
THIS PROJECT IDEA WAS SUBMITTED BY ROBERT MAGNUSON http://www.longecity.org/forum/user/35201-robert-magnuson/

The GEO-DMF System

Part I – General Aspects of the Proposal:

Project Description:

Some of the long-term goals of the project, and the innovative technology used to accomplish them, are explained in an article-length pre-publication book review of Moon Base and Beyond at Moon Daily:


As for achieving more immediate LongeCity goals, please note the language in the above-referenced review that mentions the potential for producing and commercializing highly-intelligent medical microbots with DMF (diamond microcircuitry film).

Various other applications of the technologies incorporated into the GEO-DMF System, which can be used to sustain humankind under optimal living conditions, are explained in Moon Base and Beyond. PDF file copies of this first edition – copyrighted, and presently unpublished and privileged – are available upon request for LongeCity Recorders' information, so they are in a better position to carefully evaluate this proposed project. LongeCity Recorders' requests for a PDF file copy should be sent to m@margaremorrisbooks.com

Moon Base and Beyond discusses goals that include building a highly-profitable space economy that brings new wealth to our planet. The book outlines the means of accomplishing these goals on an exponentially growing basis, by utilizing the GEO-DMF System (which is explained at the above url and below) and some key technologies that will give it more high functionality in outer space.

Key steps in the proposed project are outlined below in Part II.

Project Fund Raising: It is feasible to project that initial project fund raising (to provide seed money) can derive from the sale of copies of Moon Base and Beyond. The book is an ideal fund-raising tool because it carefully explains what is feasible today in terms of building an exponentially growing space economy when utilizing the GEO-DMF System (along with other key technologies that work well with it in outer space).

In this situation, volunteers sell copies of the book and are allowed to keep $1.00 (or its equivalent in foreign currency) per book sold (or donate it to the project fund or LongeCity, if they wish). The initial monetary goal of the project is to raise $10.00 per book sold. This $10.00 per book figure is realistic because the publisher, Scribal Arts, is willing to forgo profits from book sales to foster the proposed project (publishers normally just keep the profits).

Moon Base and Beyond can take different forms of publication. One is an ebook, which requires no print run, no shipping to an initial distribution point or insurance, physical storage costs, etc. The ebook can be sold from the proposed project's website (which should be under the care of LongeCity) by permission from the publisher. All profits from ebook sales from this website will be automatically put into a designated project fund (under LongeCity care). As such, $10.00 per ebook copy sold is maintained by the project fund, and $1.00 per copy sold is provided to sellers, with any remainder forwarded monthly to the publisher along with sales figure reports. Software set up at the LongeCity web sales hub automates these tasks. The sales site should also accept denotations, and publicly thank those who make donations.

The other form is paper (hard and soft cover books), which should not be the initial step of fund raising because it is more expensive and involved. The reason is that selling paper copies requires a large print run (many thousands of books printed at once) to realize $10.00 for the project fund per copy sold. Printed books must also be shipped from the printer to a distribution center (arranged for by the project leaders), and there are costs for insurance, storage, accepting payment, packaging, handling, etc. The highest cost in this scenario is for the print run itself, which is several thousand dollars per run (the more books printed at once, the less expensive it is to print each copy and the higher the profit margin for each copy sold).

The most economical way for the project to afford print runs, should printed copies be a desired part of the fund raising program, is for the project team to sell advertising on the book's jacket and interior to companies that wish to promote their support of the proposed project by sponsoring any given run. These book covers (and the book interior) can easily be slightly revised for each sponsored run to accommodate specific advertising. These same companies may also agree to pay for other said costs involved with physical books. They may also wish to purchase these runs, or many books from them, to give away as premiums to their own clients and customers.

Other ways to raise money for print runs are crowd funding and/or donations.

Print-on-demand paper (either hardcover or soft cover books) requires no print run or storage. But it is not a good option because the printing costs per book are so high that $10.00 raised per book sold for the project fund cannot be realized (in this situation, the print-on-demand companies make the lion's share of the profit). To realize $10.00 per book with print-on-demand requires raising the book's cover price to an unattractive level for buyers and project volunteer sellers.

It becomes readily obvious that the most feasible of the above-described options is to set up an ebook sales and downloading web page, and for volunteers to direct potential buyers to that site.

In this situation, 50,000 ebook copies sold can raise $500,000. for the project fund (50,000 x 10). The sales potential itself is much higher, given the feasibility and extraordinary potential yield of the project briefly explained herein and much more fully in Moon Base and Beyond. Please also see the endorsing pre-publication book review of Moon Base and Beyond in the Appendix below.

