
If you’ve not already done so, you can subscribe to these daily listings and have them delivered to your inbox at 7am every morning. Alternatively, subscribe to Londonist Daily to hear about events further in the future. And help spread the word to your friends who haven’t discovered us yet!

Learn about Aaron Angell’s art works at ICA today. Image courtesy Aaron Angell and Rob Tufnell, London


BLOOD: Today’s opportunity to donate blood is at City Temple by Holborn Viaduct. Free, see site for terms and conditions.

BEACH RUGBY: 200 tonnes of sand lands in Covent Garden’s East Piazza today for two-day  5-a-side touch “‘beach’ rugby tournament. During this time 32 teams and 320 competitors will tussle and spectators can watch for free. Free, just turn up, until 10 August

OUTDOOR THEATRE: The National Theatre’s Watch This Space series returns this month bringing free theatre to the steps of the National Theatre. Today you can watch a dance, circus and theatre fusion performance by Joli Vyann. Free, just turn up, 1.10pm and 6pm (programme runs until 31 August)

COMPOST ART: Artist Aaron Angell discusses the pieces he makes, how he produces them through a process of ‘composting’, and how they are shown whether broken, unexpected, or unattractive. At the Institute of Contemporary Arts. £5, prebook, 1pm

MUSEUM LATES: Unwind after work with a spot of culture at the British Museum, National Gallery or National Portrait Gallery. Free, check websites for closing times and events

NZ POETRY: There’s a poetry double bill with Lynn Davidson and Briar Wood from Birkbeck’s New Zealand Studies Network. Free, just turn up, 6pm

APSLEY HOUSE: Visitors can enjoy after-hours wandering and talks at the grand metropolitan mansion Apsley House this month, with late Friday night openings. £6.70/£6, just turn up, 6-8pm

CREATIVE FOOD: Architect Carolyn Steel discusses Sitopia: The Creative Power of Food at the Royal Academy tonight. Free with an exhibition ticket (which costs £8), just turn up, 7pm

OZ BALL: If you fancy a party with a difference the head to Bethnal Green Working Men’s Club Oz Ball – a Wizard of Oz themed night out with costume encouraged and tarot readings available. £6.50, prebook, 7.30pm

CROSS-ARTS: A site-specific evening of contemporary music, dance and moving images is being held underground at The Vibe Gallery in Bermondsey. £3, prebook, 7.30pm

ROLLER SKATE: The Friday Night skate starts at Wellington Arch. Anyone who feels competent on skates is welcome to join. Free, just turn up, 8pm

VIDEOKE: Recreate, reinvent and/or slaughter well known music videos with Videoke at Islington Metal Works. Choreographers, props and music will be on hand to create what the Videoke team describe as “a big, human, video jukebox”. £20.50, prebook, 9pm

COMEDY: A bit of late night comedy on offer tonight as Robin Ince performs a work in progress show at Phoenix Fringe. £8, prebook, 10pm

Please contact hello@londonist.com with any suggestions, solutions or contributions for the following sections.

Good Cause of the Day

Take part in a 10k run with a difference while raising money for a good cause, with the ZSL London Zoo Stampede. On Sunday 15 September, London Zoo opens its doors for a unique run that leads participants through the zoo before it opens, taking in the scenery and exotic animals, before entering the wilderness of Regents Park. All proceeds raised go towards the animal conservation charity Zoological Society of London, and possibly to avoid overheating/confusion/getting humped by a wild animal, participants are requested not to wear animal costumes! £31 (price includes entry to the zoo after the run, a comemorative medal and goodie bag), register online, Sunday 15 September

London Connection Puzzle

Previous clue-words have been BELL, SALT, CONSTABLE, and today’s is DEVEREAUX. That’s your lot. What’s the London connection? Several other people have already got it, so no need to email in. For those still scratching their heads, the answer will be revealed next week.

From Londonist’s Archive

If you have already solved the above London Connection Puzzle then here are a couple of London Puzzles from 2012: one about nifty mnemonics and the other a crafty journey through London. Can you work them out (warning: avoid the comments if you don’t want to know the answers!)?

Yay! It’s Friday! Right, that’s enough positivity. Here’s a list of London annoyances that got our goat in 2011. In fact, they still annoy us now.

Can you add to our list of London street names with cultural references? There must be some new ones since 2010.

London Weather

Inclement Attlee is taking a week’s holiday so we return to our Japanese replacement, Met Office-san, for a haiku forecast.

Morning commute rain,

brightening later, woohoo!

Twenty three degrees.

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