
A lot has changed for Big Oil in the past 10 years, but how much has the shale boom shifted the rankings of the world’s 20 biggest oil and gas companies? We compared today’s giants with data from 2003. Who do you think is on top?

Ten years ago there was no Facebook, no Twitter, no iPhone. If you wanted a smart phone back then your best option was a Blackberry that now looks as antiquated as an eight-track player. Back in 2003 George W. Bush declared “Mission Accomplished” in Iraq. In 2003 Barack Obama was still a member of the Illinois Senate. The year’s biggest movies were Lord of The Rings and Finding Nemo.

Back in 2003 motorists were shocked when gasoline prices hit an all time high of $1.75 a gallon. We wondered how  Americans could maintain their way of life with crude oil so “expensive” at $30 a barrel. That led to endless handwringing that the United States, and soon the world, would surpass that tipping point of Peak Oil, after which prices would skyrocket and outright oil shortages would be commonplace. It didn’t look good for natural gas then either. Instead of the glut of gas we enjoy today, back then energy companies were trying to figure out how to import gas in the form of LNG from the likes of Qatar. The era of cheap energy appeared to be over.

So much has changed in 10 years. Now oil is comfortably at $100 a barrel and the world has not ended. The U.S. is looking to export LNG rather than import it. And thanks to the shale drilling boom U.S. oil production is higher than it’s been in 25 years.

The revolution percolated up from the ground. Spurred by higher oil prices, enterprising small wildcatters in Texas and Oklahoma were experimenting with new methods: drilling wells that curved horizontally deep underground to intersect layers of gas-bearing shale, then using high-pressure water and sand blasting fissures in the rock, unlocking the gas. At lower oil and gas prices it wouldn’t have made economic sense, but as oil prices exploded to $60 in 2005, $90 in 2007 and a peak of $147 per barrel in 2008, these visionaries proved what the Peak Oil crowd had conveniently forgotten: that the supply of commodities does respond quickly to price signals.

Click here for the full list of the World’s 20 Biggest Oil Companies

U.S. crude oil production bottomed out at 5 million barrels per day in 2008. Since then supply has exploded by more than 50%; the Energy Information Administration says that in October U.S. crude oil production averaged 7.7 million bpd. Not only is that the highest production for any October in 25 years, it means that more than half of our oil supply is now sourced domestically. Factor in all the other liquids like propane and butane being recovered from our shale fields and the United States now surpasses both Russia and Saudi Arabia as the world’s leading petroleum producer at 10.1 million barrels per day. As for natural gas, that’s up 25% in the past decade, to a record level of more than 80 billion cubic feet per day.

It’s tempting to think that this revolution in “unconventional” oil and gas could have rearranged the leaderboard in the oil and gas industry, with shale-focused players pushing out the old guard for a bigger share. You’d be wrong. Despite the unfathomable changes the industry has seen, when it comes to who rules the roost, the more things change the more they stay the same.

According to Wood Mackenzie, the well respected global consultancy and unsurpassed collector of energy data, the companies that make up the top 20 have changed very little.

The top four companies, then as now, are Saudi Aramco, Gazprom, the National Iranian Oil Company and ExxonMobil. Rosneft has taken over the no. 5 slot from Pemex. Shell remains in 6th, while PetroChina has risen from 9th to 7th. Rounding out the top 10 is Pemex, Chevron and Kuwait Petroleum Corporation.

Only three companies that were among the top 20 in 2003 are no longer there: ConocoPhillips (previously 16th) has jettisoned much of its international operations; Yukos (previously 13th) was nationalized by Vladimir Putin and its assets handed over to Rosneft; and Eni (previously 17th) has simply been surpassed as others have grown.

And oh how these giants have grown. A decade ago, the average daily volume of the 20 biggest companies was 3.4 million bpd. Now it’s 4 million. Remember those priests of Peak Oil such as the late Matt Simmons? He was convinced five years ago that record oil prices were a sign that the world, and most emphatically the Saudis, had reached the limits of output and that the next step for energy supplies would be off a cliff. Boy were they wrong.

Saudi Aramco’s total production of oil (and natural gas equivalents) was 9.9 million bpd in 2003. This year, according to WoodMac, Aramco is doing 12.7 million bpd — its growth the result of big expansions like Khurais and Manifa, each giving up 1 million bpd or more. Far from seeing its market share shrink in the face of the American shale gale, the Saudis are only getting more powerful in the marketplace. ”Aramco’s dramatic growth simply underscores the quality and scale of its oil reserve base. There are simply so many things just sitting in their back pocket,” says WoodMac analyst Tom Ellacott.

