
New page: =STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLES= We, the members of the Libertarian Party, challenge the cult of the Omnipotent state and defend the rights of the individual. We hold that all individuals have ...

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We, the members of the Libertarian Party, challenge the cult of the

Omnipotent state and defend the rights of the individual.

We hold that all individuals have the right to exercise sole dominion

over their own lives, and have the right to live in whatever manner they

choose, so long as they do not forcibly interfere with the equal right of

others to live in whatever manner they choose.

Governments throughout history have regularly operated on the

opposite principle, that the State has the right to dispose of the lives

of individuals and the fruits of their labor. Even within the United States,

all political parties other than our own grant to government the right to

regulate the lives of individuals and seize the fruits of their labor without

their consent.

We, on the contrary, deny the right of any government to do these

things, and hold that where governments exist, they must not violate the

rights of any individual: namely, (1) the right to life—accordingly we

support prohibition of the initiation of physical force against others;

(2) the right to liberty of speech and action—accordingly we oppose all

attempts by government to abridge the freedom of speech and press, as

well as government censorship in any form; and (3) the right to property»-

accordingly we oppose all government interference with private property,

such as confiscation, nationalization, and eminent domain, and Support

the prohibition of robbery, trespass, fraud, and misrepresentation.

Since governments, when instituted, must not violate individual

rights, we oppose all interference by government in the areas of voluntary

and contractual relations among individuals. People should not be forced

to sacrifice their lives and property for the benefit of others. They should

be left free by government to deal with one another as free traders; and the

resultant economic system, the only one compatible with the protection of

individual rights, is the free market.


No conflict exists between civil order and individual rights. Both

concepts are based on the same fundamental principle: that no individual.

group. or government may initiate force against any other individual,

group or government.

==1. CRIME==

A massive increase in violent crime threatens the lives, happiness,

and belongings of Americans. At the same time, governmental violations

of rights undermine the people's sense of justice with regard to crime.

lmpartial and consistent law enforcement protecting individual rights.

and repeal of victimless crime laws. which themselves breed crimes without

victims, are the appropriate ways to suppress crime.


We hold that only actions which infringe the rights of others can

properly be termed crimes. We favor the repeal of all federal. state, and

local laws creating “crimes" without victims. In particular. we advocate:

a. The repeal of all laws prohibiting the production, sale, possession,

or use of drugs, and all medical prescription requirements for the purchase

of vitamins, drugs and similar substances.

b. The repeal of all laws regarding consensual sexual relations, includ-

ing prostitution and solicitation, and the cessation of state oppression and

harrassment of homosexual men and women, that they, at last. be accord-

ed their full rights as individuals.

c. The repeal of all laws regulating or prohibiting gambling.

d. The repeal of all laws interfering with the right to commit suicide

as infringements of the ultimate right of an individual to his or her own


e. The use of executive pardon to free all those presently incarcer-

ated for the commission of these “crimes".


Until such time as persons are proved guilty of crimes, they should be

accorded full respect for their individual rights. We are thus opposed to

reduction of present safeguards of the rights of the criminally accused.

Specifically, we are opposed to preventive detention, so—called “no-

knock laws", and all other measures which threaten individual rights.

We advocate the repeal of all laws establishing any category of crimes

applicable to minors for which adults would not be similarly answerable,

and an end to the practice in many states ofjailing children accused of no


We support full restitution for all loss suffered by persons arrested,

indicted, tried, imprisoned, or otherwise injured in the course of criminal

proceedings against them which do not result in their conviction. When

they are responsible, government police employees or agents should be

liable for this restitution.


The purpose of any system of courts is to provide justice. The

present system of criminal law is based on punishment with little concern

for the victim. We support restitution for the victim to the fullest degree

possible at the expense of the criminal or thenegligent wrongdoer.

We accordingly oppose all “no-fault" insurance laws which deprive

the victim of the right to recover from the guilty in negligence cases.


We oppose the involuntary commitment of any person to a mental

institution. To incarcerate an individual not convicted of any crime,

but merely asserted to be incompetent, is a violation ofthe individual’s

rights. We further advocate:

a. The repeal of all laws permitting involuntary psychiatric treatment

of any persons, including children, and those incarcerated in prisons or

mental institutions. _

b. An immediate end to the spending of tax money for any program

of psychiatric or psychological research or treatment.

c. An end to all involuntary treatments of prisoners in such areas

as psycho—surgery, drug therapy, and aversion therapy.

d. An end of tax-supported “mental health” propaganda campaigns

and community “mental health" centers and programs.


