Community gathers and improves resilience
You are Invited to Join the LORN Community Producers Market
at Victory Hall, Benderloch : 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month : trading from 12 – 2 pm
Bringing local food and creativity to our local and visiting community, supporting Local Sustainability
Starting up again in July 2016
To Apply for a stall or community group space please fill in the form below
for more details contact LORN
phone 01631 720223
drop in to Kintaline Farm, Benderloch
LORN Community Producers Market 2016
The Local Origins Rural Network team are delighted to invite you to our new season of Community Producers Markets.
We have a new format on the same day of the week, shorter hours, and inside, reflecting other successful markets in the area.
This will make everything easier and allow people to join us without such a huge commitment of time.
Our market research proves that Thursday is still the best day for lots of reasons, and has shown support for the lunchtime hours.
We can extend the hours for special events and if there is demand as we go.
Location : Victory Hall, Benderloch (with occasional events at Kintaline Farm)
Days : First and Third Thursday of the month – July to December
Time : 12 am to 2 pm (entry to hall to set up by 11 am sharp, and we should be all cleared up by 3 pm)
Free Parking at Village hall car park
Stall fee : £10 for trading stalls
(workshops, organisations and community activities will be decided on a case by case basis)
BOOKING FORM IS AT THE END OF THIS PAGE – please read all the details carefully.
We are looking for traders from our local community : farmers, crofters, bakers, makers : who are producing a range of food and creative arts.
The Market Organiser will have the final decision on the stalls each Market.
There will be a priority for local meat producers, however small your volume. We do have some chill facilities if needed, which needs help to set up.
We actively encourage people who are producing a small amount of different products to support their croft or life; as well as welcoming the more established businesses.
There may well be stalls with similar items, no one has the right of exclusivity, but care will be taken to create a good range for each market.
Meat producers please develop an active communication with the Market Organiser to plan ahead in the year so we can coordinate to supply the customers with availability as often as possible.
Food to eat on the day is always an important part of our markets, and we encourage producers to come with something for lunch.
Meat producers are welcome to come with a “catering” stall with meals only between supplies of fresh / frozen meat being available.
We are also inviting community groups, organisations looking for community engagement opportunities, fundraising, discussion group, workshops and other activities. If you would like to join in please get in touch to discuss your ideas or get some suggestions.
This is a perfect place to get in touch with local people, and we would be keen to encourage anyone wanting to set up stalls like School clothes / Plant & seed swop / Knitting circle / Upcycling workshops / Craft Workshops.
There would not be a place for tombolas type stalls or home baking, unless we do not have a baking stall in the Trading Hall.
The Community Market ran for 5 years with over 100 events, is very popular with our local community and the large number of tourists that stay in our local area. It is vital that each customer is confident of the highest quality of the product and supporting local producers is of great importance.
When you sign this form to join us you are declaring that you comply with all the guidelines & regulations relevant to your product, in its preparation, creation and during the market. Also that you have all the necessary product & public liability insurance policies up to date.
We work openly with the local officials who will be provided with the stallholders information as requested.
LORN is a small entirely volunteer team, and we will need your help in making this as successful as previously. A lot of personal “life” for the team has interfered in getting things going earlier in the year, and we apologise for the short notice. We are looking forward to the return of whole social and trading fun of the markets with you all.
Here’s looking forward to a good year for everyone, please read the information provided and fill in the form below to express your interest in booking a stall for the coming markets.
Best wishes and happy marketeering .
Tim Bowis, Market Organiser and the LORN Management Team
Local Origins Rural Network – creating a sustainable community in the Lorn area between Loch Craignish, to Loch Leven : : Education : Energy : Environment : Food : Health & Wellbeing : Heritage : Primary Enterprise : Skills : Transport : Waste
Local Origins Rural Network invites local farmers, growers, crafters, makers and bakers to come together selling to our local and visiting communities. New producers are as welcome as established businesses, the small, mixed and novel are especially welcome. Food to eat on the day is always popular.
LORN is also opening up space during the market for individuals & related groups and organisations to join us with any sustainability related activities (see the list in the heading for ideas of topics).
If you want to put on a workshop; lead a discussion group; have a community engagement stall; run an upcycling or skills corner; share information about your organisation/project/services; or have any other idea, get in touch.
