Preconference: 3 June 2015
Conference: 4 June 2015
Conference: 5 June 2015
Jun. 3, 2015
Salon London
Salon Moskau
Salon Paris
Salon Riga
Salon Rom
Salon Wien
9:00am – 12:30pm
Game Localization Round Table | P02 |
Full Day Program, Special Registration Requirement
Cristina Anselmi - Aeria Games
Angelina Bayer - Goodgame Studios
Arthur Flew - Blizzard Entertainment
Clara Gómez Pérez - Goodgame Studios
Jasmin Jelača - Nordeus
Nadège Josa - SCEE
Elle Kajiwara-Airey - Silicon Studio
Shane McCarthy - Electronic Arts
Dave Ruane - VistaTEC
Moderators: Miguel Bernal-Merino,
Simone Crosignani
Game Localization Round Table
Track: Preconference | P02 |
Full Day Program, Special Registration Requirement
This full-day round table consists of several distinct sessions presented by experts in game localization and is open to clients (game developers and game publishers) and to qualifying vendors (game localization specialists). We aim to provide the best possible venue to enable a fruitful and balanced debate. To this end, we will do our best...
Localization Sales and Marketing Round Table | P12 |
Renato Beninatto - Moravia
Anne-Marie Colliander Lind - Consulting AB
Localization Sales and Marketing Round Table
Track: Preconference | P12 |
Bring your sales and marketing challenges to this panel of experts and listen to their suggestions and potential solutions, LIVE! It will be an open consulting platform with experts in sales, sales management, sales training, marketing and public relations. Ask something, learn something, share something and take a lot home to act upon.
Life Sciences Business Round Table | P01 |
Full Day Program, Special Registration Requirement
Moderator: Clio Schils
Life Sciences Business Round Table
Track: Preconference | P01 |
Full Day Program, Special Registration Requirement
In the world of translation and localization, the life sciences sector is different from any other industry because of the unique and specific nature of its requirements. With regulations changing on a continual basis, a premium is placed on quality above all else. For our Life Sciences Business Round Table in Berlin, we are delighted...
Full Day Program
Host: David Filip
Track: Preconference | P04 |
Full Day Program
Quality Management Using TAUS DQF | P10 |
Willem Stoeller - International Consulting LLC
Quality Management Using TAUS DQF
Track: Preconference | P10 |
In late 2011 the TAUS Dynamic Quality Framework (DQF) working group published its first report on translation quality evaluation. This report kindled a strong interest in translation quality management. In early 2015 Willem Stoeller created a new training course on translation quality management and DQF in close cooperation with TAUS. This training presents a comprehensive...
Introduction to Localization | P06 |
Daniel Goldschmidt - Microsoft
Uwe Stahlschmidt - Microsoft
Angelika Zerfaß - zaac
Introduction to Localization
Track: Preconference | P06 |
Three highly experienced industry experts will illuminate the basics of localization for session participants over the course of three one-hour blocks. This instruction is particularly oriented to participants who are new to localization. Participants will gain a broad overview of the localization task set, issues and tools. Subjects covered will be fundamental problems that localization...
12:30pm – 1:30pm
1:30pm – 5:00pm
Game Localization Round Table | P02 |
Full Day Program, Special Registration Requirement
Cristina Anselmi - Aeria Games
Angelina Bayer - Goodgame Studios
Arthur Flew - Blizzard Entertainment
Clara Gómez Pérez - Goodgame Studios
Jasmin Jelača - Nordeus
Nadège Josa - SCEE
Elle Kajiwara-Airey - Silicon Studio
Shane McCarthy - Electronic Arts
Dave Ruane - VistaTEC
Moderators: Miguel Bernal-Merino,
Simone Crosignani
Game Localization Round Table
Track: Preconference | P02 |
Full Day Program, Special Registration Requirement
This full-day round table consists of several distinct sessions presented by experts in game localization and is open to clients (game developers and game publishers) and to qualifying vendors (game localization specialists). We aim to provide the best possible venue to enable a fruitful and balanced debate. To this end, we will do our best...