We oppose all forms of government censorship. including anti-

pornography laws, whatever the medium involved.

Events have demonstrated that the already precarious First Amend-

ment rights of the broad cast industry are becoming still more precarious.

Regulation of broadcasting including the “fairness doctrine" and “equal-

time" provisions. cannot be tolerated. We support legislation to repeal the

Federal Communications Act, and to provide for private ownership of

broadcasting rights, thus giving broadcasting First Amendment parity with

other communications media. The removal of these regulations and privi-

leges would open the way for greater diversity in the broadcast media.

We deplore any efforts to impose thought control on the media by the use

of anti—trust laws and other government action in the name of stopping


Government ownership or subsidy of broadcast band radio and tele-

vision stations and networks—in particular. the tax funding ofthe Corpora~

tion for Public Broadcasting—must end. We oppose government restriction

and regulation of “pay TV” and cable facilities.


We condemn the government's use of secret classifications to keep

from the public information which it should have. We favor substituting

a system in which no individual may be convicted for violating government

secrecy classifications unless the government discharges its burden of

proving that the publication:

a. Violated the right of privacy ofthose who have been coerced into

revealing confidential or proprietary information to government agents, or

b. Disclosed defensive military plans so as to materially impair the

capability to respond to attack.

It should always be a defense to such prosecution that information

divulged shows that the government has violated the law.


We defend the rights of individuals to engage in (or abstain from)

any religious activities which do not violate the rights of others. in order

to defend religious freedom, we advocate a strict separation of church and

state. We oppose government actions which either aid or attack any

religion. We oppose taxation of church property for the same reason that

we oppose all taxation.

We condemn the attempts by parents or any others—via kidnappings,

conservatorships, or instruction under confinement-to force children to

conform to their parents’ or any others’ religious views.


The individual’s privacy, property. and right to speak or not to speak

should not be infringed by the government. The government should not

use electronic or other means of covert surveillance of an individual’s

actions or private property without the consent ofthe owner or occupant.

Correspondence, bank and other financial transactions and records,

docters’ and lawyers’ communications, employment records, and the like

should not be open to review by government without the consent of all

parties involved in those actions. So long as the National Census and all

federal, state, and other government agency compilations of data on an

individual continue to exist, they should he conducted only with the

consent of the persons from whom the data are sought.

We oppose the issuance by the government of an identity card, to be

required for any purpose, such as for employment, voting, or border



We call for the abolition of all federal secret police agencies. In

particular, we seek the abolition of the Central Intelligence Agency and

the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and we call for a return to the Ameri-

can tradition of local law enforcement. We support Congressional investi-

gation of criminal activities of the CIA and of wrongdoing by Other

government agencies.

We support the abolition of the subpoena power as used by Congres-

sional committees against individuals or firms. We hail the abolition of

the House Internal Security Committee and call for the destruction of its

tiles on private individuals and groups. We also call for the abolition of

the Senate Subcommittee on Internal Security.


Maintaining our belief in the irwiolability of the right to keep and

bear arms, we oppose all laws at any level of government requiring regis-

tration of, or restricting, the ownership, manufacture, or transfer or sale

of firearms or ammunition. We also oppose any government efforts

to ban or restrict the use of tear gas, “mace”, or other non—firearm pro-

tective devices.

We support repeal of the Federal Gun Control Act of 1968 and

demand the immediate abolition of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and


We favor the repeal of laws banning the concealment of weapons or

prohibiting pocket weapons. We also oppose the banning of inexpensive

handguns (“Saturday night specials”).


We call for the abolition of the still-functioning elements of the

Selective Service System, believing that impressment of individuals into

the armed forces is involuntary servitude. We also oppose any form of

national service, such as a compulsory youth labor program. For this

reason, we oppose the Youth Conservation Corps, which is designed as

a pilot program for national service.

We support the immediate and unconditional exoneration of all who

have been accused or convicted of draft evasion, desertion from the mili-

tary, and other acts of resistance to such transgressions as imperialistic

wars and aggressive acts of the military. Members of the military should

have the same right to quit their jobs as other persons.

