
Let's take a look at the co-worker letters that are sent each month by Roderick Meredith or Richard Ames to LCG's flock and those who send money to LCG.

This post shall discuss the co-worker letters from January 14, 2011 to June 12, 2013. Some later co-worker letters (July 17, 2013 to December 15, 2015) are discussed in a previous post.

Within the pages of these co-worker letters there will be:

Scare mongering against Europeans, Germans, the Pope, gays and Muslims.

Scare mongering about natural disasters.

Scare mongering that the US federal debt will bankrupt America. (This is not accurate.)

Scare mongering about demonic activities, which is here sometimes linked with the final Pope.

Discussion of the UCG-COGWA split (January 15, 2011).

Meredith gets excited and says dramatic things will happen in the next three to six years (May 18, 2011).

Meredith saying "I love you sincerely" to his co-workers (March 15, 2012).

Ames saying that Meredith is writing an autobiography (July 17, 2012).

Ames stating that donations to fund Living University are in addition to the three tithes (February 15, 2013).

And comments regarding the state of LCG and their attempts to get more tithes paying recruits.

Let's take a look.


January 14, 2011

Here Richard Ames mentions that LCG got caught out by a Christian TV station in South Africa and was promptly booted off the air by those who are constantly belittled and condemned by LCG as false Christians. But even though it was only broadcast for such a short time LCG still got three tithes paying members.

Understandably, not all the response was positive. God TV executives, once they realized that our teachings are at odds with “mainstream Christianity,” pulled us off the air after just one week! So, that “open door” closed very quickly. But we should not be disappointed. We remember that, even though the telecast aired for just three weeks on the “Love World” station in South Africa, that brief airing brought more than 20 new attendees—and three people being baptized into God’s Church! Even though the telecast aired for just one week on God TV, we cannot yet know what impact that airing will have. Of course, Dr. Meredith will now be looking for other open doors to preach the true Gospel—to a world that will not always receive it favorably.
It is mentioned that circulation for LCG's recruitment magazine, Tomorrow's World, was at this time about 338,000.

The Tomorrow’s World magazine print-run for January-February 2011 was 338,000....
Ames promotes LCG's unaccredited Living University and mentions several comments from students praising it.

We were encouraged last year when more than 100 Tomorrow’s World Bible Study Course students who had completed the 24-lesson course accepted Dr. Meredith’s invitation to enroll tuition-free in his semester-long Living University course, THL 135 Life, Ministry, and Teachings of Jesus. An online student from South Australia commented, “I have found this class extremely beneficial as it has increased my understanding of the Gospels and also the person of Jesus Christ,” and another from Oregon said, “An understanding of the gospels is invaluable, and getting the flow of the story has been enjoyable and educational.” A South African student wrote, “Analysing the Gospels in the context of the political, social, and religious aspects in the life, times, ministry, and teachings of Jesus was not only informative, but now in my opinion, essential in understanding the significance of Jesus Christ. Thank you for bringing the Bible to life for me.” Although registration for the Spring Semester has closed, Living University will be offering this course and others in the Fall Semester, for those who want to study God’s word in-depth in a stimulating academic environment.
Ames scare mongers about natural disasters.

As we look forward to the Second Coming, what prophetic trends can we expect in 2011? A quick review of the news can give us a hint. The top news story last year, according to several agencies, was the disastrous 7.0 magnitude earthquake in Haiti. ... Already in 2011, catastrophic flooding in Queensland, Australia, has inundated vast land areas equivalent to the size of Germany and France combined. The State Treasurer Andrew Fraser described it as a disaster of “biblical proportions” costing the nation’s economy billions of dollars.
Ames scare mongers that some sort of economic catastrophe will soon befall the United States.

Again, let’s consider recent prophetic trends. A year ago, Time magazine reported that the top news story of 2009 was: “America’s Economic Crisis: Now for the Non-Recovery.” Certainly, 2010 certainly lived up to the label of “non-recovery.” ... Will 2011 see a global economic recovery? ... God will give the world a few more years to face the realities of its sinful ways. But Judgment Day is coming! The world needs to be warned and witnessed to!
Dibar Apartian's death is also mentioned. It is most unfortunate that a certain former member of LCG has used him to justify his split with LCG when Apartian can no longer speak for himself.

