
Written by Megan Thompson

Can the stuff you use for summer cookouts really be a cure for your skin problems? You probably shouldn’t rub bricks of regular charcoal on your face any time soon, but activated charcoal powder is another story.

Traditionally activated charcoal has been used in applications such as water filtration to remove certain compounds. However, more recently as natural skin care has grown in popularity it’s being used for face masks, cleansers and soaps. You can even find it in a drink called Black Lemonade.

Basically, activated charcoal traps chemicals. In your body, this is beneficial for the treatment of poisonings, gas and cholesterol levels. But activated charcoal also offers a number of benefits for your skin.

It acts as a magnet for dirt and oil

Since activated charcoal is used in hospitals to treat alcohol poisoning by adsorbing (not absorbing!) the chemicals and letting them leave the body, the theory is that it would do the same thing to oil and dirt trapped in your pores. The longer the charcoal can be on your face, the more dirt and oil it will pull. It acts as a magnet for the nasty stuff clogging your pores and then lets you wash it away.

It fights breakouts

Clogged pores are one of the biggest causes of breakouts and irritation. Activated charcoal is one of the most effective ways of fighting the dirt and grime that can cause pimples. Mixing equal parts activated charcoal powder (you don’t need a lot!), bentonite clay and water will make a quick face mask. Apply the mixture to your face and leave it for 10-15 minutes. You can also find soaps with activated charcoal for daily treatment.

It combats the effects city life has on skin

One of the worst parts about living in a city is that your skin is coming into constant contact with pollutants. Fortunately, activated charcoal is one of the best ways to get the toxins out of your skin. Adding a mask or exfoliating cleanser to your routine will help combat the pollutants that are trapped in your pores.

It is good for oily skin

While using activated charcoal too often can irritate dry skin, it is the perfect solution to adsorb extra oil. If you have oily skin or a specific problem area, activated charcoal is an ideal ingredient to fight excess oil. This will help to minimize shiny skin without having to use too many additional makeup products, which will likely create more problems in the long run.

One of the best parts of activated charcoal is that it is a natural ingredient that can be used in many DIY health and beauty product. While it is a popular ingredient in store-bought products, it will likely be even more effective if you can tailor natural recipes to your specific needs.

Megan is a DIY health & beauty addict. She’s committed to making her itsy-bitsy apartment chemical-free. You can find her work at Rocky Mountain Essential where she is responsible for the blog, Instagram and Pinterest.

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