We call for the end of the Defense Department practice of discharging

armed forces personnel for homosexual conduct when such conduct does

not interfere with their assigned duties. We further call for retraction of

all less—than-honorable discharges previously assigned for such reasons and

deletion of such information from military personnel files.

We recommend the repeal of the Uniform Code of Military Justice

and the recognition and equal protection of the rights ofthe armed forces

in order to promote thereby the morale, dignity, and sense of justice

within the military.


There is no conflict between property rights and human rights.

Indeed. property rights are the rights of humans with respect to property

and, as such, are entitled to the same respect and protection as all other

human rights.

We further hold that the owners of property have the full right to

control, use, dispose of, or in any manner enjoy their property without

interference, until and unless the exercise of their control infringes the

valid rights of others.

Where property, including land, has been taken from its rightful

owners by government or private action in violation of individual rights,

we favor restitution to the rightful owners.


We support the right of free persons to voluntarily establish, or

associate in. labor unions. An employer should have the right to recognize,

or refuse to recognize, a union as the collective bargaining agent of some or

all of his or her employees.

We oppose government interference in bargaining, such as compulsory

arbitration or imposing an obligation to bargain. Therefore we urge repeal

of the National Labor Relations Act, and all state Right To Work Laws,

which prohibit employers from making voluntary contracts with unions.

Workers and employers should have the right to organize secondary

boycotts if they so choose.


We condemn massive roundups by the federal government of

Hispanic-Americans and others in a hunt for aliens not possessing required

government documents. Those suspected of being undocumented aliens

are denied the fundamental freedom to labor and to move about un-


We therefore call for the lifting of all restrictions on immigration. and

for full amnesty for currently undocumented aliens. We oppose welfare

payments to aliens just as we oppose welfare payments to all other persons.

We support the abolition of the Border Patrol.


No individual rights should be denied or abridged by the laws ofthe

United States or any state or locality on account of sex, race, color, creed.

age, national origin, or sexual preference. We condemn bigotry as

irrational and repugnant.

Nonetheless, we oppose any governmental attempts to regulate

private discrimination, including discrimination in employment, housing,

and privately owned so—called “public” accomodations. The right to trade

includes the right not to trade—for any reasons whatsoever.


We support recognition of the right to political secession. Exercise

of this right, like the exercise of all other rights, does not remove legal and

moral obligations not to violate the rights of others.


We believe that “children" are human beings and, as such, have the

same rights as any other human beings. Any reference in this Platform

to the rights of human beings includes children.


Because each person has the right to offer goods and services to others

on the free market, and because government interference can only harm

such free activity, we oppose all intervention by government into the area

of economics. The only proper role of existing governments in the eco-

nomic realm is to protect property rights, adjudicate disputes, and provide

a legal framework in which voluntary trade is protected. Efforts to forcib-

ly redistribute wealth and/or forcibly control or manage trade are in-


==1. MONEY==

We call for the repeal of all legal tender laws and reaffirm the right to

private ownership of, and contracts for, gold. We favor the abolition of

government fiat money and compulsory governmental units of account.

We favor the use of a free market commodity standard, such as gold coin

denominated by units of weight.


Government intervention in the economy imperils both the personal

freedom and the material prosperity of every American. We therefore

support the following specific immediate reforms:

a. drastic reduction of both taxes and government spending;

b. an end to deficit budgets;

c. a halt to inflationary monetary policies, and elimination of the

Federal Reserve System;

d. the removal of all governmental impediments to free trade-

including the repeal of all transportation regulations, all “anti—trust”

laws, such as the Robinson—Patman Act which restricts price discounts,

and the abolition of farm subsidies, as the most pressing and critical

impediments; and

e. the repeal of all controls on wages, prices, rents, profits, produc-

tion, and interest rates.


In order to achieve a free economy in which government victimizes

no one for the benefit of anyone else, we oppose all government subsidies

to business. labor, education, agriculture, science, broadcasting, the arts,

sports, and any other special interest. Relief or exemption from involun-

tary taxation should not be considered a subsidy. We oppose any resump-

tion of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, or any similar plan

which would force the taxpayer to subsidize and sustain uneconomic

business enterprises.