January 15, 2011

Here Meredith discusses the UCG-COGWA split. He blames Satan for the division of the Armstrongite movement into hundreds of differing groups seemingly without understanding how the leaders of the COGs, not least himself, brought this division about.

I am writing this letter at a time of great stress and confusion in the Church of God. Satan is attacking right now! We all know that Satan’s very name means “adversary,” or “enemy.” We know that Jesus directly described Satan as a “liar,” and as a “father of lies” ....

Right now, Satan has thrown thousands of brethren in the United Church of God into division and confusion. Charges and counter-charges are being hurled back and forth between the different factions of their ministry. As a result, many brethren are trying to understand and to figure out “what to do.” Actually, since the death of Herbert W. Armstrong, whom God used powerfully to teach nearly all of us the Truth in the first place, Satan has done a masterful job of confusing and dividing God’s people. One news source estimated that there were over 300 different church groups, home churches and little “works” flowing from the major split up of God’s people since Mr. Armstrong’s death. That is horrible!
Meredith complains that the UCG-COGWA split will make it harder for LCG to gain more converts.

The continuing dis-unity and even enmity among many of God’s people is a disgrace to God and a disgrace to everything we claim to stand for! Before the entire world out there, it makes a mockery of what the true Church of God should stand for. And it will deeply hurt all our sincere efforts to preach the Gospel on television, on the radio, via the Internet and in our printed literature and public campaigns. We certainly need to show more genuine Christianity to the world at large as this age comes to an end and we carry out Christ’s command to “preach the Gospel [unto] all the world.”
Meredith calls for LCG members to fast on January 29, 2011.

After counseling with our leading ministers here in Charlotte, and after much prayer, we are now calling for a Church-wide FAST on the Sabbath of January 29. Our purpose for this day of fasting and prayer is to “cry out” to God to bring many more of His scattered and faithful people together so we can really use our combined resources to finish the Work and genuinely prepare for the soon-coming Kingdom of God.
Meredith alludes to the close personal relations with many LCG members have with UCG members.

Thousands of us in the Living Church of God have dear friends and relatives in the United Church of God and other groups that are just “out there”—still divided and now becoming more divided by these present upheavals. May God help all of us to be willing to sincerely think through why we are divided and how we can get together to zealously and humbly do the Work which Christ has called us to accomplish.
Meredith alludes back to the split of 1998 in which Meredith left the Global Church of God and founded LCG.

Brethren, we all have our human vanities and weaknesses, and we have all made mistakes. About ten years ago, we also experienced a traumatic division in our Church that affected many people and families. Thinking back on this should help us pray more fervently that God would help those caught in similar circumstances.
Meredith then nostalgically remembers what things were like under HWA to call for continuing loyalty among his followers seemingly ignoring the many problems that were present even in those fondly remembered days that continue to haunt many members of the COGs and ex-members.

Even though some in the past have terribly mis-used the God-inspired hierarchical Government described in Scripture, hundreds of us still living remember the many decades of unity and of “doing the Work together” which we enjoyed under the leadership of one man, Herbert W. Armstrong. So, as the old proverb says, “Do not throw the baby out with the bath water!” Let us pray fervently that our “separated brethren” in the United Church of God and other groups can come to understand this vital biblical Truth! Remember, for more than 50 years, God used Mr. Armstrong—the man God used to preach the full Truth of God to more people than any other man in modern times—to reveal the “fruits” of God’s form of government, with His true servant appointing servants under him, and they in turn appointing others down the line.
February 15, 2011

Here Meredith expresses his excitement that his dire predictions may finally come to pass citing the mass protests in the Arab world originating from Tunisia.

My friends, truly exciting prophetic events are cascading across North Africa and the Middle East! All the way from Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Yemen, Jordan, Lebanon and elsewhere, enormous political upheavals have been occurring—sometimes completely overthrowing top government leaders! Nothing like this has happened in that part of the world for decades.

Although the world’s media gives us the details of these events, and television records the vivid images of these ongoing political upheavals, they do not remotely understand what all of this means—and where it is surely going to lead.
Only LCG does, according to Meredith. Despite the hundreds of other COG groups that have similar views to LCG's.