Book reviews can aid volunteers in their sales efforts. Additional reviews can be posted at said book sales hub as they are obtained.

The above fund raising method can provide seed money for innovating further developments (see below) towards reaching the larger project goals.

A Basic Explanation of the GEO-DMF System:

GEO stands for geopolymer (the ability to make tailor-made geology by using mineral ingredients abundant on the Earth and on moons, solid planets and elsewhere in outer space). Low temperature geopolymeric setting (LTGS) rock is made with a poured rock-concrete that is, upon setting, equivalent to the silicate rock that forms over 55% of the Earth's crust. Unlike other man-made rocks (most artificial gemstones), geopolymer requires no high heat or high pressure to form into real rock.

The rock-making process instead requires simply mixing, pouring and packing the materials into molds (packing drives out excess water), and then allowing time for the chemical reactions to transform the materials into real rock. This transition takes place in a short period of time (setting time is adjustable and depends upon the formula used).

Unlike ordinary concrete (as seen everywhere in buildings and sidewalks), rock aggregates (like the regolith on the Moon or sand on Mars or the Earth) that are geopolymerized into solid rock will look like nature's own rock under a microscope. Geopolymeric rock will endure salts, acid rain, and harsh environmental conditions (including intense heat and pressures) as well as any good-quality natural rock. Blocks making up man-made lunar rock structures this way can be expected to essentially be equivalent to the large basaltic boulders strewn around on our Moon.

Such tailor-made geology can be made to solve many problems, including space construction (largely using regolith to produce space habitats and other needed space facilities of solid, protective rock). On Earth, geopolymerized rock aggregates can be used to create tailor-made geology for flood control, and for building roads that do not require much maintenance over long periods of time. Owing to their superior engineering properties, geopolymers can be used to create mega-engineering projects, and to build strong, lasting cities that are not damaged by hurricane force winds.

Made as a composite (a geopolymer binder mixed with a carbon fiber additive instead of rock aggregates), the material can be used for fireproofing building interiors (composites can be made into lightweight fabrics, furniture, etc., and this can eventually be accomplished robotically in space with space materials, too). Several other important applications for geopolymers are described in Moon Base and Beyond. There are presently well over 50 patents for geopolymers with various properties that enable different applications.

DMF stands for diamond microcircuitry film, which at present has been created at the micron scale (one micron and above). DMF allows for producing advanced robotics (presently microbots and macrobot components), with either electron or optical/quantum computing brains (see the mechanism for optical/quantum AI below), and highly-advanced, virtually noise-free electronics. Like other forms of diamond, DMF can be expected to tolerate the harsh environment of outer space and be made to help meet many LongeCity goals.

A few applications include diamond (which is tissue compatible) medical devices (such as computerized medical microbots), space and Earth robotics that can withstand intensely harsh conditions (like those at the Fukishima reactor that cause conventional electronics to malfunction), fortifying electrical power grids against intense solar flares, and many more. By comparison, today's electronics used in space and on Earth fail under intense heat and/or sufficient radiation bombardment. This is why cell phones fail when communications satellites are affected by powerful solar flares that punch down our upper atmosphere.

In potential case, DMF may be workable at the nanoscale, so that diamond nanobots with optical/quantum computing capabilities may one day traverse our bloodstreams. The reason is that protons measure in the femtoscale (below the nanoscale). Proton beam lithography is used to convert single crystal diamond film into DMF, i.e., single crystal diamond film with internal electrically-conductive graphite zones useful for producing microcircuitry.

That is, the proton beam penetrates the diamond film beneath its upper interior surface (while leaving the surface intact). The beam coverts the diamond (a good electrical insulator) it penetrates into graphite (a good conductor of electricity), producing an ideal situation for electronics. The beam can be used to draw three dimensional patterns (consisting of channels or lines of graphite) within the diamond itself, so that the graphite channels are protected by diamond. Whole circuit boards (with no metal connectors needed) can be drawn this way, right within the diamond film.

Since the prototype for DMF was achieved years ago, there have been advances in reducing the size of the proton beam aperture (the opening that controls the quantity of protons entering and leaving it). This can mean the difference between beam lithography at the micron scale (as has already been done to produce DMF) and at the nanoscale (which has yet to be tried for producing nanoscale DMF).

