
I’ve been keeping a running list throughout the year of things that struck me as Hugo-worthy, and since nomination time will be coming round soon, I thought I’d share it for anyone who wants to check out things they might have missed. It is not a suggested slate, which is why it doesn’t contain a neat five items per category, and skips categories I didn’t follow closely enough for anything to have struck me. My standard for “Hugo-worthy” is largely “this delighted me;” quite probably you are delighted by different things, and/or apply a different standard entirely, and that is fine. Feel free to add your suggestions in comments or to point me towards your nomination posts.

Best Novel. A science fiction or fantasy story of forty thousand (40,000) words or more.

Kirsty Logan, The Gracekeepers
N.K. Jemisin, The Fifth Season

Best Novella. A science fiction or fantasy story of between seventeen thousand five hundred (17,500) and forty thousand (40,000) words.

Bao Shu, What Has Passed Shall In Kinder Light Appear, tr. Ken Liu, Fantasy & Science Fiction March/April 2015

Best Short Story. A science fiction or fantasy story of less than seven thousand five hundred (7,500) words.

Sabrina Vourvoulias, The Way of Walls and Words, http://www.tor.com/stories/2015/04/the-ways-of-walls-and-words-sabrina-vourvoulias
Scott Alexander, Universal Love, Said the Cactus Person, http://slatestarcodex.com/2015/04/21/universal-love-said-the-cactus-person/
Iona Sharma, Nine Thousand Hours, http://strangehorizons.com/2015/20150420/hours-f.shtml
Brian Dolton, This Is the Way the Universe Ends: With a Bang, Fantasy & Science Fiction March/April 2015
Emily Devenport, Postcards from Monster Island, Clarkesworld April 2015
@TlfTravelAlerts, untitled, https://twitter.com/TlfTravelAlerts/status/641333085133492226
Karen Heuler, Egg Island, Clarkesworld October 2015
Margaret Ronald, Let’s Tell Stories of the Deaths of Children, http://www.strangehorizons.com/2015/20151012/children-f.shtml . CN for the obvious.
Rachel Manija Brown, What to Pack on a Trip to the Underworld When You Might Not be Coming Back, http://rachelmanija.livejournal.com/1211325.html

Best Related Work. Any work related to the field of science fiction, fantasy, or fandom, appearing for the first time during the previous calendar year or which has been substantially modified during the previous calendar year, and which is either non-fiction or, if fictional, is noteworthy primarily for aspects other than the fictional text, and which is not eligible in any other category.

Jess Zimmerman, C.S. Lewis’ Greatest Fiction: Convincing American Kids That They Would Like Turkish Delight, Atlas Obscura 3 December 2015 http://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/cs-lewis-greatest-fiction-convincing-american-kids-that-they-would-like-turkish-delight

Best Graphic Story. Any science fiction or fantasy story told in graphic form appearing for the first time in the previous calendar year.

Ms Marvel vol.2
F. Lee, Transmajicka, http://fleebites.tumblr.com/post/116325914030/some-of-you-might-have-noticed-i-dropped-off-the
Susan Walker and Wendy Xu, Mooncakes, http://mooncakescomic.tumblr.com/post/130986680250
Sydney Padua, The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage

Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form. Any television program or other production, with a complete running time of 90 minutes or less, in any medium of dramatized science fiction, fantasy or related subjects that has been publicly presented for the first time in its present dramatic form during the previous calendar year.

Sense8: “Art is Like Religion”, written by The Wachowskis and J.M. Straczynski, directed by James McTeigue (Netflix in association with Anarchos Productions; Javelin Productions; Studio JMS; Georgeville Television; and Unpronounceable Productions)
Sense8: “W.W.N.Double D?”, written by The Wachowskis and J.M. Straczynski, directed by James McTeigue (Netflix in association with Anarchos Productions; Javelin Productions; Studio JMS; Georgeville Television; and Unpronounceable Productions)
Sense8: “We Will All Be Judged by the Courage of Our Hearts”, written by The Wachowskis and J.M. Straczynski, directed by Dan Glass (Netflix in association with Anarchos Productions; Javelin Productions; Studio JMS; Georgeville Television; and Unpronounceable Productions)
“Exit Chip”, written and directed by Joshua Thornton-Allen, from a short story by Benedict Smith. I am trying to find out if there is anywhere people can watch this online at the moment; it's mostly been on the festival tour.
Doctor Who: “Sleep No More”, written by Mark Gatiss, directed by Justin Molotnikov (BBC)
Doctor Who: “Heaven Sent”, written by Steven Moffatt, directed by Rachel Talalay (BBC)

Best Editor Short Form. The editor of at least four (4) anthologies, collections or magazine issues (or their equivalent in other media) primarily devoted to science fiction and / or fantasy, at least one of which was published in the previous calendar year.

Neil Clarke (Clarkesworld)
Niall Harrison (Strange Horizons)

Best Professional Artist. An illustrator whose work has appeared in a professional publication in the field of science fiction or fantasy during the previous calendar year.

Liu Junwei, see e.g. http://clarkesworldmagazine.com/artbio_105/
John Jennings, http://jijennin70.tumblr.com/
Rachel Kahn, see e.g. http://www.strangehorizons.com/2015/20151012/children-f.shtml
Leah Piken Kolidas, see e.g. http://strangehorizons.com/2015/20150420/hours-f.shtml, http://www.bluetreeartgallery.com/new-art.php

Best Semiprozine. Any generally available non-professional periodical publication devoted to science fiction or fantasy, or related subjects which by the close of the previous calendar year has published four (4) or more issues (or the equivalent in other media), at least one (1) of which appeared in the previous calendar year, which does not qualify as a fancast, and which in the previous
calendar year met at least one (1) of the following criteria:
(1) paid its contributors and/or staff in other than copies of the publication,
(2) was generally available only for paid purchase

Strange Horizons, http://www.strangehorizons.com/

Best Fan Writer. Any person whose writing has appeared in
semiprozines or fanzines or in generally available electronic media during the previous calendar year.

O. Westin (@microsff)

Best Fan Artist. An artist or cartoonist whose work has appeared through publication in semiprozines or fanzines or through other public, nonprofessional display (including at a convention or conventions), during the previous calendar year.

Chiara Bautista, https://www.facebook.com/chiarabautistaartwork

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