The power available to you, the force of Life itself, is neutral—it is neither inherently good nor bad. It is how you utilize it that will determine whether it is ultimately harmful or life giving and congruent with the will of Spirit that pulses through you. What is required is awareness of your intention, your values, and your willingness to act on them. As you tap into this spiritual force through prayer, meditation, and/or ceremony, your choice as to how to use this Power will ultimately be revealed to you.
My Intuitive Impressions...
We have tremendous power in our lives even if we don't always realize it. The Earth Magic Message for Monday is asking you to be very aware of that power and to focus it on the areas of your life that bring all the good things like love, harmony, peace of mind and so on. I feel that some of you have been focusing on the 'not so good things' and giving power to drama and other stormy situations.It is time to being your focus back to the Light/Good in your life.Mother Nature is asking you to be especially aware of the power of your thoughts.It's all about perception and if you can keep yours positive whilst at the same time being realistic, you will feel much more in control of yourself and your life. ~Sharon Rose.
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