
When it comes to Black Friday specials, there are simply too many out there for bloggers that it is sometimes hard to get through it all.  Think of anything you want in the blogging and online marketing world, and odds are good that it will be discounted at some point during the Black Friday to Cyber Monday “holiday” weekend.

Through the many years of running this site, we’ve seen countless amazing sales go by, and some of our favorite companies always seem to offer the best pricing on Black Friday.  It is those services that we wanted to share with you today.

Now, it would be easy for us to go around the internet and find a huge list of every Black Friday special that is out there that is relevant to bloggers, but we decided not to do that.  Instead, this list only features services we personally use and enjoy here at Living the Dream, and the services featured below are ones we’ve personally reviewed in the past as well.


One of the services we reviewed most recently, Viraltag, is also one of our favorites (read our full review here).  This service is the ultimate scheduling tool for social media and has a very easy to use interface which allows bulk uploads, assignments to multiple social networks in one go, customized posting schedules for each network, plus a historical database of all of your past updates if you want to share them again in the future!

Although this service includes many networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, and even Instagram, our favorite use is for Pinterest as very few services exist with bulk uploads and scheduling options like Viraltag does.  After making a batch of custom images over a long weekend we now only spend about 20-30 minutes per week on Pinterest and send out 10 images per day, everyday, and have increased our traffic substantially from the network with minimal effort.

For Black Friday, Viraltag is offering a free one month blogger subscription which includes access to a great preview package that we’ve been using. Use the code TravelVT15 when registering for your free trial to see what the service is all about! Click here to register your free trial!

Travel Blog Success

If there is one thing I absolutely love when it comes to blogging resources, it is my membership into the Travel Blog Success (TBS) community.  Not only is the course the best that is out there (read our full review here), the Facebook community is one of the most active and helpful travel blogging groups that currently exists.  (That is high praise considering we’ve left all of the other groups for the community being rude, too new, or not helpful.  If you’re in them, you know what we mean.)

I’m not just plugging this group because I supplied a few of the courses in their monstrous arsenal (okay, maybe just a little).  I really do find value in it, and once you become a member you’ll see me actively participating in the group both asking and answering questions in the community.  Since the Black Friday sale is an incredible value, and is their best price of the year by far, if you’ve been thinking about joining now is the time.

Check back on Friday when we are able to share the exact discount price, but take our word for it that it is incredible!  In the mean time, check out Travel Blog Success and see what the program includes!

Opt-In Monster

The subscription plug-in Opt-In Monster is one of my absolute favorite purchases for my sites (read our review here).  This powerful program inserts pop-up boxes that entices users to subscribe to your newsletter and offers many customization features ranging from scroll triggering, loading delays, page view delays (load only on the n-th view), loading on select pages, and even exit intent features where a pop-up only displays when someone is leaving your site.

I was suspicious of services like these for a long time, but shortly after installing the plug-in my newsletter subscriber rate increased substantially with little optimization. With their a/b testing features I am constantly testing, tweaking, and updating new settings to increase my conversion as well.  Even better, our newest local blog is also exploding as a result of this service, and we expect our newsletter subscribers there to surpass this site in just a few short months of operation.

When receiving subscription rates higher than anything we’ve ever seen in the past, there is no going back.

Opt-In Monster is offering a 35% discount for their Black Friday sale – running November 24th to December 1st, 2015.  The sale is available on new purchases, renewals, and upgrades for everyone who uses the code: BF2015.  That’s up to $69 off! –  Click here to buy your license!

Looking to Launch or Upgrade Your Travel Blog?

Are you looking at picking up a few blogging services to launch or upgrade your travel blog over the holiday weekend?  Check out some of the following that we use and recommend.  They may not have Black Friday specials (or at least we have not seen them if they do), but we use and love them all the same:

Bluehost – A great and affordable starter hosting service for those looking to launch a blog.

Black Friday pricing includes discounted hosting plans as low as $3.25 per month as well as many other discounted services (with additional deals on Cyber Monday).

Elegant Themes – The theme provider for all of our sites.  Great out of the box themes but some CSS knowledge is necessary for full customization.

SumoMe – SumoMe is the social sharing plug-in service we use on this site which offers great sidebar sharing options, image sharing, tracking analytics, and more.

So, what services are you picking up over the special pricing this weekend?  Comment below to let us know about it!

This post contains affiliate linking.  By purchasing through our links we’ll receive a small commission.  The pricing will not increase from buying through our links and your support through our affiliate links helps us keep running this site with minimal advertising. We were not paid nor requested to include any service in this listing as we personally use and recommend all of the above items.  As we mentioned at the beginning of this article, we simply do not care to recommend any alternatives.

The post 3 Amazing Black Friday Deals for Travel Bloggers in 2015 appeared first on Living the Dream.

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