Meredith insists these mass protests in the Arab world will lead to the rise of the King of the South, a future entity among the Arabs of the Middle East that Meredith insists will soon arise. Meredith even throws in a reference to HWA's teaching that Petra in Jordan will be the place of safety, although Meredith is careful not to be explicit.

Right now, in the prophesied “last days,” God has specifically predicted that an entire group of Arab states will get together in a confederation with plans to overthrow and even destroy modern “Israel”—just before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ! ... Note that this confederacy will be composed of the descendants of Edom and of the Ishmaelites, among others. Many Bible scholars recognize that the descendants of “Ishmael” ... are a warlike people and that the modern people of Moab and Ammon are now found primarily in Jordan (with “Amman” as the capital) and among the peoples of Lebanon and the Palestinians. The primarily “Ishmaelite” peoples are scattered throughout Egypt, the Gulf States and other North African nations.

These are the very people now involved in the furious riots and overthrows of government throughout that region—freeing up the situation for them to get together and form the prophesied “King of the South.” For your Bible clearly predicts that at the “time of the end” ... a powerful Arab Confederation will become strong enough and arrogant enough to attack or “provoke” the soon-coming Beast Power in Europe! Although they will probably “give it a good try,” the technological superiority of the Beast Power will simply overwhelm this Arab Confederation.

Again, God’s inspired Word clearly indicates that those nations which will be involved are the modern Egyptians, Libyans and Ethiopians along with other allies in that region. Although modern “Israel”—the “glorious land”—will be overthrown, the peoples of modern Jordan shall “escape” from the conquering Beast Power .... Is this because the sanctuary of “Petra” is controlled by modern Jordan and may become a “Place of Safety” for God’s true Church ...? Time will tell.
March 14, 2011

Here Meredith exploits the mass protests in the Arab world originating from Tunisia, earthquakes in New Zealand and Japan and floods in Australia to insist that his dire predictions will soon come to pass.

As we swiftly approach the end of this age, prophetic events are certainly speeding up! The unprecedented upheavals against authoritarian governments in the Middle East, the massive earthquakes which have recently struck Christchurch, New Zealand, and now Japan, the continued flooding affecting vast parts of Australia and many other so-called “natural” disasters—all this is beginning to shake millions of people into an awareness that “something big is up!”
Meredith insists that persecution against LCG members will soon occur.

Yes, we will become a “prey” if we continue to dedicate our lives to “crying out” with God’s message to a deceived world. However, by earnest Bible study and fervent prayer, we must summon the faith and the courage to act. Through this very Work of the living Christ, we must reach out with increasing power to make “all” the nations aware—at least as a “witness”—that the God of heaven will soon intervene.
And even though all these other things are going on he once again vilifies gays again.

This present world has been so terribly deceived by the invisible Satan the Devil ..., that they will—in the name of “religion”—end up fighting God Himself—in the Person of the returning Jesus Christ! As our peoples continue on their present path of denying the validity of God’s laws, and as they brazenly portray on television, in films and on the Internet almost every form of perverted sex, “living together,” adultery and even “men marrying men,” the Eternal God is beginning to act. He is beginning to shake the nations of this world, literally, in a way they have never been shaken before.
April 12, 2011

Here Meredith exploits the Jewish Passover, a beautiful festival precious to Jews all over the world, as a club to ridicule the vast majority of Christians as false for observing Easter, not Passover. The Jews did not ask Meredith to use their festival for narrow sectarian ends. It is terrible that HWA and his imitators have done this to the Passover.

The Christian Passover is upon us. It is the time when true Christians re-dedicate themselves to their faith in the blood of Christ to pay for their sins—and also in their dedication to surrender their lives to the living Christ.
Meredith then boasts that LCG is expanding. It is asserted that this is a sign of divine favor.

May 18, 2011

Here Meredith insists that he is "excited as never before" seeing his dire predictions finally come to pass. He mentions the deadly tsunami in Japan that killed about 15,894 people and caused the disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, the mass protests in the Arab world originating from Tunisia,
the US' war efforts, tornadoes, other earthquakes, droughts and wildfires in the United States and flooding in Australia. And Meredith is excited.

