
Don’t hate on KS. He’s a nice guy and the dorky maknae of the family. He might have been too ‘high’ while playing around. But still, I wouldn’t say that this is not partly his fault. He does get overboard with his antics at times, and this time it’s just too serious. (Yah Kwangsoo, it’s your hyung’s underwear for fucking sake.)

Someone mentioned in my earlier post, that if no one made a fuss, then it is double standard because Jongkook got hated for pulling down Jaesuk’s pants in the earlier RM episode. Jaesuk still got his boxer on, Jongkook doesn’t not even have it on this time. Just don’t fucking tell me this is okay.

Even though there are many incidents of them being stripped, at least their underwears were all intact and no one removed it forcibly! How many times must I tell people that JK is still a human. He has feeling! Being stripped of underwear is not fucking funny.Worst of all, the fucking production team, they did not fucking edit this out and even put it on broadcast. JK is a man, just how humiliating this is? Wouldn’t you feel angry if your friends pull your underwear off while playing around in the swimming pool or by the seaside, in the public and even parade your underwear to others? Do you think this is funny if you’re the one whose underwear is being stripped off?

I am disappointed in you, SBS. I didn’t think I could get any more disappointed than before. For the sake of rating and all the fucking cash, you guys are inhumane. Knetz are saying this is overboard too, because it fucking is. You guys don’t feel pity for JK, but we do. His fans do. JK has always been too kind and is always on the bad receiving end. Even if he doesn’t say anything, it does not mean it is okay to do it. He will never say it’s not okay, because that’s just how he is. He sacrificed so much already!

I am not going to put this under read more because people need to know what’s happening and why I am so angry.        

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