
Before I get started with the post, I would like to let you all know that instead of just having my new post notification subscriber thingy, I have switched to a full on email list service. So, those emails may contain additional juicy tidbits besides the new link. It will also allow me to send additional communications regarding inspirations, insights, interesting information and what have you, that I think will be of interest to readers of this blog,as well as  subscriber-only deals with my coaching services when the mood strikes ;)Don’t worry, I won’t be assaulting your inbox with multiple emails a day!

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Now back to our regularly scheduled programming….

As one year comes to an end and a new one is upon us, I imagine all you LOA ‘enthusiasts’ are hoping to step up your manifesting a notch in 2015. The desire to create something new is especially strong now, and it is a great time to set new intentions and goals. I was thinking about some common issues people encounter that can stand in the way of their manifesting, and these were the first three that popped in the old noggin of mine, so for your reading pleasure, here you go…enjoy!

Not Realizing Actions are a Manifestation of Your Vibration

When I first read about our thoughts being a manifestation of our vibration like anything else, that was profound. It seems so obvious now, but was not a connection that I had made previous to happening upon that little nugget of wisdom. And, at some point, I made the realization that our actions are also manifestations of our vibration.

Action is one thing that really trips up our manifesting work without a doubt. We see people talk about how hard they worked to get where they are, how they failed over and over before finding success, and what have you. Successful people are always asked how they got where they are and we want to know all the actions that were taken. Then we conclude we must take all those same actions lest we will not get the same results.

The idea that we don’t have to do much of anything to get what we want is very pleasing to the ears, but not something we can readily accept. My brain still fights me on it sometimes like anyone else. Beliefs like no pain, no gain, are deeply embedded, and aren’t going to go away so easily, even when you continually experience great results with minimal effort. Our minds are quite the formidable opponent.

So, we constantly struggle whether or not to take specific actions. Not doing anything often doesn’t sit well—it is like the mental equivalent of wearing a really uncomfortable, itchy sweater.

We have observed that busting our booties has seemed to work for many people, and we reason that going that route will assure of at least some sort of result. Even if we intuitively know that the opposite is true, we just don’t have enough proof, nor trust, to let it ride.

But, when we realize the actions we take are a manifestation of our vibration like anything else, we will get clued in to where we are at the moment based on what we feel inspired to do. If we are feeling compelled to take action because we fear we will not get what we want without it, or with the idea of forcing a result through a specific channel, that shows we are already out of alignment with what we want, and acting from this energetic space is just going to push us further away from it.

So, we are better off not doing whatever it is we thinking about doing because we still have some work to do mentally. Our limiting beliefs are clearly still running the show, and we are lacking trust big time. Sure, the actions may net some sort of result after awhile, but the progress will be slow, and the experience will be really unpleasant all around.

When we are feeling like this, the less we do the better…your mind is going to fight you on this but be strong!

Engaging in ‘Feel Good’ Activities without Actually Feeling All that Great

So, as we know, our world is a mirror of what is happening on the inside, and the better we feel, the more positive things we will attract into all areas of our life, from money to relationships. When we are feeling good, we attract thoughts that match this higher vibration, we get inspiration to take certain actions that get us great results with little effort, we get intuitive nudges to do certain things and we are led to something that assists us in our journey in some way, we let in solutions to problems, and all that jazz.

When we are feeling good, we have a more positive perspective on life, we start seeing ourselves in more positive light, and we automatically begin to chip away at limiting beliefs all around without specifically focusing on them—we just develop a greater sense of knowing that they aren’t valid, and they start to weaken.

So, it stands to reason we should aim to feel good as much as possible. Don’t worry about being manically happy every second or never thinking a negative thought–we are just aiming for the majority of the time, though that mode of operating would get us amazing results quite quickly!

When we are feeling crappy, it is a good idea to try and feel better. We should make doing the things that make us happy a priority, because like I said earlier, feeling good opens the doors to all sorts of great stuff. But, as you know, our good old brains have to come in and rain on our parade.

We are taught we must give all our attention to our problems until we come up with a solution. We have to work really hard, and the path to the things we want, is lined with unpleasant activities we don’t want to do, but must to get them. We have to do a whole bunch of stuff that makes us unhappy to finally claim the prize.