GlobalSight BootCamp | P13 |
GlobalSight BootCamp
Track: Preconference | P13 |
Life Sciences Business Round Table | P01 |
Full Day Program, Special Registration Requirement
Moderator: Clio Schils
Life Sciences Business Round Table
Track: Preconference | P01 |
Full Day Program, Special Registration Requirement
In the world of translation and localization, the life sciences sector is different from any other industry because of the unique and specific nature of its requirements. With regulations changing on a continual basis, a premium is placed on quality above all else. For our Life Sciences Business Round Table in Berlin, we are delighted...
Full Day Program
Host: David Filip
Track: Preconference | P04 |
Full Day Program
Translation Technology Showcase | P11 |
Host: Jaap van der Meer
Translation Technology Showcase
Track: Preconference | P11 |
Note: Preconference room allocation may be adjusted, based on session bookings.
Advanced Localization Management
Content Strategy
Global Business
Inside Track
Jun. 4, 2015
Saal Berlin
Salon London
Salon Paris
Salon Rom
Salon Wien
9:00am – 10:00am
Localization Strategies to Support Multi-branch Development | AL1 |
Kaho Lo - Adobe Systems Inc.
Localization Strategies to Support Multi-branch Development
Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL1 |
With today’s rapid product release cycles, localization processes have to support multiple development branches simultaneously. Many teams are also moving to agile processes, where large epics are broken down into smaller feature stories, each with their own branch. Over the last few years at Adobe, we’ve devised various methods to address these problems. Some projects...
Localizing Africa | GB1A |
Rosalind Smith - Localize Africa (Pty) Ltd.
Localizing Africa
Track: Global Business | GB1A | SPLIT SESSION
In this session we will cover information about African countries; their past, present and future plans for infrastructure; the status of education in the past and now; the language groups and numbers; the fact that these languages were mainly spoken by agrarian or fishing-based peoples, and the issues faced in the translation of modern technological...
Potential and Challenge: Doing Business with Africa | GB1B |
Tea Dietterich - 2M Language Services
Potential and Challenge: Doing Business with Africa
Track: Global Business | GB1B | SPLIT SESSION
Not only thanks to its natural resources has Africa become an interesting export market for international investors and mining companies. However, governance and cultural aspects make it a challenging place to do business. Language service providers may not only be required to translate into a range of African languages but also to advise on tenders...
Vendor Management: How Enterprise Buyers Manage Their Translation Suppliers | IN1 |
Rebecca Ray - Common Sense Advisory
Vendor Management: How Enterprise Buyers Manage Their Translation Suppliers
Track: Inside Track | IN1 |
Are you struggling with how to manage external suppliers as content volumes increase, language support rises and delivery times get shorter? Are you looking for metrics to benchmark your team in this area? How do other companies measure vendor performance? Do you have the right level of automation? How can you move your suppliers along...
How to Measure Translation Quality with Objectivity: A Success Story from VMware | TS1 |
Isabelle Martin-Quirke - VMware
Bodo Vahldieck - VMware
Host: Jaap van der Meer
How to Measure Translation Quality with Objectivity: A Success Story from VMware
Track: TAUS | TS1 |
10:00am – 10:45am
10:45am – 12:00pm
12:00pm – 1:30pm
1:30pm – 2:30pm
In-country Review: Quality Assurance at Local Companies | AL2 |
Gisbert Meyer - Olympus Europa SE & Co. KG
Christian Weih - Across Systems GmbH
In-country Review: Quality Assurance at Local Companies
Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL2 |
For many enterprises the review of translations by subject matter experts (SMEs) in local companies is a fixed element of quality assurance. However, this task is also associated with a number of challenges. The texts are usually reviewed in the specialized departments by employees who have entirely different duties. Furthermore, several people often need to...
