
Facebook Page posts – it can be frustrating to get the reach and engagement we’d like, right?

What if I gave you an easy way to increase Facebook reach?

Yup, it does involve sharing some of your page posts on your personal profile, but you need to do it in the right order!

I discovered a friend of mine was posting first on her personal profile, and sharing from there to her page. Here’s two reasons you don’t want to do that way.

Give your Facebook followers and friends, who are also fans of your page, a chance to see your post first from your page! Better chance they’ll interact with the post on your page if it’s not “old news” to them. And we all need Facebook page engagement, right?

Facebook “Shares” do get less visibility in the Facebook news feed, as FB seems to consider them lukewarm news. So if you post first to your personal profile, you’re  shooting your Fan Page reach in the foot, before you even get the post out of the gate.

After a few hours, DO share your Fan Page post to your personal Timeline (if appropriate). This will increase your page reach instead of hurting it!

Your turn – got any tips to increase our Facebook Page posts reach? Do tell!

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