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News, stories and media buzz related to LowISO

  • A great photograph is a mystery. It’s not something easily explained by technical or stylistic concerns. This is one of many reasons why photography has been called the “unconscious optical,” a reference describing the eye’s—and camera’s—inability to...

  • This month’s featured artist is ziskar. A street photographer from Europe! Be sure to follow ziskar and support his work! Full name. Zisis Kardianos City and country where you live. Zakynthos (island in Ionian Sea), Greece. How you started with...

  • I’m really excited to share this interview with Cristina Colli who takes incredible still life iPhone photos. With an amazing eye for design, color, composition and light, she creates the most beautiful and delicate images of flowers and other household...

  • Here we are, halfway through the aught 10s and 2015. And the year still has quite a few conferences in store for us. 2015 has some surprises left in it. What consequences will speakers draw from the Google I/O? What’s coming in the IoT departments near...

  • When I just started to devote myself to photography, I was worried about an infinite number of questions as any entry-level photographer: what equipment to buy, how to set up the camera, what to shoot, how to process and so on. As many beginners, I was...

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