Almond Classified Ads Script (Ultimate Edition) Joomla+PHP By Yenni Review: All Almond Classifieds scripts are open and not encrypted, so webmasters have full access to all scripts files!
Have you ever heard of ALMOND CLASSIFIED ADS SCRIPT (ULTIMATE EDITION) JOOMLA+PHP? Is ALMOND CLASSIFIED ADS SCRIPT (ULTIMATE EDITION) JOOMLA+PHP the one you are you looking for? what is ALMOND CLASSIFIED ADS SCRIPT (ULTIMATE EDITION) JOOMLA+PHP? We will provide you more than just the answers, we provide you more than what you are expecting of! This website is a trusted site which has reviewed Jvzoo or Warriorplus products. Here, you will get what you are looking for! It is more than about what is ALMOND CLASSIFIED ADS SCRIPT (ULTIMATE EDITION) JOOMLA+PHP, its benefits and how it could be highly recommended product. In the middle of the unstoppable emerge of new products, ALMOND CLASSIFIED ADS SCRIPT (ULTIMATE EDITION) JOOMLA+PHP is the best and top selling product which is in line with what you need. ALMOND CLASSIFIED ADS SCRIPT (ULTIMATE EDITION) JOOMLA+PHP is a product from vendors that is reliable and experienced in the Internet Marketing. This product is very useful. Many Internet Marketers from different countries are using and acknowledging the benefits of these products. Here, we recommends and persuade people to have ALMOND CLASSIFIED ADS SCRIPT (ULTIMATE EDITION) JOOMLA+PHP. If you buy this product using my link, you will also get the most convenience way to use this product.
Check Here: Almond Classified Ads Script (Ultimate Edition) Joomla+PHP By Yenni Review: All Almond Classifieds scripts are open and not encrypted, so webmasters have full access to all scripts files!
New Features
The following new features have been added to Ultimate Edition comparing with Enterprise one:
The same package of Almond Classifieds (Ultimate Edition) script can be installed as a standalone script or as Joomla component;
Ads can be organized in 7-level structure – 4 levels for locations (world region, country, province, city) and 3 levels for categories (categories groups, categories, subcategoires). Such multilevel structure allows to support ads indexes of many categories for more than 45000 cities;
Users can choose different configurations from predifined list for working with classifieds; These configurations can have different options e.g. different languages;
Optionally the script can recognize tablet computers or smartphones and set up simplified Lite layout;
Users can choose classic or Lite layouts for classifieds browsing;
AJAX based 4-level locations selection;
Layouts parts can be chosen from admin interface e.g. types of locations selection, places for locations on the script pages, types of ads indexes, predifined sets of layout templates;
SEO links structure has been optimized;
Using the same installation for Classic Classifieds service (standalone or Joomla installation) and as a Facebook application;
Script can search similiar ads to the ad chosen by user;
Users can use Google translation service on the script pages;
Many functions and script parts are rewritten and optimized;
General Features
PHP/MySQL driven classified ads;
Multiple categories for classified ads;
Users can place ads with photos;
Browsing ads sorted by pages, displaying latest ads first;
Preview photos thumbnails can be created by the script automatically;
A lot of parameters for configuring Classified Ads features and layout;
Admin. can specify the time period before ads expire.
Javascript checking ads submitting form before sending to the server.
Password protected editing, renewing, deleting of ads by owners so that only original poster can modify or delete an ad ;
Privacy Mail, which hides the e-mail addresses (optionally set up by admin.);
Optionally redirect all privacy mail messages for ads owners to admin, sending copies of privacy mails to admin;
Optionally, layers with ads detailed info can be displayed when a user places mouse over add title on the ads index page. Admin. can specify which ads fields will be displayed on ads layers.
Users can place comments with photos into ads;
Users can browse top rated ads, top viewed ads, top contacted ads or top commented ads; Only one vote from one IP address can be included into top ads rating;
Protection from ads duplication.
Multilanguage mode can be set up; all words and comments for user’s interface are placed into one file, so it is easy to translate them.
Optionally photos with too large size, e.g. from digital cameras, can be resized by the script to optimized size before saving them in the database.