Finding the Right Words When it Matters Most: The Process and Art of Influencing Customers for Energy Efficiency | GB2 |
Chi-Wei Chang - Opower
Michael Stevens - Moravia
Finding the Right Words When it Matters Most: The Process and Art of Influencing Customers for Energy Efficiency
Track: Global Business | GB2 |
The internet of things is often about how to make a better product. Opower’s approach is to figure out how to influence behavior of the consumers using the product. When the average person thinks about their energy usage for only nine minutes a year, every word matters when trying to capture the uninterested consumer in...
The 12 Pillars of High-quality Localization | IN2 |
Maxim Lobanov - Google
The 12 Pillars of High-quality Localization
Track: Inside Track | IN2 |
Are you struggling with how to manage external suppliers as content volumes increase, language support rises and delivery times get shorter? Are you looking for metrics to benchmark your team in this area? How do other companies measure vendor performance? Do you have the right level of automation? How can you move your suppliers along...
The TAUS Quality Dashboard: Turning QE Into Business Intelligence | TS2 |
Henk Boxma - BoxmaIT
Jaap van der Meer - TAUS
The TAUS Quality Dashboard: Turning QE Into Business Intelligence
Track: TAUS | TS2 |
Global Presence, Many Sources: A Content Strategy for High-volume Content Providers | CS2 |
Rahel Bailie - Intentional Design
Host: Scott Abel
Global Presence, Many Sources: A Content Strategy for High-volume Content Providers
Track: Content Strategy | CS2 |
Some of the largest publishers of content for global consumption are eCommerce enterprises, particularly distributors that have thousands of suppliers — think Amazon, eBay and other eCommerce behemoths — that need to find a way to create a global presence with content from multiple sources. The push for automation is not a luxury when page...
2:30pm – 3:00pm
3:00pm – 4:30pm
4:30pm – 5:00pm
5:00pm – 6:00pm
Going from Skipping Stones to Rock’n Rolling with One Customer | AL4 |
Mina Ivanovic - Electrolux
Stefania Piva - Athena Parthenos
Going from Skipping Stones to Rock’n Rolling with One Customer
Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL4 |
Developing a relationship that is solid as a rock and at the same time totally rocking takes a lot of effort, especially when the customer has a lot hanging in the balance. This is the case when a corporation is already a high-profile, globalized multinational with an international image yet might be older than the...
Globalization Readiness: Minimum to Play from Strategy to Execution | GB4 |
Luciana Vecchi - NetApp
Globalization Readiness: Minimum to Play from Strategy to Execution
Track: Global Business | GB4 |
How many times have you heard that there is a “gap” between the headquarters and the different geos? How many times have you tried something new to help reduce this “gap”? Many of us, especially from mid-to-large-sized companies, have tirelessly tried nearly everything from hiring international product managers to country partners to geo aligners. And...
Content Strategy for Advanced Display and Localization | CS4 |
Charles Cooper - The Rockley Group Inc.
Host: Scott Abel
Content Strategy for Advanced Display and Localization
Track: Content Strategy | CS4 |
The world of content delivery has changed. While paper remains an option for some (and is mandatory in some cases), electronic delivery systems are the choice for many. As display technologies become smaller (and are now both carryable and wearable) and almost ubiquitous (screens in cars and home appliances) we have to rethink how we...
Advanced Localization Management
Content Strategy
Global Business
Inside Track
Jun. 5, 2015
Saal Berlin
Salon London
Salon Paris
Salon Riga
Salon Rom
Salon Wien
9:00am – 10:00am
How to Set Up a Smart Translation RFP Process: Tame that Wild Animal | AL5 |
Jessica Rathke - L10N Sales & Marketing
Martin Schneekloth - Emerson
Moderator: Maria Kania-Tasak
How to Set Up a Smart Translation RFP Process: Tame that Wild Animal
Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL5 |
Have you ever tried to set up a request for proposal (RFP) for translation services? You’ve got to build the process and generate questions that satisfy procurement, marketing or other departments. Maybe you’ve assembled your questions only to find that they’re not helpful for translation vendor selection. It can feel like wrestling with an unruly...
