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It’s time to vote for The Blissful Bookworms Book Club Book for December! If you’re new to the group, Welcome! If you haven’t joined yet, well get on it! (click here) If you’ve been around for a while, hello friend! We can’t wait to discuss and read with you!

We’ve got some great nominations for December and I hope everyone can find something new to add to their to-read list! I’ve been getting a lot of reading and listing done this month! Do you listen to *Audible? We love it, it helps Matt and I pass our 1.5 hour daily commute in a fun way! Plus, it’s nice to listen to a book together and be able to discuss it even further! We do a 2-book subscription each mont for just $22.00 and we usually purchase an extra 3 credits every other month to get us through. Audible runs a daily deal and lots of great sales, I usually pay about the same as a kindle book or less!

This past month I read Blue Lily, Lily Blue, Attachments, and Firefly Lane. I’m in the middle of Drums of Autumn, Untethered, and The 5th Wave, don’t forget to friend me on Goodreads so we can keep up with each other!

If I Stay by Gayle Forman

A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The post Blissful Bookworms – December appeared first on Living Better Together.

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