Users can place attachment file with any type from the list defined by admin e.g. .avi, .mpg, .txt, .doc, .xls, .zip. If users have large video files or archives, they can load them on popular file servers: Youtube.Com, Megaupload.Com, Rapidshare.Com or others, and then place URLs and titles for these files into their ad.
Users can embed video into ad e.g. from
Options of search engine optimization are included into the script. Keywords and description of tags for each category can be specified. Keywords generated from ad title and other ads fields are included into meta tag for ads details pages.
List of ads entries can be loaded from Excel tables (.csv files) via web admin interface;
Optionally script can send expiration message to ads owners when their expired ads are deleted.
Admin can be notified about new ads or new members via e-mail where edit/delete/moderate links are included.
Ability for admin. to modify or delete any ad via Web interface.
Admin can get e-mails list of ad owners of each category for using it in e-mail list programs.
Templates allow to edit the html layout easily.
Admin. can create as many ads categories as it is needed. For each category the set of ad fields (such as price, city, age, area, etc.) can be specified in different formats such as “text”, “textarea”, “select”, “checkbox”. For each ad field the search criteria – search for ads with keywords in the field or search for ads with field value in some numerical range ( for example, price field ) can be specified ;
Admin. can set the maximum size of the ad fields, max length of words in the fields, max. size and max. numbers of photos and media file in the ads;
Ads can be organized into effective multilevel categories structure placed on the top page: e.g. at first, user can choose a city or country/city, then categories, then subcategories (e.g. goal; sex, romance; type of job: wanted, offered). Quick access to the subcategories, search form, cities list on the top page is based on the dynamic html technologies and provides effective layout.
Before browsing ads categories a user can choose a city and then browse or search ads only from that city. When a city is chosen all ads counters for categories/subcategories will be recalculated for the chosen city.
Optional two-level country/city selection. E.g. first a user can choose a country, then the list of cities of this country appears.
When a user clicks on categories groups (e.g. Personals, Merchandise, Jobs), then ads from all categories, which are included into this group, will be displayed in the ads index
Ads Highlighting
Ads can be highlighted with on-line payment by ads owners;
Highlighted ads are displayed at the top of index and they have a special expiration period; Admin can set up a special order for highlighted ads in the index pages;
Optionally only on highlighted ads large photos, attachments and videos can be displayed. Unless ad owner pays on-line for ad highlighting, only one small photo will be displayed on his ad.
Highlighted ads can be rotated at the top of ads index additionally to their place in the index;
Admin can set up the number of ad places at the top of ads index where highlighted ads will be rotated in the random order;
Highlighted ads can optionally be displayed on the ads second pages;
When a user clicks on categories groups (e.g. Personals, Merchandise, Jobs), then highlighted ads from all categories, which are included into this group, will be rotated at the top of ads index;
When a user chooses some location, then highlighted ads only from this location will be rotated at the top of the index;
Vip status for ads can be set up by admin and it allows to display highlighted ads at the top of ads index in all categories with or without locations limits.
Using AJAX
Optionally AJAX (asynchronous JavaScript and XML) technologies can be used. With AJAX web applications can retrieve data from the server asynchronously in the background without interfering with the display and behavior of the existing page. In the Enterprise Edition cities, highlighted and latest ads on the top page are being loaded in the background. AJAX dynamic navigation for categories and for choosing locations (city or country/city) can be set up optionally. On the ads details pages large photos can also be loaded in the background that provides faster photos change. If a user returns on the top page to change a category or location, then cities lists and ads will be loaded from AJAX cache that provides faster pages loading. Also some visual effects (Fade In/Out, Slide Down …) for menu items, ads layers, photos galleries (on the ads details pages) are added.
Search Features
Powerful database searching capabilities that allow user to search for ads by keywords in the ad fields or by numerical range within fields such as age, price, size, etc;
Optionally, if the same user (it means the same contact e-mail) sent more than one ad, on the second ad details page new link “Search all ads posted by this user” appears; By clicking on this link you can see all ads posted by the same user (with the same contact e-mail);
Keywords Suggestions
Fast search with keywords suggestions using AJAX technologies can be set up. Users can browse classifieds keywords in alphabetical or popularity order. Users can input a list of keywords – specific keywords, locations, job types, companies names, etc. Country, city, street can be specified as a location. Even if a city is not included into predefined list, users can search ads with such a location via fast search form. When a user chooses a category or city, then searching will be performed with these options. Also users can choose additional options for search which can be different for various categories (e.g. search ads with range of prices).