ExxonMobil too is up from 4.6 million bpd to 5.3 million over a decade. Most of that growth comes from Exxon’s share the of the massive liquefied natural gas export terminals that it engineered and built for Qatar Petroleum. Exxon also bought shale expert XTO Energy. The company keeps getting flack from analysts and scribblers about its seeming inability to grow its production volumes from quarter to quarter. But it’s worth remembering that big tigers don’t have to eat every day — but when they do they can eat a lot.

PetroChina too has absolutely surged from 2.5 to 3.9 million bpd. Petrobras and Qatar Petroleum are close behind. But the biggest shocker is Iran. Despite nearly a decade of international sanctions that have prevented Iran from getting its oil out to the world, the National Iranian Oil Company has somehow grown its overall volumes from 4.9 million to 6.1 million bpd. Can that be possible? Yes. Iran may have seen sanctions knock its oil exports down from 2.5 million to 1.5 million in the past couple years, but it has more than made up for it by pumping more natural gas, especially from the Pars field that it shares with Qatar in the Persian Gulf. How big is Pars? It contains roughly 1,200 trillion cubic feet of natural gas — about 15% of the whole world’s gas reserves. That’s equal to about half of all the shale gas resources that have been discovered in the United States in recent years. That said, if you had to pick between owning all the shale gas in the U.S. versus just the Pars field, you’d pick Pars because it’s a conventional reserve easy to drill and cheap to produce. At current volumes Qatar and Iran will be able to keep pumping gas there for more than 200 years.

Then there’s the laggards. Gazprom’s production has declined the most, falling 1.4 million bpd over the decade. However President Putin has more than made up for that by consolidating control of Russia’s oil champion Rosneft.

Pemex has slid down the rankings due to the dramatic death of its offshore giant Cantarell, which peaked at 2.2 million bpd in 2003 and has since plunged to 450,000 bpd. Long-anticipated energy reforms championed by President Enrique Peña Nieto could breathe new life into Pemex.

The oil giant that has lost the biggest portion of its output is BP. Back in 2003 BP’s output was 3.9 million bpd. By the time of the Deepwater Horizon disaster in 2010 that had inched up to 4 million bpd. Since then, BP under CEO Bob Dudley has sold $38 billion in assets. And Dudley in recent weeks has pledged $10 billion more in sales the next two years. As a result, BP is now down to 3.1 million bpd, and falling.

So what will the next decade bring? Is there really any impetus, or incentive for these oil giants to remain giant?

There certainly is for the state-controlled players. Saudi Arabia, Russia, Iran, Mexico, Kuwait, Qatar, Abu Dhabi, Venezuela and Iraq all rely on their oil and gas exports to fund government spending and especially social programs. As their populations and domestic energy usage grows, their state-run energy companies need to keep pace. That shouldn’t be trouble for any of those countries assuming their political situations are stable enough to attract investment from the publicly traded giants. Most have massive untapped fields that can be developed at a much lower cost per barrel than America’s shale plays. So there’s little doubt that companies controlled by Riyadh and the Kremlin will remain atop the list in 2023. Rosneft, with plenty of prospects across Russia’s vast interior as well as its Arctic seas is likely to surpass ExxonMobil in a decade.

So what of the non-state giants like Chevron, Shell, Total, BP and Exxon? Can they find growth? WoodMac’s Tom Ellacott thinks they can “extend or maintain” their volumes. He doesn’t agree with the conventional wisdom on Wall Street that they are in terminal decline.

But just because you can grow output doesn’t necessarily mean growing is a good idea. ConocoPhillips fell out of the top 20 because after years of trying and failing to generate good returns on international projects, the company decided to sell assets in Russia and elsewhere and retrench in the United States. Smaller Devon Energy also abandoned its international ambitions in 2010, selling billions of dollars worth of deepwater stakes to BP and others. Devon’s reasoning was simple: we can make better returns with lower risk developing shale plays back home.

The simple truth is that it’s getting ever more expensive for the big publicly traded oil companies to get access to the remaining hordes of “easier” oil controlled by the state-owned giants. In the third quarter of 2013 earnings for the big integrated oil companies were down about 25% over the previous year. Why? Because costs are going up for exploration and production while refining margins have been lackluster. As oil prices rose into 2008 the supermajors very much enjoyed counting their profits on their stable of conventional projects, where the cost of building out a field averaged $7 to $10 per barrel. But developments have gotten more and more complex, and now it can cost $30 or more per barrel in build-out capex, according to Bernstein Research. The supermajors’ average net income these days amounts to $14 per barrel produced.