The reason for the high intelligence potential of DMF robotics is that single crystal diamond has an arrangement of carbon atoms that is perfectly suited for manipulating light in a three-dimensional space. This arrangement is ideal architecture for photonic crystals that manipulate light for optical computing, which is a form of quantum computing (because photons have properties that make them quantum objects).

Using light beams to create the optical form of quantum computing has distinct advantages over conventional methods. Light beams of different wavelengths can criss-cross without interfering with each other. Because photons are so small, billions of wavelengths can travel through an optical instrument. So, there is greater potential for building more intelligence into a minute diamond device with optical computing than with conventional electron computing.

With DMF, graphite zones can be structured as waveguides that manipulate light. In other words, if one creates a strategically-located defect (such as a graphite zone) through a diamond crystal lattice, photons will be guided (either reflected or blocked).

In addition, with optical computing, saving data can be holographic when laser light is used in the system (because holograms are optical elements). All of the basic elements needed for quantum computing have been demonstrated with diamond, so that a diamond optical computer can serve as a quantum computer.

Moreover, using light to create quantum computing is more practical than conventional methods because light is much easier to control than the individual atoms traditionally used for quantum computing. Manipulating light is based on well-known classical physics backed by many decades of research.

The power of optical computing notwithstanding, it will be a daunting task to create a high level of computing power within synthetic nanodiamond. But the possible capacity for aiding potential human immortality in good health warrants a serious feasibility study.

So, as this proposed project progresses, it may be able to foster a program that take advantage of the progress in developing smaller proton beams to further the goal of diamond nanobots with the built-in intelligence to rescue humans from many perils and help us be the best we can be.

DMF and geopolymers can be used together as the GEO-DMF System to create structures with built-in artificial intelligence that afford advanced monitoring and detection systems. For example, in the future buried hazardous waste that has been solidified using geopolymers can be monitored with DMF electronics and computing incorporated right into the rock as it is being made. Of the numerous patents on geopolymers, some are for the long-term solidification / storage of very hazardous wastes (including nuclear wastes).

So, if a GEO-DMF building of any kind (like an Earth-based house or school) is flooded, it will still be perfectly functional when water in the interior has dried out or been otherwise removed. Diamond is impervious to water and so is geopolymerized rock. The advantages are huge when compared to today's structures that are often ruined by excessive flood damage.

In space and on Earth, facilities of all kinds can be fully automated with this system, too, because of the high level of computing potential of DMF electronics and robotics. Full automation is especially needed for space facilities, such as greenhouses, factories and habitats that will be largely robotically built in space with space materials.

A physical Longe-City (a city or convention center), impervious to flooding, hurricane force winds, fire damage, that is fully automated with advanced DMF computing and robotics could serve as a model for what the future of human immortality may hold.

It will be important for humans enjoying potential immortality to live under ideal conditions that help preserve that potential. Making the most of the GEO-DMF System can have a large positive impact on producing such conditions.

Project Goals:

The ultimate long-term project goals are listed below (the categories have more examples than it is practical to describe here):

a) Within a few generations, assuming the project is well-managed, everyone can be uplifted with vast new wealth from an exponentially growing space economy. Among many other examples that show this potential, experts calculate (and NASA agrees) that the total amount of metal in a typical 0.6 mile in diameter Carbonaceous Asteroid (the most common type) is valued at over a trillion dollars.

The reason many asteroids are so rich in metals is that they are the cores of planets that broke up during the early formation of our solar system. The cores of planets have vastly more metals (by weight) than their crusts, and so far more platinum can be derived from mining asteroids than from mining the Earth's crust. These asteroid metals, whether precious or industrial, are useful for growing industries on the Earth and in space.

By comparison to the above-mentioned trillion dollar metal yield figure, as of 2005, Danish political scientist Bjorn Lomborg estimated that it would require roughly $75 billion a year to provide basic health care, sanitation and education to everyone on the planet. This figure is constantly changing, but it gives us a very rough idea of global monetary needs.

Mining asteroids has not been feasible so far, but the conversation radically changes when we introduce durable, ultra-smart DMF robotics able to tolerate long usage in space and that utilize local space resources. When DMF can be robotically made in space with space materials (carbon for diamond production is abundant in space), and when DMF robots can self-assemble in space, the growth of the space economy will become exponential.

The increasing rate at which jobs are lost to artificial intelligence and robotics (it is predictable that human attorneys, judges, presidents, etc., will eventually be outperformed by smarter minds as machine intelligence increases), the more robotics should be required to provide for humankind.

