
Muscle of the Month: The Trapezius

The Trapezius, is the most superficial of the upper back muscles, deriving its name from the irregular, four-sided shape that its fibers occupy - a trapezium. It is also one of the widest muscles in the human body and is divided into three main functional regions. The superior region, which supports the weight of the arm; the intermediate region, which retracts the scapulae; and the inferior region, which medially rotates and depresses the scapulae.

These muscles are responsible for a wide range of movement, they help elevate your shoulders, pull your shoulder blades together and draw them downward. Over-training, overuse, and sitting at a desk or a computer for long hours may cause soreness and fatigue in your trapezius muscles. If these muscles are tight or sore, they may affect your posture and create tension in your neck and shoulders.

Ce muscle est relié aux muscles spinaux, grand dorsal, sub-épineux, petit dentelé supérieur, rhomboïdes, élévateur des omoplates, splénius et complexus.

Les muscles trapèzes sont souvent douloureux pour les personnes travaillant en face des ordinateurs, c’est pour cela que plusieurs postures en Massage Yoga Thaïlandais cherchent en améliorer son relâchement et sa détente.

Thai yoga Massage has many postures that can benefit a sore Trapezius, please take a look at our posture of the month to get some pointers on the Rolling Pin posture, which will specifically target this muscle!

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