision of tax-

supported services for children. We urge the elimination of

special tax burdens on single people and couples with few or no



Government interference in transportation is characterized

by monopolistic restriction, corruption and gross inefficiency.

We therefore call for the dissolution of all government agencies

concerned with transportation, including the Department of

Transportation, the Interstate Commerce Commission, the Fed-

eral Aviation Administration, the National Transportation Safety

Board, the Coast Guard, and the Federal Maritime Commission,

and the transfer of their legitimate functions to competitive private

firms. We demand the retum of America’s railroad system to

private ownership. We call for the privatization of airports, air

traffic control systems, public roads, and the national highway

system. We condemn the re-cartelization of commercial aviation

by the Federal Aviation Administration via rationing of take-off

and‘ landing rights and controlling scheduling in the name of


As interim measures, we advocate an immediate end to

government regulation of private transit organizations and to

governmental favors to the transportation industry. In particular,

we support the immediate repeal of all laws restricting transit

competition such as the granting of taxicab and bus monopolies

and the prohibition of private jitney services. We urge immediate

deregulation of the trucking industry. Likewise, we advocate the

immediate repeal of the federally imposed 55-mph speed limit.


Government fiscal and monetary measures that artificially

foster business expansion guarantee an eventual increase in un-

employment rather than curtailing it. We call for the immediate

cessation of such policies as well as any governmental attempts to

affect employment levels.

We support repeal of all laws that impede the ability of any

person to find employment, such as minimum wage laws, so-

called “protective” labor legislation for women and children,

governmental restrictions on the establishment of private day-

care centers, and the National Labor Relations Act. We deplore

government-fostered forced retirement, which robs the elderly of

the right to work.

We seek the elimination of occupational licensure, which

prevents human beings from working in whatever trade they wish.

We call for the abolition of all federal, state, and local government

agencies that restrict entry into any profession, such as education

and law, or regulate its practice. No worker should be legally

penalized for lack of certification, and no consumer should be

legally restrained from hiring unlicensed individuals.

We oppose all government welfare, relief projects, and “aid

to the poor” programs. All these government programs are pri-

vacy-invading, paternalistic, demeaning, and inefficient. The

proper source of help for such persons is the voluntary efforts of

private groups and individuals.

To speed the time when governmental programs are replaced

by effective private institutions we advocate dollar-for-dollar tax

credits for all charitable contributions.


We advocate the complete separation of medicine and State.

Recognizing the individual’s right to self-medication, we seek the

elimination of all government restrictions on the right of individu-

als to pursue alternative forms of health care. Individuals should

be free to contract with practitioners of their choice for all health

care services. We oppose government infringements of the prac-

titioner-patient relationship through regulatory agencies such as

the Professional Standards Review Organization.

We condemn efforts by government to impose a medical

orthodoxy on society. We specifically oppose the attempt by state

and local governments to deny parents the right to choose the

option of home births and to discourage the development of

privately funded women's clinics. We call for the repeal of all

laws that restrict the practice of lay midwifery or that permit

harassment of lay midwives and home birth practitioners. We also

call for the repeal of all medical licensing laws, which have raised

medical costs while creating a government-imposed monopoly of

doctors and hospitals.

We oppose any form of compulsory National Health Insur-

ance. We favor abolition of Medicare and Medicaid programs. We

also oppose any state or federal area planning boards whose stated

purpose is to consolidate health services or avoid their duplica-

tion. We support the removal of all government barriers to

medical advertising, including prohibition of publication of doc-

tors’ fees and drug prices. We further support the elimination of

prescription requirements for the dispensing of medicines and

other health-related items.

We favor the deregulation of the health insurance industry.

We oppose laws that limit the freedom of contract of patients and

health care professionals, and laws regulating the supply of legal

aid on a contingency fee basis. We also oppose subsidy of

malpractice insurance through public funds. We call for the repeal

of laws forcing health care professionals to render medical serv-

ices in emergencies or other situations.

We recognize that AIDS is a dread disease of epidemic

proportions. But governmental proposals to combat it present an

unprecedented threat to individual liberty and often encourage the

spread of the disease. We oppose all government-mandated AIDS

testing. We are opposed to FDA restrictions which make it

difficult for individuals to secure treatment for this disease. We

also call for the decriminalization of hypodermic syringes, espe-

cially since sharing needles is now a major means of transmission

of the disease. We oppose government-mandated contact tracing

and state intervention into the private medical records of individu-

als. We are opposed to efforts by the government, especially the

postal service. to restrict the dissemination of AIDS education

material. We support the rights of all individuals to freedom of

association including the right not to associate.

We condemn attempts at the federal, state, or local level to

cripple the advance of science by governmental restriction of

research. We oppose subsidies to, or restrictions of, medical

education. We call for an end to government policies compelling

individuals to submit to medical experiments, treatment, and

testing. We condemn compulsory hospitalization, compulsory

vaccination, and compulsory fluoridation. As interim measures,

we advocate dollar-for-dollar tax credits to any individual or

group providing health care services to the needy or paying for

such services. Tax credits should also be made available for

private grants to medical education and medical research.


Resource management is properly the responsibility and

right of the legitimate owners of land, water, and other natural

resources. We oppose government control of resource use

through eminent domain, zoning laws, building codes, rent con-

trol, regional planning, urban renewal, or purchase of develop-

ment rights with tax money. Such regulations and programs

violate property rights, discriminate against minorities, create

housing shortages, and tend to cause higher rents.

We advocate the establishment of an efficient and just system

of private water rights, applied to all bodies of water, surface and

underground. Such a system should be built upon a doctrine of

first claim and use. The allocation of water should be governed by

unrestricted competition and unregulated prices. All government

restrictions upon private use, voluntary transfer of water rights, or

of the similar despotic controls can only aggravate the misalloca-

tion of water.

We also advocate the privatization of government and quasi-

government water supply systems. The construction of govern-

ment dams and other water projects should cease, and existing

government water projects should be transferred to private own-

ership. We favor the abolition of the Bureau of Reclamation and

the Army Corps of Engineer's civilian functions. We also favor

the abolition of all local water districts and their power to tax. Only

the complete separation of water and the State will prevent future

water crises.

We call for the homesteading or other just transfer to private

ownership of federally held lands. We oppose any use of execu-

tive orders invoking the Antiquities Act to set aside public lands.

We call for the abolition of the Bureau of Land Management and

the U.S. Forest Service. Forced surface-mining of privately

homesteaded lands in which the government has reserved surface

mining rights to itself is a violation of the rights of the present

landholders. We recognize the legitimacy of resource planning by

means of private, voluntary covenants. We oppose creation of

new government parks or wilderness and recreation areas. Such

parks and areas that already exist should be transferred to non-

government ownership. Pending such just transfer, their operat-

ing costs should be borne by their users rather than by taxpayers.


America's free market in agriculture, the system that feeds

much of the world, has been plowed under by government

intervention. Government subsidies, regulation , and taxes have

encouraged the centralization of agricultural busi

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