My friends, I am excited as never before. For so many of the prophetic events we have talked about or written about for many decades either have already happened or are right now in the process of happening! The virtual “tsunami” of Middle East and North African nations overthrowing their secular rulers is coming along day by day even as I write. This—as we have explained—could clear the way for the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic extremists to take over much of the Middle East. Such an event would “prepare the way” for the coming “Mahdi”—the Islamist religious/political leader who will no doubt become the biblically prophesied “King of the South” (Daniel 11:40). He will probably lead in the provocation of the “King of the North” described in that same inspired prophecy in Daniel 11. And this will set in motion the final chain of events leading up to “Armageddon,” and then Jesus Christ’s return as King of kings...!

Meanwhile the Eternal God really is “breaking” the pride of our power (Leviticus 26:19). The American dollar is going down the tubes. Our military is already stretched too thin with many more “little wars” on the horizon. Many of our cities and towns in the southeastern United States have been devastated by a huge outbreak of tornadoes that was described by the National Weather Service as “the largest in U.S. recorded history” (BBC News, May 2, 2011). Also, we have had one of the most powerful earthquakes in modern history strike Japan with a terrible tsunami following—plus massive earthquakes which have recently hit not only Japan but various parts of China, the Philippines, New Zealand, Chile, Haiti and elsewhere! Now, we are also experiencing terrible drought and wildfires in vast parts of Texas, Oklahoma and New Mexico. And let us never forget the massive flooding which hit most of Queensland, Australia and which caused hundreds of millions of dollars in damage to the crops there—as flooding, drought and wildfires are also ruining crops in various parts of the United States. Many other “natural” catastrophes—plus increasing outbreaks of war—are occurring all over the world, too numerous to mention.
Meredith then complains how some influenced by a New Age superstition that the world would end on December 22, 2012. He exploits it to insinuate that Satan will attack humanity with demonic apparitions. He also insists that within three to six years (2014-7) "truly awesome events will begin to take place!" He then insists that this is not a prediction that the Great Tribulation will soon begin.

Meanwhile, remember, my friends the speculation about “2012.” Millions have been deluded into believing that the “end of the world” will occur then. Or that the “Age of Aquarius” will begin then. Yet, the Bible does indicate that the rebellious wicked spirits who followed Satan do know certain things beyond what we humans sometimes know. And this is certainly indicating that next year, 2012, may be a very exciting year! Even apart from that, as a minister of Jesus Christ in His true Work for over 58 years, I clearly perceive that within the next three to six years truly awesome events will begin to take place! By this time six years from now I feel—based on my decades in God’s Work—that the “world” around you will be vastly changed from what it is today. I do not predict that the Great Tribulation will have begun by then, or that Christ will have come by then. But prophetic happenings will be bringing us “very close” to those events, and enormous changes will already be underway beyond anything you have ever experienced in your life!
It is five years later. We are still here. America is still the greatest nation on Earth. His dire predictions failed again.

Meredith then insists that "a terrible persecution" awaits LCG members in the near future. (By 2017?) But they will be allowed to go to a place of safety. But only if they have been good LCG members.

So a terrible persecution is going to be mounted against the “little flock” who constitute God’s true Church today. Yet, for those who are truly converted and willing to obey their Maker, God promises a “Place of Safety.” This place is not up in heaven—for the unbiblical “rapture” theory is totally untrue. Rather, the Place of Safety is in the “wilderness” somewhere on this earth. Those “watching and praying” (Luke 21:36) will be protected as many Scriptures indicate. But “the rest” who have not been truly close to God will have to confront an “enraged” Satan the Devil. He will persecute them mercilessly. They are the “rest” of God’s people “who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ”....
Meredith insists that Satan will inflict the world with dire miracles designed to lead people away from (LCG's) God.

Dear friends, how will you know when the coming “Spirit War” in heaven has taken place? As we have just seen, when Satan is totally defeated, “his angels were cast out with him” (Revelation 12:9). “His angels”? These are perverted demon spirits who will begin to attack mankind in a way they probably never have before. For as Satan himself is “enraged” ..., so will his demons be!

At that point, we may begin to hear more “horror stories” than ever—men and women doing weird, cruel and perverted things; many experiencing unusual and inexplicable temptations to carry out evil and terribly perverted and outlandish acts. Also, the leaders in many nations—especially in the coming “Beast” power—will begin to demonstrate a strange, demonic influence beyond anything previously shown. The coming False Prophet will be allowed awesome power to perform Satanic miracles—even bringing “fire…down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men” .... Your Bible states that “in those days” millions will be deceived by false ministers....
Apparently Meredith finds this exciting.

