
Thunderstorms, that weird wet stuff from the skies that we’d nearly forgotten about, a Royal Baby - a lot can happen in a fortnight, especially in the whirlwind of whizpops and wonderment that is the world wide web. We have, you’ll be pleased to hear, frantically stuck up our grubby mitts and grabbed at what we can, plucking the best bits for your pleasure in our fortnightly web roundup.

This edition of Digi Digs is extra special as it sees our first ever guest Digger – the multi-talented Andy Kinsey. Andy, the man behind Digital Marketing Blog SEOAndy (be sure to follow him on Twitter too),  has shared some absolute stonkers from the Tech world and beyond. Just look for the AK. Right, enough pastry, let’s get to the filling.



The Day The Earth Smiled


-          I’m a huge fan of the “image of the day” from NASA, it can be something fun and unexpected or spectacular like this one. From the space station to outer space, to erm, the hanger bay, this is the real “stare into space” moment. Inspiring to think we are part of this huge huge universe. AK


Droning On


-         Footage shot by a drone gives a unique perspective on this Californian goldrush ghost town. California videographers Russell Brown and Aaron Grimes are behind this fascinating aerial look at Bodie’s eerie ruins.


The Twitter Dress


-          Crossing Boarders and creative agency Deportivo teamed up to create an LED-powered dress that streams tweets from young Swedish activists. Check out the video on the making of the dress. Thanks to @SteveKuncewicz for sharing.


Royal Baba

http://bit.ly/14wN2sb & http://bit.ly/155HJ94

-          We couldn’t just stick to one of these, so here are a couple of our favourite royal baby images that have been doing the rounds.


The Darkside of Disney


-          Discover the sinister and horrific origins behind Walt-Disney’s most loved stories. These magical, animated musicals are not as innocent as they seem…


Bye Bye Red Eyes!


-           As a coffee-lover when I came across the story of Douwe Egberts offering travellers a free coffee if they could prove they were tired – erm by yawning – I was really impressed. The coffee giant set up the machine with facial recognition in a US airport to help those in need of a little kick. I really wish I had one at home, it would save me time in the morning – and also at work, who wouldn’t want a yawn detecting coffee machine? As yet though, neither the UK or USA website has a version to buy. AK




-          Alcohol should be enjoyed responsibly, at all times. Right, that’s the disclaimer out the way. Now to Drinkify – if you have somehow missed this brilliant app, don’t delay. It’s simple, enter a band you love or one you want to check out and Drinkify suggests a boozy cocktail to accompany it. Genius.


A 404 That You Want To Find


-          404 pages needn’t be boring and uninspiring. Implement one like this and keep your visitors happy for hours!


Fly Vomit Art


-          This sounds disgusting, we know, but these painting from LA artist John Knuth made by flies puking pigments are actually pretty impressive.


Cinemagraphs Calling


-          Cinemagraphs are stills from a film with one moving part – similar to the GIF’s we all know and love. Here are 43 of the finest and most mesmerising.


Impress the Ladies!


-          This is the best way you will ever find to pick up a gal on the dance floor. Sit back and learn guys. AK


Too Good To Eat!


-          Some chefs/artists have recreated famous works of art as pizzas. Our favourite is probably the Queen’s face built out of ham. Andy Warhol would no doubt love the Marilyn too.




-          Social media without the performance anxiety, Potluck allows you to share links with friends anonymously. Slick stuff from Branch Media.


YouTube Geek Week


-          In a calling to all nerds, YouTube is going truly geek – its python scripts will be running overtime to help you find anime, tech know-how vids and general geeky-goodness! Check it out from the 4th August. AK


Big Brother and His Mates are Watching You


-          It wasn’t just George Orwell’s 1984 that predicted the surveillance state as this great round-up from Vice shows – many other writers looked into their crystal balls and saw a Big Brother looking out. There are some top retro sci-fi covers here too.


A  Watch with a Difference


-          Receive your emails and monitor your calls on this brilliant Bluetooth watch. It is the perfect accessory which seamlessly blends into everyday life for people on-the-go.


Frozen Wave in Antarctica

-          A truly stunning and bewildering photograph of a frozen wave in Antarctica via @fascinatingpics.


Bucket List


-          It’s that time of year – holidays! Take a look at these amazing places for trip inspiration. And if this isn’t enough jaw-droppingness, there are four more posts on this site with equally amazing spots to add to that ever-expanding bucket list.


