
How far along? 21 weeks – can’t believe we’re past the halfway point now!
Size of baby: Apparently Monster is the size of a pomegranate this week, which seems much smaller to me than last week’s butternut squash…? These fruit comparisons are so arbitrary! Let’s just stick with the facts – he’s about 10.5 inches long and weighs a little over 12.5 ounces.
Mater­nity clothes? Still basically the best thing ever. I got a few new pieces this week for my birthday (yes, I’m lame and totally requested maternity clothes for my birthday!) and I’m excited to wear them! I’m also oh-so ready for the weather to be consistently cooler so I can stop having to use the belly band with my shorts…I’m ready to just put my shorts away and be done with them for the year!
Sleep: Sleep has been awesome lately. Now that I’ve got the pillow situation figured out I don’t wake up sore, and I’m having super vivid dreams but none of them are bad, so it’s just kind of fun at this point! And sleeping is pretty much my favorite activity right now, so I’m always excited when it’s time to go to bed!
Movement: I’m still feeling a ton of movement all the time. This week, though, Monster learned that his new favorite place to hang out is ON TOP OF my bladder. And then he likes to give it a few punches and kicks for good measure. It’s super fun (NOT), and I told Corey the other day that I’m going to start keeping a tally of how many times he hits me in the bladder and when he’s a teenager I’ll bust the list out and when I feel the urge, I’ll just whack him upside the head to make up for it. It’s a fair trade, right?
What I miss: Since Monster was hanging out on my bladder almost every day this week, I’ve been missing feeling normal! It’s a pretty much constant uncomfortable feeling, and I’m hoping that soon he’ll find a new place to nap.
Cravings/Food aversions: There wasn’t much this week – I’m craving pizza, but it’s on the menu for this week, so I’ll be taking care of that one soon!
Other Symptoms: Still a few random aches and pains this week, but that’s it. I think I’m finally entering the happy phase of the second trimester that everyone talks about where my body is getting used to the changes so far and things are settling in – I’ve been feeling good for the most part! I have definitely been hit with the nesting urges full-on this week…I am almost constantly looking around our house, mentally creating a list of all the things I want to change. I haven’t done any super crazy cleaning yet, though – my nesting has been more focused on wanting to get projects done…and it’s making me crazy that we aren’t working on anything!
What made me cry this week: No tears this week!
Favorite moment this week: Taking Monster to (technically) his first Aggie football game! It was so fun to walk around campus and talk about how we want to make a tradition out of coming back every year – the goal is for Monster to be able to say he went to an A&M football every year of his life (or at least, as many of them as we get to control)!

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