Five years later we are still waiting for his dire predictions to come to pass.

June 16, 2011

Here Meredith talks about floods in Mississippi and the deadly tornado that struck his original hometown, Joplin, Missouri on May 22, 2011 killing 158 people.

Wow! What a month this has been, as well as the past two months! I am so thankful you are able to read this letter, because many areas here in America are suffering incredible disasters. Natural disasters are striking across our beloved country at an intensity I have never seen. Yes, I’ve seen plenty of Mississippi floods, but this year’s Mississippi flood is one of the worst if not the worst in our national history. And on May 22, at 5:41 p.m., my birthplace, Joplin, Missouri, was hit by one of the most horrendous, destructive and deadliest EF5 tornadoes in American history. God spared virtually all our members and co-workers in the Joplin area. Psalm 91 comes to my mind, where God promises: “Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, even the Most High, your dwelling place, no evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling; for He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways” (vv. 9-11). Even one of our supporters, who lives just one block from the center of the tornado’s destructive path in Joplin, had his life and house spared, with only minor damage to his house. The tornado skipped over his home—a miraculous sight to see, especially considering that more than 8,000 homes were utterly destroyed or heavily damaged. Yes, all of us have a lot for which to be thankful!
Meredith insists that his dire predictions will soon come true and when that happens LCG members will be persecuted.

As we preach the specific prophecies of the soon-coming downfall of America and the British-descended peoples, we will be persecuted. Our message will not be “popular.” But we will know that the great God who gives us life and breath will be watching over us, guiding us and—in the end—blessing us in powerful ways.
July 20, 2011

Here Ames delivers the co-worker letter. He opens with a paean to his boss, Meredith.

Dr. Meredith has been very busy in the last few days, so he asked me to write this month's co-worker letter.  Just in this last week, he has been completing several writing projects, holding meetings about plans for the Work, and taping the last in a series of interviews for use in this year's "Behind the Work" film. I watched him taping one of his interviews, and was both moved and inspired by what I heard. Brethren and friends, we are indeed blessed that God has used Dr. Meredith so powerfully for more than 60 years in the Work! Even at age 81, he continues to persevere in fulfilling the Great Commission. I hope we are all thankful for his continuing zealous and inspired leadership.
Ames encouraged LCG members to prepare for disasters.

Given the many natural disasters around the world in the first half of 2011, one theme I have emphasized is, "Be prepared!" When I have asked audiences how many have emergency drinking water to last a week, I have been surprised to learn that only 10 to 15 percent typically indicate they have even that minimal degree of preparation for a disaster. After my presentations and warnings in Chicago and Milwaukee, a powerful "derecho" (violent windstorm) left hundreds of thousands of Chicagoans without electricity. ... Even man-made disasters can severely affect us. Last year, in Boston, Massachusetts, a major water main was damaged and two million residents were without safe drinking water for several days.
Ames talks about famines.

Famines are one important prophetic trend about which Jesus warned us. Consider the extreme poverty of millions trying to survive in northeast Africa. ...  We in the Western world often complain about the most trivial inconveniences. Yet some of these African families walk on foot for miles seeking food.... Brethren and co-workers, we need to face the reality of these end-time prophetic trends. We should "sigh and cry" ... over the abominations that lead to massive suffering and starvation. We need to spend more time on our knees in fervent prayer for God's Kingdom to come, and for the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to go forth with greater power and effect as a witness to the world ....
What about donating to charity?

Ames scare mongers that the United States will soon be bankrupt even though the US was more indebted per capita back in the 1940s because of World War II. He fails to note the political nature of the debt ceiling stand off.

Another major trend we have all been watching, and have been experiencing to varying painful degrees, is the global financial crisis. More than one financial professional has described the crisis as our "financial Armageddon." The deadline for raising the 14.3 trillion dollar U.S. national debt limit is August 2. Many are fearing that if the U.S. Congress does not act by this date, the nation could default on its debt obligations. ... Unless we change our way of living, the U.S. and other Western nations will face skyrocketing inflation, and "financial Armageddon"!
The US is not going to go bankrupt. The US federal debt is denominated in US currency produced by the US government. Half of the federal debt is owed to other Americans. No one can force the United States to default on this debt. America is great. Bet on America.