Like subsidies, tariffs and quotas serve only to give special treatment

to favored interests and to diminish the welfare of other individuals.

These measures also reduce the scope of contracts and understanding

among different peoples. We therefore support abolition of all tariffs

and quotas as well as the Tariff Commission and the Customs Court.


We propose the abolition of the governmental Postal Service. The

present system. in addition to being inefficient, encourages governmental

surveillance of private correspondence. Pending abolition, we call for an

end to the monopoly system and for allowing free competition in all

aspects of postal service.


We advocate the termination of government-created franchise privi-

leges and governmental monopolies for such services as garbage collection,

electricity, natural gas. telephone, or water supplies. Furthermore, all

rate regulation in these industries should be abolished. The right to offer

such services on the market should not be curtailed by law.


Since we believe that all persons are entitled to keep the fruits of

their labor, we oppose all government activity which consists of the forci-

ble collection of money or goods from individuals in violation of their

individual rights. Specifically, we:

a. recognize the right of any individual to challenge the payment of

taxes on moral. religious. legal or constitutional grounds;

b. oppose all personal and corporate income taxation, including

capital gains taxes;

c. support repeal of the Sixteenth Amendment, and oppose any

increase in existing tax rates and the imposition of any new taxes;

d. support the eventual repeal of all taxation; and

e. support a declaration of unconditional amnesty for all those who

have been convicted of, or who now stand accused of tax resistance.

As an interim measure, all criminal and civil sanctions against tax

evasion should be terminated immediately.

We oppose as involuntary servitude any legal requirements forcing

employers or business owners to serve as tax collectors for federal, state,

or local tax agencies.

In the current fiscal crisis of states and localities, default is preferable

to raising taxes or perpetual refinancing of growing public debt.

==8. ENERGY==

We recognize the great mischief that a host of government interfer-

ences have caused in the energy industry, and the even greater mischief-

amounting to a total regimentation of the American economy and

society—that is threatened by recent and proposed interventions.

We oppose all government control of energy pricing, allocation.

and production. such as that imposed by the Federal Power Commission.

the Federal Energy Administration, state public utility commissions. and

state pro-rationing agencies. Thus, we advocate decontrol of the prices

of oil. petroleum products, and natural gas. We oppose all government

subsidies for energy research, development, and operation. We favor

repeal of the Price-Anderson Act through which the government limits

liability for nuclear accidents. We favor privatization of the atomic energy


We oppose the newly created federal Department of hnergy. which

will entrench a self-perpetuating bureaucracy headed by an Energy czar

with dictatorial powers. We oppose all government conservation schemes

through the use of taxes, subsidies and regulations, as well as the dictated

conversion of utilities and other industries to coal. We oppose any attempt

to give the federal government a monopoly over the importation of oil,

or to develop a subsidized government energy corporation whose privileged

status would be used as a yardstick for condemning private enterprise. We

oppose the “strategic storage” program, any attempts to compel national

self-sufficiency in oil, any extension of the Jones Act to imports. and any

attempt to raise oil tariffs. We oppose all efforts to break up vertically

and horizontally integrated energy companies or force them to divest their


We favor the creation of a free market in oil by instituting a system

of full property rights in underground oil and by repeal of all federal and

state controls over price and output in the petroleum industry. All govern-

ment—owned energy resources should be turned over to private ownership.


Current problems in such areas as crime. pollution. health care

delivery. decaying cities, and poverty are not solved, but are primarily

caused, by government. The welfare state, supposedly designed to aid

the poor, is in reality a growing and parasitic burden on all productive

people, and injures, rather than benefits. the poor themselves.


We support the development of an objective system defining individ-

ual property rights to air and water. We hold that ambiguities in the area

of these rights (e.g., the concept of “public property”) are a primary cause

of our deteriorating environment. Present legal principles which allow the

violation of individual rights by polluters must be reversed. The laws of

nuisance and negligence should be modified to cover damage done la}

air, water. and noise pollution. While we maintain that no one has the

right to violate the legitimate property rights of others by polluting. we

strenuously oppose all attempts to transform the defense of such rights

into any restriction of the efforts of individuals to advance technology.

to expand production. or to use their property peacefully. We therefore

support the abolition of the Environmental Protection Agency.


