
My popular all new 2014 SalesBlog! WordPress plugins list is here! If you want your WordPress website to be at the top of the game then here are my latest suggestions of “must have” plugins to help you get there. All of these plugins have been used on SalesBlog! from this exhaustively researched list at one time or another.

Note: Chris Lott and lottspace.com are not responsible for any issues with your website or other plugin incompatibilities after trying the below plugins. Always make a backup prior to using a new plugin.

1.) .html on PAGES: Adds .html to pages.

Version 1.1 | By IntroSites | Visit plugin site

2.) Akismet: Used by millions, Akismet is quite possibly the best way in the world to protect your blog from comment and trackback spam. It keeps your site protected from spam even while you sleep.

Version 2.5.6 | By Automattic | Visit plugin site

3.) All in One SEO Pack: Out-of-the-box SEO for your WordPress blog.

Version | By Michael Torbert | Visit plugin site

4.) Antispam Bee: Easy and extremely productive spam-fighting plugin with many sophisticated solutions. Includes protection again trackback spam.

Version 2.5.1 | By Sergej Müller | Visit plugin site

5.) Backup: Back up your WordPress website to Google Drive.

Version 2.2 | By Sorin Iclanzan | Visit plugin site

6.) Checkbox Captcha: This small plugin adds a checked checkbox to the comment form, disabling the submit button. It is less intrussive than an actual captcha and better protects against spam.

Version 1.0 | By Andrei Sangeorzan | Visit plugin site

7.) Clean Options: Finds orphaned options and allows for their removal from the wp_options table.

Version 1.3.2 | By Mittineague | Visit plugin site

8.) Contact Form 7: Just another contact form plugin. Simple but flexible.

Version 3.3.1 | By Takayuki Miyoshi | Visit plugin site

9.) Contextual Related Posts: Displaying a set of related posts on your website or in your feed. Increase reader retention and reduce bounce rates

Version 1.8.3 | By Ajay D’Souza | Visit plugin site

10.) Delete Me: Allow specific WordPress roles to delete themselves.

Version 1.1 | By Clinton Caldwell | Visit plugin site

11.) Drop Caps: Generate the code for drop caps.

Version 2.1 | By Thomas Milburn | Visit plugin site

12.) Email Immunizer: Protect email addresses and mailto links on your blog from email harvesters.

Version R1 | By Kaf Oseo | Visit plugin site

13.) Emu2 – Email Users 2: Allows admins to send an e-mail to the single, multiple group of blog users. You can extract all e-mail addresses as well for external mass mailings. Credits to Vincent Prat http://www.vincentprat.info

Version 0.83b | By Juergen Schulze, 1manfactory@gmail.com | Visit plugin site

14.) Exclude Pages from Navigation: Provides a checkbox on the editing page which you can check to exclude pages from the primary navigation. IMPORTANT NOTE: This will remove the pages from any “consumer” side page listings, which may not be limited to your page navigation listings.

Version 1.92 | By Simon Wheatley | Visit plugin site

15.) GD Press Tools: GD Press Tools is a collection of various administration, seo, maintenance and security related tools that can help with everyday blog tasks and blog optimizations.

Version 2.6.0 | By Milan Petrovic | Visit plugin site

16.) Get Login: Adds ‘Log In’, ‘Log Out’, ‘Register’ and ‘My Profile’ respectively to navigation listed using “wp_list_pages” and when the items are clicked a user is redirected to the respective wp-login.php pages.

Version 1.0 | By Matthew Praetzel | Visit plugin site

17.) Google Analytics Dashboard for WP: This plugin will display Google Analytics data and statistics into Admin Dashboard.

Version 4.2.3 | By Alin Marcu | Visit plugin site

18.) Google XML Sitemaps: This plugin will generate a special XML sitemap which will help search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing and Ask.com to better index your blog.

Version 3.2.8 | By Arne Brachhold | Visit plugin site

19.) hitcounter: Enables You To Display How Many Times A Post Had Been Viewed By User Or Bot.

Version 1.3 | By Tom de Bruin | Visit plugin site

20.) Linked Image: Links the first image in your post to the post itself.

Version 1.0 | By Wessley Roche | Visit plugin site

21.) Lite Cache: A lite and efficient cache.

Version 2.2.7 | By Stefano Lissa | Visit plugin site

22.) Login Logo: Drop a PNG file named login-logo.png into your wp-content directory. This simple plugin takes care of the rest, with zero configuration. Transparent backgrounds work best. Crop it tight, with a width of 312 pixels, for best results.

Version 0.7 | By Mark Jaquith | Visit plugin site

23.) Meta Slider: 4 sliders in 1! Choose from Nivo Slider, Flex Slider, Coin Slider or Responsive Slides.