Random Ads and Photos Gallery
The list of random ads with photos can be displayed on the ads top, ads list and ads details pages. The list of random ads is changing periodically while a user stays on this page. Highlighted ads are placed on the first positions of this list. If a user chooses some category or location, then random ads will match this query. Random ads are displayed only if total number of ads exceeds some value.
Users can click on the “Ads photos gallery” link to browse photos from ads which match their query.
Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) option allows to optimize and separate script URLs for two types – static and dynamic URLs. Static part for classifieds content is organized by the following directory structure:
This structure allows to include cities and categories names into URLs paths. Services and search modes of the script work with dynamic URLs. Such URLs separation allows to create simple XML sitemaps (e.g. Google Sitemap) and files robots.txt for indexing only classifieds content by search engines without service and search pages.
Facebook Interface
Using facebook interface gives the following new features:
Admin can choose if any user (including facebook users) can place ads, post privacy mails or only facebook users can do it;
Classifieds visitors can see facebook profile pictures and names of ad owners and visit their facebook profile pages;
On the ads details pages users can post their comments for ads using facebook social plugin and see comments of other facebook users;
Using Like button users can share ads pages from your classifieds back to their Facebook profile and view profiles of users who recommend these ads to other users;
Facebook users can post privacy mails to ad owners and ad owners can visit facebook profiles of users who sent them privacy mails;
Visitors of users’ profiles on facebook can access to classifieds service and use it as facebook application with facebook canvas page and facebook URL;
Almond classifieds can integrate with all aspects of the Facebook user experience. Your application’s primary page views come via the canvas page, an iframe hosted by Facebook at that points to your application;
Ads Moderating
Optional moderating of ad submissions by administrator: the administrator has the ability to look through the ads from a special form, analyze and edit ad information and make a decision about submitting the ads to the index or deleting the ads from that form. It can be done before the ads appear in the index. In this case all edit changes made by ad owners also appear in the index after approval by admin;
Admin can make some ads invisible for some period;
Check Here: Almond Classified Ads Script (Ultimate Edition) Joomla+PHP By Yenni Review: All Almond Classifieds scripts are open and not encrypted, so webmasters have full access to all scripts files!
Spam Guard
Bad words guard; Admin can set up list of spam and bad words, ads with such words will be placed to bulk folder in the web admin interface and they can be easily deleted.
Contact e-mails for ads and IP addresses can also be placed into spam list.
Optional membership activation by clicking on the link in the activation e-mail or fee based membership with on-line credit card processing.
Optionally verification code can be applied to prevent using automated spamming programs for ads placing, sending privacy mails, membership subscribing.
Admin can delete the list of spam ads using search by spam keywords, spammers e-mails or IP addresses.
Optional activating of ads by clicking on the activation link in the confirmation e-mail which was sent to ad owner after ad submitting.
Optionally hidden verification can be set up. In this case users’ activity on submitting forms is analysed without using graphical CAPTCHA method.
Membership Features
Admin can set up password protection for the following services (members only service):
– placing new ads;
– viewing ads details pages;
– sending private mails.
To get access to the following services users have to sign up and become members;
Membership signing up can be free or fee based with on-line credit card processing, ( by jvzoo. );
Optional activating membership account by clicking on special link in welcome message that is sent to members’ e-mail. ( this feature can be useful for verification members’ e-mails when free membership is set up );
Admin has the ability to create/edit/delete manually membership accounts via web based interface;
Admin can browse membership database and search members by special fields;
Admin can also inactivate some members’ accounts for some time;
Special form fields for on-line membership subscribing can be set up;
Admin has access to the list of members’ contact e-mails for using it in the e-mail list software;
In the membership database admin can use special links to browse all ads of each member;
If some members place more than one ad, on the second page of of their ads a special link “browse all ads placed by member ‘nickname’ ” appears; by clicking on this link user can browse all ads posted by this member to different categories;
If sending private mails is password protected, then a mail receiver will be notified about nickname of a member who sent this message;
For login/password verifications cookies are used;
Forgot membership login/password function; login info will be sent to members’ contact e-mail (if account with such contact e-mail exists in the membership database).