We support strong and effective laws against fraud and misrepresenta-

tion. However. we oppose paternalistic regulations which dictate to con-

sumers, impose prices. define standards for products. or otherwise restrict

free choice. We oppose governmental promotion or imposition of the

metric system.

We oppose all so-called “consumer protection" legislation which

infringes upon voluntary trade. We advocate the repeal of all laws banning

or restricting the advertising of prices, products. or services. We

specifically oppose laws requiring an individual to buy or use so-called

“self protection" equipment such as safety belts. air bags, or crash helmets.

Likewise. we advocate the immediate repeal of the federally imposed S5

mile-per-hour speed limit.

We advocate the abolition of the Food and Drug Administration. We

advocate an end to compulsory fluoridation of water supplies. We

specifically oppose government regulation of the price, potency. or quanti-

ty able to be produced or purchased of drugs or other consumer goods.

There should be no laws regarding what substances (nicotine, alcohol.

hallucinogens, narcotics, laetrile. artifical sweeteners. vitamin supplements.

or other “drugs”) a person may ingest or otherwise use.


We advocate the complete separation of education and State. Govern-

ment schools lead to the indoctrination of children and interfere with

the free choice of individuals. Government ownership, operation. regula-

tion, and subsidy of schools and colleges should be ended.

As an interim measure to encourage the growth of private schools

and variety in education, we support tax-credits for tuition and for other

expenditures related to an individual‘s education. We support the repeal

of all taxes on the income or property of private schools, whether profit

or non-profit.

We condemn compulsory education laws, which spawn prison-like

schools with many of the problems associated with prisons, and we call

for the immediate repeal of such laws.

Until government involvement in education is ended. we support

elimination within the governmental school system, of forced busing and

corporal punishment. We further support immediate reduction of tax

support for schools, and removal of the burden of school taxes from those

not responsible for the education of children.


We support an end to all subsidies for child-bearing built into our

present laws, including all welfare plans and the provision of tax-supported

services for children. We further support the repeal of all laws restricting

voluntary birth control or the right of the woman to make a personal

moral choice regarding the termination of pregnancy. We call for the

elimination of special tax burdens on single people and couples with few

or no children. We shall opp()se all coercive measures to control popula-

tion growth.


Governmental fiscal and monetary measures that artificially foster

business expansion guarantee an eventual increase in unemployment

rather than curtailing it. We call for the immediate cessation of such

policies as well as any governmental attempts to affect employment


We support repeal of all laws which impede the ability of any person

to find ernployment—including, but not limited to, minimum wage laws,

so—called “protective” labor legislation for women and children, govern-

mental restrictions on the establishment of private day-care centers, the

National Labor Relations Act, and licensing requirements.

We oppose all government welfare, relief projects, and “aid to the

poor" programs. All these government programs are privacy-invading,

paternalistic, demeaning, and inefficient. The proper source of help for

such persons is the voluntary efforts of private groups and individuals.

To speed the time when governmental programs are replaced by

effective Plivate institutions. we advocate dollar-for-dollar tax credits

for all charitable contributions.


We support the right of individuals to contract freely with practition-

ers of their choice, whether licensed by the government or not, for all

health services. We oppose any Compulsory insurance or tax-supported

plan to provide health services, including those which finance abortion

services. We favor the abolition of Medicare and Medicaid programs.

We further oppose governmental infringement of the health care practi-

tioner-patient relationship through regulatory agencies such as the

Professional Standards Review Organization. We oppose any state or

federal area planning boards whose stated purpose is to consolidate health

services or avoid their duplication. We oppose laws limiting the liability

of health care professionals for negligence, and those regulating the supply

of legal aid on a contingency fee basis. We oppose laws which invalidate

settlements of malpractice suits through the use of private arbitration

services. We also favor the deregulation of the medical insurance industry.

We condemn attempts at the federal. state, or local level to cripple

the advance of science by governmental restrictions on research. In

particular. we oppose government attempts to suppress recombinant DNA

research. which has opened the way for increased supply of medically

useful human proteins. such as insulin, and shows promise of revealing the

nature of hereditary diseases, the structure of bacteria and viruses, and the

nature of the immune response. We oppose any laws which limit liability

for injuries arising from recombinant DNA research.