August 15, 2011

Here Meredith scare mongers about Standard and Poor's downgrading of the US federal debt, floods, droughts and political partisanship.

Are we really in America’s “last days”? Certainly, nearly everyone recognizes that we are in a horrific financial crisis. We are so much indebted that our children and grandchildren will probably be unable to pay our national debt even during coming decades. Our national credit rating has been lowered by Standard and Poor’s—one of the most respected credit rating agencies in the world. Massive floods have ruined hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of grain and other crops up and down the Missouri River. And now, in the southwestern part of the United States, the record breaking drought continues. Because of the political infighting and uncertainty in our leadership, a sense of national malaise is increasing among the entire American population. People are now uncertain about the direction our country is taking.
Meredith exploits the London riots to insist that his dire predictions will soon finally come to pass.

Over in Britain, we have witnessed a remarkable outbreak of rioting, looting and hooliganism on a scale never before experienced in the United Kingdom. Newspaper writers and editorialists are asking all kinds of questions about why. Many of the people and even leaders there are beginning to grasp that their attempt to be “politically correct”—and their “multicultural” and “universal care” society—is not working. In fact, the society is slowly but surely coming apart. One of our own members sent me an email about this just yesterday. This London resident stated, “I am disgusted at these thugs. If I hadn’t been in the church I think I would definitely be out marching against them… urghh… they should drop them all off in Afghanistan!! Children shall be their oppressors eh??” So it seems that the “beginning of sorrows” has certainly been escalating in Ephraim and Manasseh! Maybe it will help some few people to actually “wake up”!
All these problems are happening and Meredith insists that he can solve them for you.

But untold millions are beginning to wonder about “what is going on.” They ask, “Why are these things happening?” Dear brethren and co-workers, it is our job to help these people begin to understand the supreme purpose which is being worked out here on earth. We need to help them understand that there are genuine answers to the questions in their hearts. They—and all of us—must understand that God is not trying to “save everyone” at this time! Although so many Protestant evangelists seem to picture God as a sort of sad-looking hound dog slowly following people around and wishing that He could somehow get them “saved,” the real God of the Bible is not doing any such thing!
Meredith's answer is to join LCG and pay his organization three tithes for the rest of your life. This is your membership fee to gain God's favor so that you will, among things, get to go to the place of safety during the Great Tribulation and once (LCG's) Christ returns you will be become a God being as fully God as God is God. If your relations and friends are not interested in what LCG says, do not worry, (LCG's) God simply has not called them yet but will do so after Christ returns.

September 19, 2011

Here Meredith scare mongers against transgender people and France banning public prayers on the streets of Paris.

As most of you long-time co-workers know, our entire Western society is changing rapidly. Most people “feel” it. But they don’t know why. And they don’t even begin to realize how far these changes will go—and who is ultimately behind them. Wow! Are we actually entering the “transgender” age? ... A “huge step forward”? Or a “huge leap over the cliff” by a confused, God-rejecting society just before the Eternal God sends Christ back as King of kings to straighten out this mess!
Meredith condemns France banning prayers on the streets. For once Meredith seems to be portrays Muslims in a sympathetic light. This is very unusual for him.

Next, read this striking news from the respected Telegraph newspaper in Britain:  “Praying in the streets of Paris is against the law starting Friday, after the interior minister warned that police will use force if Muslims, and those of any other faith, disobey the new rule to keep the French capital’s public spaces secular” (The Telegraph, September 15, 2011). Keep the French public space secular? Or is the message also, “God, get out of our lives! Get out of our nation!”?
Meredith alludes to the widespread pedophilia by Catholic priests and the subsequent protection of pedophile priests by the Catholic hierarchy. He absurdly says this is making more people accept Meredith's dogma that the Roman Catholic Church is the Harlot of Revelation 17.

Now, from Ireland, notice how things are rapidly changing over there.... As more news of this “priestly pedophilia” comes to light—along with other similar revelations—millions are beginning to realize the true identity of the “great harlot” of Revelation 17! ...

How many untold thousands of priests and nuns down through the centuries have tossed and turned through the night in emotional agony and frustration because “their” church directed them to forsake the normal married lives....
November 10, 2011

Here Meredith scare mongers about New Age fears about 2012, events in Europe, the Middle East and China.