Admin can set up max number of ads allowed to place for each member per some time period per category. This feature is included to avoid ad spamming.
The Almond Classifieds can work with major on-line payment systems but for PayPal a special module was created. The Instant Payment Notification (IPN) PayPal Service is integrated into this module for fee based classifieds services processing (highlighting or activating ads, membership subscribing). There is an effective option which allows to give a progressive discount for placing multiple ads. This option is useful for the users or companies that post a lot of ads (e.g. real estate companies, recruitment or dating agencies, etc).
Ads Map
Ads Map Module allows to embed Google Maps into classifieds ads by using Google Maps API. Users can also find driving directions from their location to an ad address. You can try Ads Map features on our demos.
RSS Module
This module allows to set up RSS(2.0) feed for classifieds ads. Users can read the latest ads via rss readers. Affiliate partners can place latest ads headlines on their sites via any RSS aggregator. RSS link on the top page outputs the latest ads of all categories. If some city is chosen, then ads only from this city will be included into feed. RSS link on the categories index pages outputs the latest ads for these categories. Small resized ads photos are included into RSS items.
Ads Line Scrolling Module for Almond Classifieds. This module allows to scroll the line with the latest ads on the top page of Almond Classifieds.
Affiliate Classifieds Network
Affiliate partners can place simple php script on their servers to set up classifieds service with customized header/footer and iframe into which classifieds content will be loaded. Users of your partners will use your classifieds service from partners sites only. In such a way you can organize classifieds network with many affiliate partners. The partners will be able to place their html header/footer with their ad banners, CSS style. This partnership will increase their site traffic by using your classifieds service. Such way can be more effective for some reasons comparing with starting their own classifieds with poor ads database. This partnership will give you fast growth of ads database, ability to place your own ad banners which will be displayed on the sites of your affiliate partners.
Using Google AdSense with Almond Classifieds
Check Here: Almond Classified Ads Script (Ultimate Edition) Joomla+PHP By Yenni Review: All Almond Classifieds scripts are open and not encrypted, so webmasters have full access to all scripts files!
Google AdSense matches ads to your site’s content, and you earn money whenever your visitors click on them. AdSense for content automatically crawls the content of your pages and delivers ads (you can choose both text or image ads) that are relevant to your audience and your site content-ads so well-matched, in fact, that your readers will actually find them useful. More info about AdSense Almond Classifieds has three groups of pages which are very attractive for placing AdSense banners on them. These are top pages with categories list for each city, pages with list of ads in each category, ads second pages with ads details. Last two groups of pages have more specific themes of each category (e.g. real estate, auto, services…), so using AdSense for content will be very effective as only appropriate relevant banners will be shown. Using Affiliate Network Classifieds edition allows to place your AdSesne banners on affiliate sites and increase your income. AdSense banners are placed on some of our classifieds demos.
Please see the details on this product here: Just take the opportunity, it will not come twice! Do not waste your time to be successful, you can do it now, just by clicking on my link for more complete review This review was meant to show you how this product works and to show you some of the pros and cons that enable you to decide if you want to work with it or not. For further information, you may check the review online. ALMOND CLASSIFIED ADS SCRIPT (ULTIMATE EDITION) JOOMLA+PHP is the best one proven by many people who have purchased it, just by pointing and clicking you will get more than what you are expecting of! Just experience and you will feel great! There is no hesitation for the benefit ALMOND CLASSIFIED ADS SCRIPT (ULTIMATE EDITION) JOOMLA+PHP can provide. No reasons for not purchasing it. What are you waiting for? Don’t miss this opportunity. let me know if you run into any issues while purchasing this product. We also have a dedicated and an highly active forum section for Premium users that you can use to resolve the issues. You will get access to this link once you have made a purchase. Grab it fast!