
Simple Click Tracker Plugin Multi-Site by David Perdew REVIEW: a powerful, yet simple solution with ONLY the functionality YOU need to enhance any business using video by focusing on functionality AND marketing power

Simple Click Tracker Plugin Multi-Site by David Perdew is reliable and experienced in the Internet Marketing, it goes without saying that there is no doubt of have this product. This product is very useful. Many Internet Marketers from different countries are using and acknowledging the benefits of these products. Here, Livome recommends and persuades people to have Simple Click Tracker Plugin Multi-Site. If you buy this product using my link, you will also get the most convenience way to use this product. Please see the details on this product here: Just take the opportunity, it will not come twice! Do not waste your time to be successful, you can do it now, just by clicking on my link for more complete review. This review was meant to show you how this product works and to show you some of the pros and cons that enable you to decide if you want to work with it or not. For further information, you may check the review online. Simple Click Tracker Plugin Multi-Site is the best one proven by many people who have purchased it,  just by pointing and clicking you will get more than what you are expecting of! Just experience and you will feel great!

They needed the ability to fix any issues that came up for their customers quickly and easily! And they’ve been using it for nearly three years with now 1,645 videos playing from their site using Amazon S3 and YouTube as the streaming hosts. Hundreds of NAMS members and community members have been pounding on it for quite a while too. That’s why we’re releasing version 3.3. You can use other hosts, even your own.


Play the video in any browser

Make it intuitive and user friendly

Organize videos logically

Create Page / Video Index

Add HTML / buy buttons

“Magic Video Sales Letter”

Autoplay options

Toggle video controls

Automatic Redirecting to a link of Your Choice


Insert Link To Video

You simply copy/paste the link to your video which could be hosted on YouTube, Amazon S3, another cloud storage provider, or your own web hosting account. Takes all of 10 seconds tops for this step.

Add Your Video Title

Add the title of the video into the system so you can easily reference the video later. This title only shows to you in the backend of the plugin which is great for your own cataloging purposes. This step takes 10 seconds tops!

Choose your special enhancements.

Decide what special enhancements you want to use with your video to maximize the engagement, conversion, and desired results for your video content. These enhancements include choosing the video size, how you want the video aligned on your website, whether you want the video to auto play or not, do you want to hide the controls on your video, do you want to loop the video, do you want to show HTML code for a buy now button, optin form, or call to action, and what link do you want to redirect people to after the video ends! You can choose any of these options that fits your particular needs for that video or none of them, but no matter what your video will display clean on mobile devices and big monitors across all main stream browsers! This part should take no more than 30 seconds to complete!

Post On Your Website

This is simple copying and pasting the shortcode or embed code that Simple Video Management System provides for your website. This time can range anywhere from 10 seconds to 30 seconds.

Rest Easy (Optional Step)

You can rest easy and relax knowing your video will display in all browsers, will display on mobile devices, and all the videos are organized beautifully in one location! No more worrying about lost revenue and leads because your videos do not play properly.

Remember: The Embed Code Works On Any Website – Not Just WordPress Blogs!

You just install this to a WordPress website you choose, but the video code can go on any website. So it gives you a central management system for all of your videos! That is the sheer power of this plugin!

With the multi-site license you can have even more flexibility because you can use shortcodes to quickly post the videos to your WordPress sites, or you can store videos specific to your various websites under one install. The cool thing is that this plugin has everything you need to make videos work for you and your business!


1200% More Shares

Social video generates 1200% more shares than text and images combined. – Brightcove

41% More Search Traffic

Companies using video enjoy 41% more web traffic from search than companies not using video. – Aberdeen

80% Increase In Conversions

Video on a landing page can increase conversions by 80% or more. – Visually

74% of Millennials Use Video To Comparison Shop

74% of millennials use video to comparison shop. – Animoto

90% of Twitter Video Views Happen On Mobile

Yes, that’s right! A whopping 90% of video view from Twitter happen on a mobile device, so your video player must be mobile friendly! – Twitter

Video On Mobile Increases Chance of Buying

40% of consumers state that video increases the chance they’ll purchase a product on their mobile device. – Adobe


Work in all browsers all the time!

We shouldn’t have to say this, our experience with other video players says we must: Working in all browsers is the key. So, whether your video is Flash or HTML5, the video player must adapt, and display it cleanly and quickly even if it is on a mobile device! Look at my example to the right! How would you like your video to display on mobile devices? The clean one on the left is after I implemented the Simple Video Management System plugin to host my videos!

Works easily in Amazon S3

Or any cloud storage. In fact, all you need is a URL to a video and you will able to play it in this Simple Video Manager System. So, if you want to host your own videos on your server, you can. Amazon S3 is the standard for streaming data so it only makes sense that it is the most important service to accommodate.

Works Seamlessly With YouTube

YouTube is king. Just like using Amazon S3, all you need to do is load a YouTube URL (not the embed code) in the player and it works smoothly. And because we’ve mastered the YouTube experience in our system, you have a free host without the Youtube branding distractions.

Control the splash image that is displayed with the video.

Connect any splash image URL quickly and easily to customize the look and feel of your video. Create your own or grab a screen shot from your video. You’re in control of what image people see before you hit the play button.

Easily customize your video size

From the backend of the plugin you can adjust the video size to any size you want. This allows for greater flexibility on where you have videos displayed on your website.

Align the video on the page easily without knowing code.

Aligning videos to the center, left or right on the page can be really frustrating if you don’t know HTML or CSS. You simply select the alignment in a dropdown box, and your video will align exactly how you want it on your final page!

Hide the video controls with one click!