LORN Community Producers Market has a great reputation for creating a fun, dynamic trading environment, where locals and tourists alike can source quality goods from the local area, directly supporting the economy of our community. The added attraction of related activities and organisations are an important part of creating a vibrant atmosphere. We look forward to your contribution.
It is vital that you keep in touch with the Market Organiser at all times. If you are considering changing what you sell, or want to try something new, get in touch. Do not bring new things to a market without checking first, or you may not be allowed to sell them.
Likewise all stalls must be booked in advance; cancellations will be charged unless the stall can be re-let.
It is important not to have empty stalls on the day.
LORN is registered under the Data Protection Act 1998 for the purpose of processing personal data in the performance of its legitimate business.
The Small Print which is important. (but not exhaustive !)
LORN Community Producers Market aims to provide the local and visiting community the chance to buy from and engage with local producers of food farmed, reared, grown, caught, brewed, smoked, pickled, baked, worked, prepared, as well as artistic and creative products inspired and made in the North Argyll area, along with community organisations, and those offering skills, with opportunities to sell and market their products and services direct to the public.
Consumers will be assured that produce bought at LORN Producers Markets is local, is sold in line with highest standards of hygiene and all other relevant legislation and that they are able to trace the product back to the producer. All producers must comply with all appropriate guidelines and regulations for their personal product.
WHO RUNS LORN Community Producer Markets? – Local Origins Rural Network
The Markets are run by LOCAL ORIGINS RURAL NETWORK, (the LORN management team) on behalf of the rural community of the Lorn area, North Argyll. This is determined to be, approximately, from Glencoe to Ardfern, Oban to Dalmally, Lismore, Kerrera, and the small isles along our shore. Producers from outwith this area are welcome to increase the range of products offered to our customers, at the market organisers discretion.
The market organizer is a volunteer post. This is a community event, so we all work together to make it a success.
Products sold will be the stall holder’s own produce, that is:
Primary products must be from sources that have spent the majority of their lifetime on the producer’s own farm/site. This is caught, reared, grown, farmed by the producer.
Products must contain a large majority of ‘own produce’ as above, and be produced : – baked, smoked, pickled, prepared, on their own farm/ site, unless otherwise notified.
No bought-in goods are to be sold.
Arts and crafts must be original works by the artist attending the stall.
LORN maintains the discretion to decide whether organisations or individuals meet the above guidelines, and will develop a varied array of stalls to create a viable attractive market place for the community. As a result LORN reserves full rights to accept or refuse a stall and attendance at the Market accordingly. LORN also has the right to waive parts of the guidelines for the benefit of the Market and customers. New and novice producers are encouraged, and shared stall space may be available as well as support.
Food to eat on the day is very welcome, as are craft skills demonstrations and workshops.
Please follow Health and Safety procedures during the market.
Please take all your rubbish home with you and dispose of it properly
Stalls should be staffed by the producer, their family, or an employee who is directly involved with the growing or producing of the product for sale, unless otherwise arranged with the Market Organiser. Stalls must be manned for the whole trading time, unless previously arranged.
All stallholders must contribute to the setting up and clearing up of the market – both their own stall and all the associated activities. There are no staff, we are all in this together. This will be much easier in the Victory Hall than the full outside markets of previous years, but still require a team effort at the beginning and end of each event, as well as promotion throughout the season. The outdoor events will need everyone to contribute more time and energy together.
We have chosen to start with a more limited trading time, copying the success of other local community markets, which allows for some intense trading but also for the market to fit in with the busy lives and other responsibilities that traders and organisations have. We hope this makes the market more accessible to more to get involved; and we have the capacity to increase the hours if that is the wish of traders as we re-establish.
Trading will start at 12 noon prompt, at which time all stalls must be set up; access into the hall will be at 11 am unless otherwise arranged. To unload either park in the back of the car park and walk your stock in, or take it in turns to part outside the hall, unload your stock, and immediately move your vehicle. Please do not take stock in to the hall, or start setting up in any way. Do not start packing away until after 2pm . Everyone packs their stock, and moves it out to the hall, then we all put the market away in all rooms. All spaces must be clean and cleared up before starting to get cars and load up. This is a collaborative effort, there is something that everyone can do.
Any issues, talk to the Market organiser or LORN Management team member immediately : email :
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