

Lotus Palm October Newsletter:
The changing colours of the fall

> En Français


(Oct 16-20)
TYM 4 (weekend)
(Oct 19-27)
(Oct 23-27)
(Oct 30-Nov 3 )
Reflexology 2
(Nov 9-10 )
TYM 2 (weekend)
(Nov 9-17 )
TYM 3 (Evening)
(Nov 11-Dec 11)


Reflexology 1
(Oct 26-27)
(Oct 30-Nov 3)
TYM Taster
(Nov 4)
(Nov 6-10)
(Nov 13-17)
TYM 2 (weekend)
(Nov 16-24)
Open House
(Nov 17)

On The Road

TYM 1 (Grafton)
(Nov 6-10)
TYM 2 (Kripalu)
(Nov 17-22)
TYM 2 (New York)
(Nov 20-24)

* Featured Course *

Thai Reflexology

Who doesn’t like a good foot rub? Reflexology is based on the belief that all parts of the body are reflected in the feet and hands and by applying gentle pressure to these areas can affect the corresponding part of the body and help to restore balance.

In this workshop you will learn how Thai Style Reflexology and Foot Massage can help releases those feel-good endorphins helping with stress-relief. It also boosts circulation and aid the lymphatic system, which gets rid of waste products produced around the body.

This course will be offered on October 26-27 in Toronto and Thai Reflexology Level 2 on November 9-10 in Montreal.

Learn about this course

* Video *


Thia Reflexology

There are millions of nerve endings in our feet and hands. The idea behind reflexology is that through pressure points, the connections in the nervous system can be used to re-energize, stimulate, disperse, unblock and restore the natural flow of prana/chi (the invisible energy) in your body. This will leave the client feeling totally relaxed.

Please enjoy, this quick video, outlining what students will learn in Lotus Palm's Thai reflexology courses.

* On the Road *

Thai Yoga Massage
Level 1 (Grafton)

Lotus Palm is coming to Grafton, Wisconsin! Don't miss this chance to take the level one course that will start your journey in Thai Yoga Massage.

This level 1 workshop is the first step in your career as a certified massage therapist. This is the perfect introduction to the philosophy of Thai Yoga Massage and its benefits.

Nov 6-10 - Grafton, WI

Why I Thai

Monika Volkmar

Student testimonial

Monika is a trainer and a student at the Lotus Palm in Toronto. Discover how she integrates Thai Yoga Massage and her passion for dance for her clients.

Read Monika's testimonial on our Blog.

5244 Saint Urbain
Montreal, Quebec
H2T 2W9 Canada
Tel: (514) 270-5713

517 Parliament
Unit #2
Toronto, Ontario
M4X 1P3 Canada
Tel: (647-352-7256)

Toll Free:
Fax: (514) 270-8620


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As autumn rolls in Montreal and Toronto, I take in the transformation that seems to be happening right before my eyes. I am amazed how new everything appears to be right now. From the crispness of the air and the cool rain hitting my windowsill, to the bright colours of the fresh fallen leaves that surround my every step, it is all so beautiful!

We all have the ability to transform. Being human we all have made mistakes in the past and we need to recognize them. We will make mistakes in the future, so embrace them. It is the efforts we make in this very moment that can so profoundly transform us whether it is physically, emotionally or spiritually and we can come to be this beautiful unlimited human being.

"Transformation does not happen in the past nor does it occur in the future. It is in the present moment that we can transform by making the effort to be the best we can be."

-Sukha Wong
Owner/Director of Lotus Palm

Continue your Thai Yoga Massage education with Level 3 in Toronto!

October 30-November 3

After a very successful Level 2 with Master Kam Thye Chow, continue your Thai Yoga Massage education with Level 3 this October. This course introduces you to the fundamentals of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian healing system. TYM level 3 bridges Thai Massage with its historical roots in Ayurveda and students learn practical methods of applying Ayurvedic to deepen the therapeutic quality of their practice. This course teaches you a new 60 minute Thai Yoga Massage and how to customize according to a person's body-type (vata, pitta, or kapha).