Sometimes, you’ll want to use a video sales letter which means hiding the controls so users can’t stop, start or pause the video before your message is delivered. This functionality used to take fancy code and JavaScript to work correctly. Now you just check one little box, and you can choose whether you have video controls or not.

One click starts the video in auto play!

With video sales letters, auto play is a key function. This tool allows you to simply toggle that off and on without having to insert complicated coding. It is point and click simple so you can focus on other aspects of running your business.

Reveal “Magic” buy buttons, optin forms, or any HTML!

In a recent blog post, Ryan Desis said that making the buy button appear magically on the site at the right time increased conversions by 67 percent. With the Simple Video Management System software, you can quickly and easily add HTML code for buy now buttons, optin forms, affiliate banners, and more. You choose when you want them to display and appear automatically below your video! That stats are in that this feature helps! Instead of messing with JavaScript and clunky code, how about just copy/pasting your code and clicking your mouse one time to get this powerful feature to work for you! You probably already saw this in action in the video at the top of this page!

Redirect the user to a page after the video ends.

Do you know how powerful this is? Imagine creating a good affiliate review video or prelaunch video, and after the video ends you automatically redirect them to the page you choose! Any links work here. This can be affiliate links your own links or send them to another video! You can do all kinds of cool marketing sequences to stand out from the crowd! Don’t underestimate the power of this feature!

Organize all your videos in one spot.

With the high-priced video plug-ins, we mentioned earlier, it was nearly impossible to find videos once they were loaded in the system. It was a must for David and his team that his videos were organized, searchable, and in a table for easy access. The core of the Simple Video Management System product is the database structure.

Show where your videos are posted on your blog!

And if you’re using WordPress, you may have the same video on multiple pages. Knowing which pages will be affected by a video change is essential. So we designed this plug in to show you every single page or post where your video is being used.

Add existing videos on the fly.

If you’re in the WordPress editor and you want to add a video quickly, being able to do that from the editor itself is important. There’s no bigger time waster than having to shut down your page, go add the video content, and then re-open the page to add the video. This plug-in makes that process easy and intuitive.

Make changes without affecting current pages and posts.

And this may seem small, but it’s important. Your current video code must always point to working videos and adapt to editing changes on the fly. I remember breaking many of my sales pages in the past because I made a tweak to the editor. Talk about hours of frustration and lost productivity! Say goodbye to this problem! Make a change, and have the peace of mind that your pages will still work!


Money Maker #1: Happier Members In Your Membership Sites

Ensure your members get access to your training on the device and browser that they want. Stay organized on where all your member’s only videos are. If your members are happy and able to watch your content they will remain members which means more money in your pocket! One customer staying around just one additional month could pay for this plugin!

Money Maker #2: Higher Converting & Engaging Sales Videos

The Simple Video Management System Plugin has incredible features for sales videos including auto play features, the ability to hide video controls, and the option to reveal the “magic” buy buttons. All of these add up to higher conversions for you.

Money Maker #3: Higher Converting Squeeze Pages

According to Visually having a video on a landing page can increase conversions by up to 80%! With this player you can have the video auto-play, and you can even split test having the optin button “magically” appear below the video. Put your mind at ease that the video will play in all browsers, and will be mobile responsive.

Money Maker #4: Engaging Affiliate Product Review Videos

You can use this tool for preselling customers on products you promote as an affiliate. At the end of the video you could even redirect them straight to the product sales page that you were just promoting! You don’t even have to create the videos! Watch my demo below! TIP: Sneaky Direct Affiliate Promotions On Facebook. Have you ever posted a link to a JVZoo affiliate product on Facebook and gotten the immediate message that the URL is from a company that has been blocked? That’s maddening! How do you tell people about tool that you love if you can’t post it, right? Well, here’s an easy way: Create a 10 to 30 second video post on your site about the tool, use the redirect feature in SVMS to move the viewer automatically to the “blocked” URL, then add THAT video post to your Facebook page. David is actually running Facebook ads to JVZoo products with an interim video post using this system.

Money Maker #5: Amazing JV Videos

One of the best ways to engage with your potential affiliates is through videos. With the Simple Video Management System, you no longer have to worry about whether your video looks good on mobile phones, tablets, or computers. Get your important message to your affiliates every time!

Money Maker #6: Killer Product Demo Videos

Video reviews of products are a fantastic way to boost conversions on your own products or products you endorse as an affiliate. With this plugin in action you can manage all your product demo videos from one easy to use location!

Money Maker #7: Video Content Curation

Thanks to the Simple Video Management System plugin and its seamless integration with YouTube you don’t even have to create your own videos to make it profitable for you! You can easily compile a list of top 10 videos and create cool looking blog posts with videos one after the other to offer your subscribers amazing content! You could even make HTML code for an affiliate offer display below the videos! Imagine creating posts in minutes that have this title: “The Top 10 How To Videos For Building The Perfect Deck”. Just think of all the traffic you would start receiving to your site from social shares! This plugin makes that possible!

Money Maker #8: Connect With Your Audience Via Video

As you know a great way to build your brand and exposure online is by creating videos of your own and getting them out to the audience. Before this plugin you may have wondered how you would manage all these videos and all the moving parts. Now you can manage all your videos from one location, and know that your videos will play and display in a format that works best for your viewers! More viewers of your content ultimately leads to more revenue!


This review on Simple Click Tracker Plugin Multi-Site was meant to show you how this product works and some of the pros and cons that it has to enable you decide if you would want to work with it or not. For more information, you may check online. Simple Click Tracker Plugin Multi-Site is the best of the best because many people have purchased it, All of this and more can be done by just pointing and clicking! Just Experiment with all the great option and you will feel great… Grab it fast!

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