Although IA / robotic job takeover is often feared, it can free humankind from unwanted mundane tasks so that everyone is allowed to pursue their dreams while also enjoying a sound financial base. Robotic intelligent may very well prove able to make wiser decisions than today's leaders. A team from the University of Hartford, Connecticut, succeeded in training a robot to behave ethically. The machine learning process incorporates cases of real-life ethical dilemmas to get a robot to perform duties. In every situation, the robot has to evaluate the best course of action for the good of a human. The robot is constantly tested and engaged in increased learning until it can make flawless fairness and ethical choices. Building in wisdom will be essential, too. There is great potential on several fronts for humankind to lift from the degenerating conditions prevailing across our planet to a more ideal state.

b) Satellites orbiting the Earth, and our power grids that rely on large transformers, can lose function due to an intense solar flare. The aging U.S. power grid is particularly vulnerable because of its multitude of high-powered transformers – and solar flares are unpredictable. DMF electronics tolerate much more radiation than today's delicate electronics. That is, diamonds tolerate exposures of up to 8000 megarads during color enhancement treatments. A synthetic diamond wafer one centimeter thick can withstand 10 million volts. This same voltage will destroy silicon. So, one way to protect vulnerable power grids is to develop computerized DMF devices designed specifically to upgrade and modernizing them.

c) Work to correct global environmental problems: A certain amount of wealth from a growing space economy can be directed towards solving many problems that are left untreated and growing increasingly worse. Geopolymerization, DMF, and several other technologies can make a very large impact when wisely implemented with sufficient funding. Revenues can also provide for funding to upgrade regulations, so that industries are held much more accountable when the environment is being badly harmed.

d) Help safeguard our future on Earth and in space: Among many other examples, fleets of tiny autonomous spacecraft, launched to scout for metals in asteroids, can at the same time install motorized devices on potentially dangerous asteroids. This will cause them to gradually veer away from Earth. Installing computerized telescopes (today's miniature telescopes have the optical power of large ones) on the Moon and elsewhere in space can continually monitor our solar system and beyond and warn us of dangers. We do not presently have enough vantage points to detect many of the potentially dangerous asteroids far in advance.

e) Achieve health and potential immortality for everyone with the help of DMF medical devices: While DMF microbots can be helpful, micron-sized devices are too large to enter body cells. The goal of immortality will be more feasible if DMF nanobots can be developed and carry the power of optical/quantum computing. The ideal scenario would be to develop devices small and smart enough to rapidly diagnose and correct internal health problems.

For example, science has learned that restoring proper telomer length reverses conditions of aging (so far, in skin and in mice), and that the enzyme telomerase restores telomeres that shorten with aging. One reason the progress in reversing human clinical aging by this means has been slow is because telomerase makes some cancers potentially immortal, and, therefore, more dangerous because of their vitality and steady growth. But we can project that computerized DMF bots, if they can be developed with sufficient intelligence at the needed scale, could traverse the bloodstream and monitor the body for cancerous cells and remove their blood supply. With no blood supply to provide nutrients, cancer cells stop growing and atrophy. The body can carry the atrophied material away.

Assuming that restoring proper telomer length with telomerase (injections or capsules) will reverse clinical aging in humans, too, the addition of minute DMF devices would aid clinical age reversal and more robust health, while virtually eliminating cancer as a disease threat.

Highly-intelligent nanobots would advance cryonics so that the potential for permanent death is decreased.

f) Find ways to safeguard the project and its growth so that it is administered by the people for the people, rather than taken over in such a way that vastly enriches a relatively few individuals at the expense of the overwhelming majority of people on our planet and our environment. This is a great challenge because the trend in human behavior shows scruples disappearing when the prospect of tremendous wealth presents itself, and a few growing richer at the expense of everyone else and of our planet's environment.

Part II – Projects & Teams Section:

Project Name: The GEO-DMF System

Team Leaders: The proposer and LongeCity members, aided by other volunteers who work to sell books for the cause (and/or to earn money for themselves).

Leader Workload: Initially, a minimum of 30 minutes per workday (five days a week).

Team Members: Five (initially, and hopefully growing into a larger committee with subcommittees, and a growing number of volunteers selling ebooks for the cause and/or to earn money for themselves).

Members Workload: Initially, a minimum of 30 minutes per workday (five days a week). The initial workload will require planning and implementation of the project website and enlisting volunteers to sell books for the cause (and/or to earn money for themselves through the sale of books).