We call for the repeal of laws compelling individuals to submit to

medical treatment, testing, or to the administration of drugs or other



The role of planning is properly the responsibility and right of the

owners of the land. water, or other natural resources. We therefore urge

an end to governmental control of land use through such methods as

urban renewal, zoning laws. building codes. eminent domain, regional

planning. or purchase of development rights with tax money, which not

only violate property rights. but discriminate against minorities and tend to

cause higher rents and housing shortages. We are further opposed to the

use of tax funds for the acquisition or maintenance of land or other real

property. We recognize the legitimacy of private. voluntary land use


We call for the privatization of the inland waterways. and of the

distribution system that brings water to industry, agriculture and house-

holds. We oppose all government controls over. or rationing of. water:

these despotic measures can only aggravate a water shortage. We oppose

the construction of government dams. We favor the privatization of

presently government-occupied dam sites. We also favor the abolition of

the Bureau of Reclamation and the Army Corps of Engineers.

Instances of government recognition of homesteading in which the

government reserves surface mining rights to itself are invalid and forced

surface-mining of such lands is a violation of the rights of the present

land holders. We call for the immediate abolition of the Bureau of Land

Management and the transfer to private ownership of federally held so-

called “public lands” which constitute more than 80% of certain states.


We call for the repeal of the Occupational Safety and Health Act.

This law deities the right to liberty and property to both employer and

employee, and it interferes in their private contractual relations. OSHA‘s

arbitrary and high-handed actions invade property rights, raise costs. and

are an injustice imposed on businesses.


We favor the repeal of the fraudulent. virtually bankrupt, and in-

Cfeaslngly oppressive Social Security system. Pending that repeal.

participation in Social Security should be made voluntary. Victims of

the Social Security tax should have a claim against government property.

We note that federal, state and local government employees, members of

the US Congress, and members of the armed forces, have been accorded

the privilege of non-participation, one which is not accorded the working

men and women of America.


We call for the abolition of the Civil Service system, which entrenches

a permanent and growing bureaucracy upon the land. We recognize that

the Civil Service is inherently a system of concealed patronage. We there-

fore recommend return to the Jeffersonian principle of rotation in office.


We urge the repeal of federal campaign finance laws, and the immed-

iate abolition of the despotic Federal Election Commission, which sup-

press the voluntary support of candidates and parties, compel taxpayers

to subsidize politicians and political views they do not wish to support,

invade the privacy of American citizens, and entrench the Republican and

Democratic parties. Such laws are particularly dangerous as they enable

the government to control the elections o-f its ownadministrators and

beneficiaries, thereby removing it even further from public accountability.

We call for the repeal of restrictive state laws that effectively prevent new

parties and independent candidates from being on the ballot.


In order to expand the range of choice in federal, state and local

elections of government officials, we propose the addition of the alterna-

tive “None of the above is acceptable” to all ballots. In the event that

“none of the above” wins a plurality of votes, the elective office for

that term will remain unfilled and unfunded.


We favor an immediate end to the doctrine of “Sovereign Immunity”

which implies that the State can do no wrong and holds that the State,

contrary to the tradition of redress of grievances. may not be sued without

its permission or held accountable for its actions under civil law.


American foreign policy should seek an America at peace with the

world and the defense—against attack from abroad—of the lives, liberty

and property of the American people. Provision of such defense must

respect the individual rights of people everywhere.

The principle of non-intervention should guide relationships between

governments. We should return to the historic libertarian tradition of

avoiding entangling alliances, abstaining totally from foreign quarrels and

imperialist adventures, and recognizing the right to unrestricted trade,

travel, and immigration.


===1. FOREIGN AID===

We support the elimination of taxsupported military, economic,

technical and scientific aid to foreign governments or other organizations.

We support the abolition of government underwriting of arms sales. We

further support abolition of federal agencies which make American tax-

payers guarantors of export—related loans, such as the Export-Import

Bank and the Commodity Credit Corporation. We also oppose the par

ticipation of the US Government in international commodity cartels

which restrict production, limit technological innovation, and raise prices.