Consider Kashagan, the megafield in Kazakhstan, where a consortium led by Exxon, Total, Eni and Shell has spent a decade and more than $50 billion on the build out, and still can’t get it right. The snafus resulting from too many cooks in the kitchen has  delayed startup and infuriated the government. ConocoPhillips wisely sold out its piece of Kashagan for $5 billion a couple years ago.

Many shareholders would welcome an end to Big Oil’s profligate capital spending. This year Shell expects to invest $45 billion, ExxonMobil $38 billion, Chevron $36 billion. Cut spending at just those companies by a third and that would free up $40 billion a year to be returned to shareholders in the form of dividends and buybacks. This would necessarily mean less growth in the future, but why would shareholders mind when they can take cash out and reinvest in something with better returns? ExxonMobil may look like a cheap stock selling at just 8 times its $49 billion in annual cashflow, but it’s really not. As Ed Westlake, analyst at Credit Suisse wrote recently, “there are more profitable shale companies trading at a discount to this with higher reinvestment returns.


With this in mind, there’s one publicly traded supermajor that isn’t giving shareholders much confidence in its ability to grow into the next decade: Royal Dutch Shell. The company may be investing more in capex than any of its peers, but Shell’s recent track record calls into question whether those investments will pay off. According to Bernstein Research, Shell’s return on capital fell to 8.2% in the third quarter. That’s its lowest level since 2009 when the bottom fell out of oil prices, and it’s a far cry from the 20%+ ROC that Shell posted in 2008. Shell’s production volumes are down about 2% over last year, with the oil and liquids portion down 7%. The company has suffered huge disruptions in Nigeria, where it has operated for decades. But Shell’s biggest embarrassment has been its North America operations. The company has managed to lose money in its North American oil and gas fields for nearly two years now. In the third quarter, for every barrel of oil or natgas equivalent that Shell produced in the U.S. or Canada, it lost $2.80.

Some of this trouble is likely the result of its misadventures off the northern coast of Alaska, where Shell has spent more than $5 billion since 2008 in a quixotic quest to drill wells while dodging icebergs. Last year, you’ll recall, Shell lost control of its Kulluk drilling rig, which got stuck on the rocks near Kodiak Island. It decided not to try again in Alaska this year.

But the primary culprit has been Shell’s inability to capitalize on the shale boom. In the third quarter the company recorded a $2.2 billion charge tied to ill fated U.S. investments. Outgoing CEO Peter Voser has said that Shell’s big bet on shale was a prime regret of his tenure.

The Eagle Ford shale play of south Texas was a problem. Three years ago Shell paid a $1 billion bonus to lease up the 100,000 acre Harrison Ranch. Clearly hoping for the same success in the Eagle Ford enjoyed by the likes of EOG Resources, Marathon Oil, and many other smaller players, Shell invested another $1 billion or so drilling wells there. Unfortunately, they discovered that the Harrison acreage is so lackluster that Shell has decided to close up shop in the Eagle Ford altogether divest the acreage. Shell has met the same trouble in Kansas, where it roped together 600,000 acres in the Mississippi Lime formation but wasn’t happy with results there and is now looking to get out. Shell also recently sold 50,000 acres it had acquired in Ohio’s Utica shale. Maybe Shell will turn it all around with its slate of new developments in the Gulf of Mexico (or its shale gas venture in China), or perhaps acquire one of the U.S. shale players that know what they’re doing, like Cabot Oil & Gas or Range Resources.

As long as oil prices stay strong, the supermajors may feel justified in spending ever more cash to drill deeper, trickier wells. But the more that they stumble over new plays like Shell, the more likely it becomes that Big Oil will reach an inflection point where they realize that the chase just isn’t worth it anymore, that a better strategy may be to return cash to shareholders and simply be satisfied with milking the cows they have.

Shrink or grow? We’ll just have to see. No one could have predicted the twists and turns of the oil industry in the past 10 years. And the next 10 will hold an all new set of surprises. (Maybe we will finally run up against Peak Oil!) But the odds are that these oil and gas giants that control the industry today will continue to control it 10 years from now. And if history is any guide, they’ll get even bigger in the process.



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