Members Only (yes or no): Team leaders should be LongeCity Members (this conditions can be reconsidered if LongeCity Recorders see a need). Volunteers who sell books need not be LongeCity members. They can be student-teacher-parent teams raising money ($1.00 per book sold) for their schools or for scholarship funds, etc. Various individuals or teams can support any number of causes by this means.

Funding Required: This project comes with its own self-funding source, the sale of Moon Base and Beyond. However, initial funding is useful for setting up the book selling hub (under the care of LongeCity) with capabilities of collecting, processing, distributing and banking money from book sales, and returning $1.00 earned to the seller per book sale (or allowing that extra money to be allocated to the project fund or directly to LongeCity), and forwarding monthly sales reports and revenues beyond $10.00 per book to the publisher. Funding should also cover the cost of drawing up a mutually agreeable permissions agreement between LongeCity and the publisher, with the latter party agreeing to grant ebook sales for the benefit of the proposed project.

Funding Level: Funds are useful for implementing number 6 above. All funding can be repaid to LongeCity from initial ebook sales. Team members may decide to turn to crowd funding, and the project can accept donations to build project funds, too.

Metrics for Evaluating Success or Failure:

a) One way to ascertain a metric is profit, which can determine whether or not the project reaches its monetary goal(s). With commitment and good managerial input, high profit with book sales is predictable because most people will find the project beneficial in many ways (and want to learn the full potential by reading Moon Base and Beyond). Even those who do not desire potential physical immortality will recognize that the project is, after all, designed to uplift humanity and help restore the good health of the global environment and secure the future of humankind.

b) Another way to determine a metric is to evaluate any return rate(s) of a system. Return rates can be differently understood.

For example, can a product sold to foster the project be returned? In the case, there is minimal profit loss because the project fund raising product to be sold is not returnable (unless it turns out to be a paper book damaged in the mail).

Another example is return rate(s) understood as beneficial returns of any kind. Such returns can include building hope for the future, visible progress on various project goals, attracting more people to LongeCity and its goals, etc.). With commitment and good management input, a multitude of positive returns can be expected.

Another measure of return can be careful project expansion over time. A healthy growth rate will, at some unforeseen point in the future, require employing full time staff. This will necessitate additional revenues, and the GEO-DMF System affords many opportunities for producing technological advanced products that can yield earnings.

With proper management, this project has the potential to become a strong societal force like Google and Microsoft while representing a voice of the people.

10. Milestones / Interim Steps:

Anticipated steps, leading to milestones, include the following:

a) Build a devoted, skilled project leadership team.

b) Build a large and growing team of volunteers who sell books as a means of raising initial project funds.

c) Successful ongoing fund raising via book sales provides seed funding for initiating the development of important new high-tech products. These in turn will grow earnings so that the project can reach towards its ultimate goals of benefiting everyone and the global environment at a meaningful level.

d) Identifying potentially profitable commercial products that utilize the GEO-DMF System or any component thereof: This will also lead to the need to select a full-time staff capable of industrial scale management and implementation.

A few such product examples may include developing and marketing DMF optical/quantum computing, fostering the development and marketing of highly-intelligent DMF robotics for various applications, such as creating micro-dentists (capable of cleansing, perfecting protective flora, and encouraging the growth of new adult teeth when needed, etc.), micro-skin and scalp rescue devices, etc. These applications do not require nanobots and could be achieved with microbots that work on and near the outer areas of the human body, and that are safely eliminated when swallowed or otherwise enter the body. They should be able to account for their numbers so that they do not wind up in the environment or in the wrong parts of the body.

e) Developing key products identified. This may involve working with university labs that provide matching funds when performing research that advances novel and important new high-tech products and applications. It may involve gaining government grants for developing and testing new commercially viable or specialized products.

f) Marketing the newly developed products to increase earnings, so that the project can progress towards achieving its ultimate goals of uplifting humankind and helping the environment.

g) Foster enlarging the space economy (a basic sketch appears in Moon Base and Beyond), for the people and by the people. The goal is to increasingly bring new wealth to the planet for the benefit of humankind and our planet.

h) Foster the finalization of fair international space treaties ensuring that space assets belong to everyone and not just to specialized corporate interests that are reaching into space for profit.

i) Study the feasibility, and hopefully foster the development, of nanoscale DMF robotics equipped with optical-quantum computing brains, that can traverse our bloodstreams and act as maintenance and rescue bots that can also correct physical deficiencies.

j) Implement models of superior, fully automated geopolymerized rock architecture built to withstand hurricane force winds, flooding, temperature extremes and other hazardous conditions.

k) When sufficient earnings are realized, work with economists to identify means of sharing with those in need of support, a main ultimate goal of the project. Assistance will expand in line with expanding profits from industrial growth, including those that are Earth-based and those being implemented in space.

l) Gradually make the most of what the GEO-DMF System, or any component or spinoff thereof, has to offer humanity.