Meredith alludes to superstitious fears about December 2012 and blames it on Satan's demons.

My friends, there is a “spirit world” out there and many fallen angels have become very excited about next year, 2012. Although many false ideas have been propounded regarding this year—including the idea that Christ will return or an age of Aquarius will begin—there are nevertheless a number of powerful prophetic events underway which will impact 2012 and make it a remarkable year in which to “watch” prophetic events.
Meredith scare mongers that the financial crisis in Europe will result in the creation of the European superstate he has been predicting since the early 1950s.

Right now, more than most people realize, much of western Europe is in danger of falling apart as the EU ministers attempt to “paper over” a truly horrible financial problem and avoid the entire EU coming apart, hundreds of thousands of people losing their jobs, big banks all over Europe—and many in the U.S.—going bankrupt because of this, and many other truly awful things. As our correspondent in Britain just reported to me, “As I go to bed tonight things look very dire indeed for the Eurozone. It is quite literally at the brink of untold disaster…. This is brinkmanship of the highest order and if the markets really get spooked the results could be catastrophic. The seriousness of the situation seems scarcely to have penetrated the minds of the Eurozone leaders and they are really waking up very late indeed to adequately deal with the issues involved.”

In the hours since this report was sent to me, the Europeans have put together a hasty “bailout” proposal to attempt to save Greece and Europe. It all looks good on the surface but the European Bond Market and real money investors just are not buying the “happy talk”! They don’t believe European politicians can afford to do what they say they can do. So the dire consequences of this problem are apparently postponed for several weeks or even several months—but it is still like a huge iceberg out in front of the Titanic!
As bad as things are in Europe because of the policies of austerity being enacted there Meredith insists Europe will unite and become an unstoppable superpower fated to conquer the United States.

This will bring about the ultimate “revival” of the Holy Roman Empire which we have predicted for decades. It will bring about the final “Babylon” described in Revelation 17 and 18. Please study these chapters of your Bible carefully! This coming religious/political power will attain massive wealth and influence all over the world in a way no entity has ever done in modern history.
Meredith quotes himself to insist things will be greatly changed within six years, namely by 2017.

As I stated to you in my semi-annual letter last May, “As a minister of Jesus Christ in His true Work for over 58 years, I clearly perceive that within the next three to six years truly awesome events will begin to take place! By this time six years from now I feel—based on my decades in God’s Work—that the ‘world’ around you will be vastly changed from what it is today. I do not predict that the Great Tribulation will have begun by then, or that Christ will have come by then. But prophetic happenings will be bringing us ‘very close’ to those events, and enormous changes will already be underway beyond anything you have ever experienced in your life!”
Five years later we are still waiting for his words to come to pass.

Meredith then scare mongers that the protests of the Arab Spring will result in the creation of an Arab alliance called the King of the South which Meredith insists will arise in the near future. Meredith criticizes PCG's teaching that Iran will be the King of the South, which has been PCG's stance since 1994.

Meanwhile, various Islamist groups—often foolishly called “moderate” by the mainstream media—are coming to power in Egypt, Tunisia and other African and Middle Eastern nations after the uprisings of the “Arab Spring.” The prophesied “King of the South” will soon emerge as these nations seek a “Mahdi”—a powerful religio/poltical leader who will bring them together under Islam. This “King of the South” predicted in Daniel 11:40 will no doubt be headquartered in Egypt or Saudi Arabia, not in Iran as some confused people foolishly predict. This man and his cohorts will somehow “provoke” the coming Beast Power—the “King of the North”—into a war and be conquered by the coming Beast Power in Europe. All this in the same time frame in which America and Britain are conquered and taken into the massive national captivity....
Five years later we are still waiting for such a thing to happen.

Meredith insists that China will somehow be restrained from arising as a great power. He says this to insist that Europe will arise to power.

What about China? The Bible does not mention direct Chinese involvement in any of the prophecies we have cited. Rather, the indication is that weather disasters, financial problems, bank failures and other situations will cause China to “pull back” and it will not, in fact, become the major player in world events as many analysts now predict. Rather, the major power—far above all others—will be this coming “United States of Europe” or “Beast”....
Seemingly heedless of the vast pain and suffering events would cause Meredith says "it will be exciting" to see this European Empire arise. Meredith would be relieved to no longer face the fact that his dire predictions has always failed miserably.