Version 2.5-beta2 | By Matcha Labs | Visit plugin site

24.) nrelate Flyout: Easily allow related posts to flyout from the sides of your website.

Version 0.52.6 | By nrelate and SlipFire | Visit plugin site

25.) PHP to Page: Keep your PHP and WordPress seperate, using the shortcode you can include PHP files in your pages.

Version 0.3 | By Kerry James | Visit plugin site

26.) Post Layout: Adds HTML o javascript code before, after or in the middle of the content of pages or posts without modify the theme. For any problem or question write me: satollo@gmail.com.

Version 2.1.4 | By Satollo | Visit plugin site

27.) Redirection: Manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors

Version 2.2.13 | By John Godley | Visit plugin site

28.) SABRE: Simple Anti Bot Registration Engine

Version 1.2.2 | By Didier Lorphelin | Visit plugin site

29.) SEO No Duplicate: This plugin helps you manage your search engine duplicate content, by setting your post page’s canonical to the permalink.

Version 0.5.0 | By Thaya Kareeson | Visit plugin site

30.) SSQuiz: With this plugin you can make quizzes really fast. Add questions/quizzes, rearrange questions, edit answers, insert multimedia in questions, – all of this can be done on single page within several seconds.

Version 1.02 | By SSVadim | Visit plugin site

31.) Shareaholic | share buttons, analytics, related content: Whether you want to get people sharing, grow your fans, make money, or know who’s reading your content, Shareaholic will help you get it done.

Version | By Shareaholic | Visit plugin site

32.) Subscribe to Comments Reloaded: Subscribe to Comments Reloaded is a robust plugin that enables commenter to sign up for e-mail notifications. It includes a full-featured subscription manager that your commenter can use to unsubscribe to certain posts or suspend all notifications.

Version 2.0.2 | By camu | Visit plugin site

33.) Thank Me Later: Automatically send a ‘thank you’ e-mail to those who comment on your blog. This plugin engages the visitor by reminding them to check back for responses or new blog posts. The plugin is highly configurable with multiple messages, variable delay and restrictions.

Version 2.1 | By Brendon Boshell | Visit plugin site

34.) Tweet old post: This plugin helps you to keeps your old posts alive by tweeting about them and driving more traffic to them from twitter. It also helps you to promote your content. You can set time and no of tweets to post to drive more traffic.

Version 4.0.3 | By Ajay Matharu | Visit plugin site

35.) User Avatar: Allows users to associate photos with their accounts by accessing their “Your Profile” page that default as Gravatar or WordPress Default image (from Discussion Page).

Version 1.4.11 | By Enej Bajgoric / Gagan Sandhu | Visit plugin site

36.) User Role Editor: It allows you to change/add/delete any WordPress user role (except administrator) capabilities list with a few clicks.

Version 3.8.2 | By Vladimir Garagulya | Visit plugin site

37.) WordPress Access Control: This plugin is a powerful tool which gives you fine grained control over your pages and posts (and custom post types), allowing you to restrict a page, post, or custom post type to members, non-members, or even specific roles. You can customize how these pages and posts show up in search results, where users are directed when they visit them, and much more. You can even make your entire blog members only!.

Version 3.1.4 | By Brandon Wamboldt | Visit plugin site

38.) WP Auto Tagger: Automatically finds tags based on your post content.

Version 1.3.3 | By iDope | Visit plugin site

39.) WP Hide Dashboard: A simple plugin that removes the Dashboard menu, the Personal Options section and the Help link on the Profile page, hides the Dashboard links in the toolbar menu (if activated), and prevents Dashboard access to users assigned to the Subscriber role. Useful if you allow your subscribers to edit their own profiles, but don’t want them wandering around your WordPress admin section. Note: This version requires a minimum of WordPress 3.4.

Version 2.2 | By Kim Parsell | Visit plugin site

40.) WP PHP widget: WP PHP widget adds a new widget called PHP Widget, which will allow you to include PHP code, you can have Text, HTML, Javascript, Flash and/or PHP code ,wordpress template tags as content or title in this widget. So, as long as you want, it can do everything, that is grateful.

Version 1.0.2 | By wpxue | Visit plugin site

41.) WPSP – Terms of Use: Show the Terms of Use of the website on the registration page.

Version 1.0 | By WP Simple Plugins | Visit plugin site

42.) WPtouch Pro: WPtouch Pro helps you build a rich mobile theme for your site tailored for Apple iPhone & iPod touch iPad, Google Android, Blackberry OS6+ and other touch mobile devices.

Version 2.8.1 | By Dale Mugford & Duane Storey (BraveNewCode) | Visit plugin site

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