Cool Careers in Localization | GB5 |
Martin Güttinger - VMware
Angelika Zerfaß - zaac
Moderator: Andrew Lawless
Cool Careers in Localization
Track: Global Business | GB5 |
The lack of a skilled workforce in localization is one of the leading contributors to the prevention of international growth. Exports of goods and services have stayed flat for many companies as a result, and especially growing companies such as Google, Facebook and Salesforce cannot find enough localization talent to fill their needs. This means...
Structuring Localization at a Tech Start-up | IN5 |
Karen Loughrey - Optimizely
Steve Maule - Welocalize
Structuring Localization at a Tech Start-up
Track: Inside Track | IN5 |
San Francisco software-as-a-service start-up Optimizely opened its EMEA headquarters in the Netherlands at the beginning of 2013. It quickly went to market with its product, a customer experience optimization platform and company website. After gaining huge international traction, with triple digit year-over-year growth, the business decided to expand its localized offerings and introduced a central...
Unconference @ LocWorld | UN5 |
Session Participants
Moderator: Teresa Marshall
Unconference @ LocWorld
Track: Unconference | UN5 |
Interested in a unique track at LocWorld? Are you ready to join the conversation and discussions? Again, we are holding an “unconference” at LocWorld. Never heard of that? An unconference consists of participant-driven sessions, decidedly without the conventional format of a conference. There are no PowerPoint presentations and no sales pitches! There are only topics...
Post-editing Practices, Linguistic Expertise and QA in Support to MT Engine Training at eBay | TS5 |
Costantis Galantis - eBay
Lucie Le Naour - eBay
Host: Jaap van der Meer
Post-editing Practices, Linguistic Expertise and QA in Support to MT Engine Training at eBay
Track: TAUS | TS5 |
eBay users expect our platform to be truly global. Machine translation (MT) is needed to support and encourage cross-border trade. The implementation of MT has had a positive effect on trade. The MT content we are dealing with at eBay consists mainly of user-generated titles, descriptions and search queries, which pose specific challenges in the...
10:00am – 10:30am
10:30am – 11:15am
Managing Content Evolution in the Global Travel Industry | AL6 |
Barry Higgins - ebookers
Mike Mulligan - VistaTEC
Tommaso Rossi - Expedia, Inc.
Moderator: Mark Flanagan
Managing Content Evolution in the Global Travel Industry
Track: Advanced Localization Management | AL6 |
The travel industry is dynamic, competitive and evolving at a relentless pace. Traditional online travel agencies (OTAs) are being challenged by multimodal, META and hotel/airline organizations themselves. In order to stay current and competitive, the OTA’s content must be engaging, emotional, fresh, targeted, focused on delivering an outcome and also delivered across multiple platforms. This...
How LSPs Can Map a Path to the Next Level of Organizational Maturity | IN6 |
Hélène Pielmeier - Common Sense Advisory
How LSPs Can Map a Path to the Next Level of Organizational Maturity
Track: Inside Track | IN6 |
What makes a language service provider (LSP) more evolved than another? To enable suppliers with a culture of excellence to distinguish themselves, Common Sense Advisory developed a model to assess the organizational maturity of LSPs. Instead of chanting “quality, service and price,” providers will learn how to make a more substantive statement about their evolved...
Unconference @ LocWorld | UN6 |
Session Participants
Moderator: Teresa Marshall
Unconference @ LocWorld
Track: Unconference | UN6 |
Interested in a unique track at LocWorld? Are you ready to join the conversation and discussions? Again, we are holding an “unconference” at LocWorld. Never heard of that? An unconference consists of participant-driven sessions, decidedly without the conventional format of a conference. There are no PowerPoint presentations and no sales pitches! There are only topics...
Introduction to Translation Automation | TS6 |
Andrew Lawless - Rockant Localization Training & Consulting
Host: Jaap van der Meer
Introduction to Translation Automation
Track: TAUS | TS6 |
Automating translation is easier today than it ever was. Cloud computing allows you to get started in an instant with a credit card. In this workshop we will introduce you to