
Everywhere we look, the push for sustainable living is apparent. Whether it’s in supermarkets that require their shoppers to bring reusable bags, to various phone companies now encouraging customers to recycle their phones, we’ve all witnessed the world slowly go green. In fact, you’ve probably considered doing the same thing yourself, but found yourself unable to start.

It’s understandable, as going green requires a complete lifestyle change, and it’s hard to figure out how to begin. Luckily, a mobile app has been developed to help you transition into a more sustainable lifestyle: eEcosphere.

eEcosphere is a revolutionary new app that gives you hundreds of ideas for making small changes in order to slowly transform your whole lifestyle into a more environmentally-friendly one. The app doesn’t just give you ideas, however – when you first start using the app, you’re given the chance to converse with some of eEcosphere’s experts in order to start crafting a plan for your future.

And of course, with social features becoming a necessity in all mobile apps, these aren’t lacking in eEcosphere either. Social features are often instrumental to the success of mobile apps, evidenced by how Gaming Realms, the company that relaunched Free Bingo Hunter late last year, saw a 334% increase in player numbers after focusing on acquisitions via social media. eEcosphere also capitalizes on its solid user community, making it a key feature for users of the app. Not only are users given the chance to see hundreds of thousands of ideas for greener living, but they can also share their own ideas by simply uploading a photo of the idea being used. New ideas are immediately given their own sections on the eEcosphere network, accessible to anyone who starts using the app.

If you’re still struggling to find a way to make your own lifestyle more sustainable, eEcosphere might be just what you need. With a seemingly limitless selection of green living ideas at your disposal and the help of some industry experts, switching to sustainable is at the palm of your hands.

The post Transition to Green Living with eEcosphere appeared first on Living Natural Today.

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