Register for TYM3

Specialized Courses Discount in Toronto

October to December 2013

Register for two of these courses and get a 15% discount!

This year enhance your skills with the Lotus Palm Specialized courses!

Thai Reflexology 1 (October 26-27)
Prenatal & Elderly TYM (November 28- December 1)
Lomi Lomi 1 (December 6-8)
2 Days Foundations of Thai Yoga Massage (December 7-8)
Ashiatsu Mat (December 11-13)
Head Massage (December 14-15)

Have you ever wondered...

How many gallons of blood does the human heart pump in a day?

Find the answer at the bottom.


Canadian Massage Conference

October 18-20 in Niagara Falls

Join Sukha on October 19th from 3 to 4pm at the Canadian Massage Conference! Do not miss her free talk 'Thai Yoga Massage, the Lotus Palm System. Come and discover this type of massage, it’s benefits and why everyone should learn it! For everyone curious about the Lotus Palm School, there will be a booth to answer to your questions about training, classes and careers.

More information about the Canadian Massage Conference

The Top 10 Reasons to love Thai Yoga Massage

Pain Relief
Receiving a Thai Massage can help to relieve chronic pain.

See the full list of benefits on our blog!


Join Sukha at Kripalu!

November 17-22

Continue your Thai Yoga Massage training with a course that teaches you various ways to customize massages and make the experience even better for your clients and yourself.

Thai Yoga Massage level 2 - Nov 17-22 - Kripalu

At the Heart of Lotus Palm

Natalie Kakon

Meet Natalie Kakon, a yoga and massage teacher. She got her Thai Yoga Massage Therapy Diploma at Lotus Palm and later became a teacher in our School. Read her experice with Thai Yoga Massage and how she integrates it in her practice.

Read the post on our blog.

Chakra of the Month: The Third Eye
The Anja chakra, located between the eyebrows is the sixth chrakra from the bottom. When your third eye chakra is in balance, you are able to tap into your sixth sense. You experience higher consciousness and inner awareness.


Marma of the Month: Sthapani
This point controls the sixth chakra (Anja),  it governs the Senses and stimulates the pituitary gland. It is located at the same spot as the Anja Chakra and they both go through the senline: Sen Sumana.

Recipe of the Month: Chickpea Patties with Coriander Yogurt

Chickpeas are high in fibre and protein, have no cholesterol and little fat. These patties are sure to leave you satisfied with a Cajun kick that goes well with fresh coriander yogurt.

Now you know!

A healthy human heart beats approximately 80,000 to 100,000 times a day and pumps almost 2,000 gallons of blood.

That a fact that gets your blood pumping!

Self Healing Festival

Lotus Palm is keen to get involved in some of Toronto’s finest community-oriented Festivals and to that end took a booth at the Self Healing Festival on September 28th, 2013. It was well-attended and a great success, thanks to the hard work of the organizers, Patti and Jane, and their volunteers. There was a steady stream of bodies for our volunteer practitioners, Gilles, Ian, Monika and Elena and a big thank you goes out to them.

The highlight of the day had to be our inaugural Lotus Palm Flash Mob Thai Massage. At 6 PM prompt, the students from Kam Thye Chow’s Level 2 Course, Ryan, Lisa, Bill, Sarah, Stephane, Shpresa, Gregory, Lindsay, Nidhi, Veronique, Alan, Reena and Lauren, along with his Assistant, Tracey, threw down their yoga mats and grabbed a guest to work on, as Sukha commandeered the microphone and shouted out the order of the sitting postures. ‘Cow Face 1’ could be heard throughout the hall! People stood and watched in admiration. It was so successful we called for another one an hour later!

I had a tremendous time taking pictures and videos of the event and sincerely hope to make this a recurring feature for our Toronto community.

Watch out for emails calling all students for Lotus Palm Flash Mob Thai Massage near you!

-Kate Armstrong




If you have any questions or comments contact office@lotuspalm.com

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