Although it will be very sad indeed to see our beloved nations—America and the British-descended peoples—come down in power and prestige, it will be exciting and yet sobering to watch the ascendency of this enormously powerful empire in Europe!
Meredith boasts of his association with HWA and even brings up the late Richard David Armstrong in an attempt to convince LCG members that he is worthy of being followed instead of the competition like UCG, COGWA or PCG.

As many of you know, of the several original evangelists ordained by Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, I am the only one who is still living. Back in 1958—after Dick Armstrong’s death—Mr. Armstrong appointed me as Second Vice President of the entire Work and of Ambassador College. I was personally trained by Mr. Armstrong—far more than anyone still living—and was deeply acquainted with him and with his elder son, Dick, and the entire family. I spent thousands of hours with Mr. Armstrong personally, traveled with him and helped him develop what we now call the “Work” of God preparing the way for Christ’s coming. This film will truly give you an “inside peek” at the Work which we are carrying on since Mr. Armstrong’s death.
This ignores that letter HWA sent to Meredith in 1980. This ignores how HWA was reported by David Robinson to have mockingly described Meredith as being so "righteous you were unrighteous". This ignores how Meredith was removed as head of the ministry in July 1979 in favor of Joseph Tkach, Sr. Some asserted that this was done at Stanley Rader's behest. But Rader fell out of HWA's favor and retired from WCG in 1981. But in all the four years HWA had left after that he never restored Meredith to the head of the ministry or tried to make him his successor. This indicates that it was HWA himself who did not trust Meredith.

Since WCG under Tkach decided to abandon HWA's heresies many of those who continue to yearn to follow HWA wonder which COG they should join. Meredith's LCG is one of the largest and most prominent of these splinter groups. But LCG faces stiff competition. UCG gained the allegiance of more WCG members when it formed in 1995 then Meredith was able to get. Meredith is in stiff competition against the other COG groups to get more members by persuading them to follow him and not any of the others. Hence why he appeals to his seniority to gain loyalty within LCG.

December 14, 2011

Here Meredith mentions the anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack.

A few days ago, as I was collecting ideas about what would be most helpful to write you in this letter, I realized that it was an anniversary of an extremely important event in America’s history—December 7, 1941, the “Day of Infamy.”  For it was on that day that my life and the lives of millions of other Americans were suddenly changed. Our parents were talking in hushed tones. The news came on the radio that the Japanese had attacked our fleet at Pearl Harbor and nearly 3,000 Americans were killed. America was at war! As President Franklin Roosevelt concluded his speech before Congress, he triumphantly declared, “We shall gain the inevitable triumph, so help us God!” Many Americans who had not liked his liberal policies were suddenly excited by his decisiveness and leadership. For we were one nation back then—more so than we have ever been since.
Is this an indication that Meredith's family did not like President Roosevelt before the Pearl Harbor attack? It is hard to be sure. It is quite possible that he is projecting present views onto past events.

Meredith insists that dire and terrible things will occur any moment now.

Many events are now coming together which will change your lives more than you can probably even imagine. We in this Work are God’s servants to give you—ahead of time—news about these traumatic events now on the horizon. And we should tell you how to “take action”—before it is too late! ...

Right now, we all need to be “watching” and praying about these events which are underway even as I write:

·       America’s financial crisis and coming riots and civil unrest!

·       The European financial crisis and where it will lead!

·      China’s economic “pull back” which will allow the coming European Empire to be the most powerful economic system on earth!

·      The rise of Islamist parties in the newly formed governments of the Middle East and Africa, and how this is leading to the coming Arab Confederation and the “King of the South” (Daniel 11:40).

·      Israel’s possible attack on Iran (in conjunction with America?) and how it could take Iran out of any significant leadership in the Middle East for some time.

·      Then the prophesied drought, famine, disease epidemics and earthquakes which Jesus predicted in Matthew 24 and elsewhere.

·      Also, watch for a religious “revival” in Europe—probably in reaction to the growing power of Islam. This revival will lead to the coming of the Great False Prophet described in Revelation 17.

·      Finally, “somewhere on this earth,” a very “little flock” (Luke 12:32) of truly faithful, humble and yet zealous people will do a powerful work to preach the <i st

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