My Way or the Kanye


-          Ever wanted to know what it would like to spend a moment in Kanye West’s mind? No, us neither. But this downloadable role-playing game is a lot of fun as Yeezus fights off enemies with his favourite French pastries – all together now – “Hurry up with my damn Croissants!”


Kevin Rose Will Go Raccoon on Your Ass!


-           KRose, was the founder of Digg (yes, that social network) and now works for Google in the Ventures section – which includes fixing up funding for innovative start-ups across the world. Well, his dog was attacked during the night by a Raccoon. KRose ran to the rescue, grabbed the Raccoon and threw it down the stairs. Toaster is ok, just in case you were wondering. If you want to hear about the incident, KRose spoke about it at length on TWiT 415 (a great tech podcast, go subscribe). Or listen to that particular section here. AK


Grommit Unleashed, Defaced and Back


-          The Digirank team are still loving the Grommit Unleashed art trail in Bristol. Huge shame that two have been vandalised, but we’re glad to hear Carosello and Poetry in Motion have made a full recovery.


Why Cats and Dogs are Great


-           For those of us with pets, especially cats and dogs, this is an excuse to rejoice in the weird and wonderful things that they do. For those of you out there without a four-legged companion, it is your excuse to go out and get your own.  AK


Bristol Street Art


-          Bristol’s street art scene has grown significantly in recent years. This website welcomes you to witness some of best graffiti completed throughout the city by Bristol’s very own talented street artists.


Good Job


-          Counting down the days until the release of the new Steve Jobs movie. Do us proud Ashton…


HD Google Gadgets


‎-          As a self-confessed Google Fan Boy and an early adopter of all things gadget, I am excited for Chromecast, a HDMI device which allows you to play content through your TV from almost any tablet, pc or mac – that device then becomes the remote. But the exciting thing is that this isn’t like Apple Air Play, the Chromecast has its own WiFi connection meaning it streams from the Web in HD. Any device can stream content, any website can stream content – and this includes big boys like Netflix, YouTube, movies and music from the Google Play Store, Google Chrome (any tab!) and it already looks like Amazon will soon be adding this to their movie offerings. Expected at around £30, it’s a game changer. AK


Mad World


-          Okay, so Mad Men is great, but what about the real people who lived it for, you know, real….here’s a great free US documentary to watch on the history of the advertising industry.


Keep in Time!


-          Thousands of Koreans gather in Kim Il-sung Square in Pyongyang to take part in a mass dance to celebrate Kim Il-sung centenary.


More George


-          Royal Baby mania brought a record day for BBC News Online.


Great Escapism


-          Like us, do you struggle to find a film that fits your mood? Do you sit around fidgeting on a Sunday evening staring at the same old DVDS or wasting hours trawling Netflixs? Well, stop all that and start working your way through this great list of films. If you have seen these ones, there are 25 more top recommendations here.


Life Imitating Art Imitating the Bloke Sent to Erase It


-          Graffiti artist DS takes photos of the man removing a piece of his work and then turns it into the subject of his next piece of stencil art.




-          This site is all about simplicity in design. Run your mouse over the circles to create a fascinating collage. Keep going to find out what the image is underneath!


Cat Compilation 2013


-          No list from me would ever be complete without some awesome cat cuteness. Here is a rather cool compilation of Cats which is cute and funny at the same time. … oh and a cat that is very lazy when in the bath. AK


Giant Hailstones


-          Take Cover! Hailstones the size of tennis balls rain down on German village.


Walk While You Work


-          Fancy burning some calories while at your desk? Well the TR1200-DT5 might be right up your street! The treadmill desk is especially engineered for busy offices and can be operated up to 6 hours a day. Now there is no excuse to burn off those office snacks!


StarWars Legend John Williams to Continue


-          As a huge fan of StarWars, I was excited to learn that John Williams has signed up to continue scoring the music for the next film (Episode VII) which is slated for release in 2015. If you are a StarWars enthusiast check out this section of the StarWars YT channel about the future of the franchise.  AK


Hey You Get Off Of My Cloud


-          Want to mix all your favourite tunes like Guetto or get all Grandmaster Flash on the hits then this app does all the hardwork for you, matching beats and blending, leaving you to watch the dancefloor fill.


And there is is, another Digi Digs done and dusted. Hope you enjoyed yourselves. As always we want your links so hashtag them #DIGIDIGS on Twitter. Want to find out more about what we do at Digirank? Have any content marketing, SEO,PPC or social media queries then call us on 0117 923 972 or email us at hello@digirank.co.uk. Till the next time, folks…

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