We call for the repeal of all prohibitions on individuals or firms

contributing or selling goods and services to any foreign country or



We oppose recognition of claims by fiat, whether made by nations

or international bodies, to presently unclaimed property such as the

ocean floors, broadcast bands, and planetary bodies. We urge the

development of objective standards for recognizing claims of private

ownership of such property, including transportation lanes, shell-fish

beds, mineral rights, and fishing rights, based on homesteading concepts.


We favor the withdrawal of the United States from all international

paper money and other inflationary credit schemes. We favor withdrawal

from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.



We recognize the necessity for maintaining a sufficient military force

to defend the United States against aggression. We should reduce the

overall cost and size of our total governmental defense establishment.

We call for the withdrawal of all American troops from bases abroad.

In particular, we call for the removal of the U.S. Air Force as well as

ground troops from the Korean peninsula.

We call for withdrawal from multilateral and bilateral commitments

to military intervention (such as to NATO and to South Korea) and for

abandonment of interventionist doctrines (such as the Monroe Doctrine).

We view the mass destruction potential of modern warfare as the

greatest threat to the lives and liberties of the American people and all the

people of the globe. We favor international negotiations toward general

and complete disarmament down to police levels, provided every neces-

sary precaution is taken to effectively protect the lives and the rights of the

American people. Particularly important is the mutual disarmament of

nuclear weapons and missiles, and other instruments of indiscriminate

mass destruction of civilians.


We call for the reform of the Presidential War Powers Act to end the

President’s power to initiate military action, and for the abrogation of all

Presidential declarations of “states of emergency”. There must be no

further secret commitments and unilateral acts of military intervention

by the Executive Branch.

We favor a Constitutional amendment limiting the presidential role

as Commander-in-Chief to its original meaning, namely that of head of

the armed forces in wartime. The Commander-in-Chief role, correctly

understood, confers no additional authority on the President.



The important principle in foreign policy should be the elimination

of intervention by the United States government in the affairs of other

nations. We would negotiate with any foreign government without

necessarily conceding moral legitimacy to that government. We favor a

drastic reduction in cost and size of our total diplomatic establishment.

In addition, we favor the repeal of the Logan Act, which prohibits private

American citizens from engaging in diplomatic negotiations with foreign



We support immediate withdrawal of the United States from, and

an end of its financial support for, the United Nations. We also call for

the United Nations to withdraw itself from the United States. We oppose

any treaty that the United States may enter into or any existing treaty

under which individual rights would be violated.


We condemn the violations of human rights in all nations around the

world. Today, no government is innocent of such violations, and none can

approach the issue of human rights and liberties with clean hands. There-

fore, in keeping with our primary goal of peaceful international relations,

we call upon the U.S. government to cease its hypocrisy and its sullying of

the good name of human rights. Only private individuals and organizations

have any place speaking out on this issue.

In keeping with our principles prohibiting the initiation of force to

achieve political and social goals, we specifically condemn the use of

terror tactics against innocent persons, whether the terrorist acts are

initiated by government or by political or criminal groups. At the same

time, we recognize the right of all persons to resist tyranny and defend

themselves and their rights. We call also for an end to the use of torture

as an instrument of interrogation.


We call upon the United States government to cease all interventions

in the Middle East, including military and economic aid, guarantees, and

diplomatic meddling, and to cease its prohibition of private foreign aid,

both military and economic. Voluntary cooperation with any economic

boycott should not be treated as a crime.


We call upon the United States to cease all interventions in Southern

Africa, including military and economic aid, guarantees, and backing of

political groups. and to refrain from restricting American trade and invest-

ment in the region.


United States colonialism has left a legacy of property confiscation,

economic manipulation, and over-extended defense boundaries. We favor

immediate independence for all colonial dependencies. such as Samoa,

Guam, Micronesia, the Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico, both to free these

lands from United States dominance, and to free the United States from

massive subsidization of them at taxpayer’s expense. Land seized by the

U.S. government should be returned to its rightful owners.

The United St ates should liquidate its government-run canal operation

in Panama and withdraw all U.S. troops from the Canal Zone.


Our silence about any other particular government law, regulation,

ordinance, directive, edict, control, regulatory agency, activity, or machina-

tion should not be construed to imply approval.

=Notes about this entry=

Source: http://marketliberal.org/LP/Platforms/1977_07%20LP%20Platform.pdf

OCR scanned and entered by Ken Moellman on 5/31/2015

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