In short, The GEO-DMF System project proposal advocates starting small, by raising funds from ebook sales as seed money that will allow further progress such as that outlined above. This can gradually generate meaningful earnings for the betterment of humankind in fundamental ways, and in critically important ways dreamed of by futurists and other forward thinkers but yet to be achieved.

Appendix One:

Pre-publication book reviews for Moon Base and Beyond:

"A remarkably comprehensive look at technologies that solve space habitat construction, life support, and commercial development problems, and slash the costs of permanently operating in space. The system explained can usher in the much-anticipated, but grievously delayed, era of continuous human presence on the Moon, Mars and elsewhere. Meticulously researched, superbly organized, and absorbing, this work is a real page-turner and highly recommended for space professionals, science fiction enthusiasts, students, and the general public. Most definitely not the 'same-old-same-old'!"

– ABOUT THE REVIEWER: Dr. Albert A Harrison, Professor Emeritus, University of California, Davis, author of 'Spacefaring: The Human Dimension'

"A readable, unique work offering many new ideas – a valuable must-read for anyone interested in colonizing extraterrestrial bodies."

– ABOUT THE REVIEWER: Daniel Berleant, PhD, author of "The Human Race to the Future—What Could Happen and What to Do"

“'Moon Base and Beyond' integrates technologies into a system that may very well constitute the unpredictable wild-card that breaks the long-standing bottleneck that has prevented humankind from permanent, affordable deep space settlements. Morris addresses, in a highly-readable fashion, the disciplines critical to building a permanent lunar habitation and one on Mars and far beyond. Her presentation is unique and powerful enough to re-ignite excitement by the general public in advancing space activities. Her book can strongly inspire students to direct their interests and disciplines to the evolution and survival potentials of modern humankind and its biotechnological descendants.

“I highly recommend 'Moon Base and Beyond' as required reading for students pursuing all college and post graduate curricula. It is an excellent, informative, and easy-read for high school, undergraduate and post- graduate students regardless of their specific interests and disciplines of study and research.

“Morris' Moon Base and Beyond' is also a marvelous discussion piece for anyone concerned with the increasingly pressing issues of "Wither and Whether Humankind?" A seemingly ancillary issue, but certainly pressingly critical at the moment, is her discussion regarding the strong, positive impact on the global economy that can be gained by a genuinely global space program embracing permanent humankind migration and settlement off-Earth.

“Perhaps Morris' next undertaking should be to address in detail, and in the same readable manner, the concept of transhumans and, ultimately, totally independent post-humans embracing the "essence" of Homo sapiens sapiens in its odyssey towards a secular-humanistic understanding of the cosmos or “existence.” After all, space exploration, migration, and settlement constitute the underlying immutable factor of the humankind odyssey toward advancement to the point of bringing about an empirical understanding of the deep nature of “existence.””

– ABOUT THE REVIEWER: Dr. George S. Robinson, LL.B., LL.M., and the first Doctor of Civil Laws in Space Law, served for 25 years as legal counsel for the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. and worked as an International Relations Specialist for NASA. He is a prolific author with 50 years experience in Space Law, and is by training and practice an evolutionary biologist. As no short summary of his career achievements can suffice, see his biography for more: http://www.2rlaw.com/dr.george.php.

"Moon Base and Beyond is a valuable resource for any space enthusiast. Morris identifies the need for inexpensive, strong structures, robust computing and robotic construction and automation. She offers a solution to these challenges via the GEO-DMF System. She presents a treasure trove of well-researched applications while covering numerous facets of living in and exploring through space."

– ABOUT THE REVIEWER: Dr. Jason Cassibry is an associate professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and affiliated with the Propulsion Research Center at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. His research involves thermonuclear fusion for interplanetary propulsion. He has advised 14 advanced degree students to completion and co-authored 17 peer-reviewed publications in the areas of advanced propulsion, thermonuclear fusion, and plasma physics.

Also see the book review at Moon Daily:


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