However, we have been boning up on LOA and we know the importance of feeling good, and doing things that cultivate said feeling. We learn it is okay to not stare down all our problems constantly to try and solve them, nor do we have to subject ourselves to doing things we would rather not. Since feeling good is the aim, anything that makes us feel good is worthwhile, no matter how frivolous it may seem.

But, again, our minds fight us on this, and even when we are attempting to engage in our feel-good activities, like reading a book in a nice bubble bath, taking our dog for a walk in a beautiful park, or meeting with a friend for some coffee and good conversation, we are not actually enjoying these moments as fully as we can.

We have that voice in our head that is telling us we should be doing something else instead. We should be forcing ourselves to write our next blog post even if we are totally feeling writer’s block, wracking our brains to find that solution to a current problem even though thinking about it makes us feel awful, or taking control of our life by sitting down and figuring out exactly ‘how’ we are going to get what we want and all the concrete actions we will take to make sure we get it, even if doing so makes us feel terrible because we haven’t the foggiest idea.

And when this is happening, we are diluting the benefits of our feel-good activities because well..we aren’t actually feeling good. The worry, lack of trust, and all the other yuck, is still quite dominant, and what is dominant determines what we attract. It is kind of like doing affirmations but not really believing them. You are doing the ‘work,’ but the emotion is not there.

So, start paying attention to what is going on in your head when you are doing your own ‘feel good’ activities. Are you in the moment as best as you can be, and really feeling the good feelings? Or are you engaged in an internal battle with the ‘old’ you who is making accusations of laziness or being ‘unrealistic?’

Will you be able to totally lose yourself in the moment each and every time? Probably not, and that’s okay. Remember, it is all about what is dominant, and you want to do your best to really tap into the good feelings in these moments as much as you can.

Overloading Yourself with Tools and Information

Being happy, succeeding with LOA and what have you, is at its core, quite simple. What makes it hard is all the gunk that is standing in the way of who we really are. We can’t quite access the amazing power we have to create our desired realities, and release what no longer serves us,with relative ease, in a short amount of time.

Because of all the ‘stuff’ that we have taken in over the years as truth, we have a lot of conditioning to overcome, and we may not be able to make things happen as quickly as they actually can. And that’s okay—it is what it is. We may always bump up against something that is standing in our way, and we have to do a bit of work to overcome it. We are here to create, and as time goes on, you will want things that you are not quite a match to yet, and you’ll have to do some vibrational tweaking.

So, this desire to change often requires some conscious effort—in theory, we can just decide to stop doing certain things, start believing more positive beliefs and the like, but it usually doesn’t go down like that.

We need a bit of help, so we turn to books, coaches, seminars and other sources of information; we read about all sorts of exercises, affirmations and other tools. On the whole, this is a really good thing because we need to expose ourselves to the information that will help us change; the tools are helpful for applying what we learn, and keeping us focused on what we want. The reinforcement is good for letting new thought patterns and beliefs take root.

Because the principles of LOA represent such a departure from how we have been conditioned to think, we are especially compelled to gather all we can about it, and do all sorts of exercises that will help us overcome our limiting beliefs and make us a better match to what we want.

But, you want to be careful here about overloading yourself with too much information and too many tools. More is not necessarily better. Often times, this can have a detrimental effect in that it causes you to focus excessively on what is currently missing from your reality in this moment, or the issues which which you are struggling. Doing 10 different exercises in a day may make you feel a bit anxious—the work doesn’t feel good, it feels forced. It becomes a form of action that is not coming from a good place. It is easy to fall into the trap of too much ‘doing’ and not enough ‘being.’

Now, if you are engaging in this work to this degree, and you feel great, go for it. But, if you are not feeling great, pull back. Just focus on one book, not five. Don’t simultaneously do five different programs for attracting more money, just focus on one for now, and really putting your energy into those teachings. Pick two or three exercises that feel really good to you, and just do those for the next few weeks. Remember that the core is how you feel, and that anything that will get you there is good for you—don’t do things that don’t resonate with the idea you must do these things or you won’t get what you want.

Personal development work can certainly present its challenges at times, but overall, it should be fun, light and feel good. If it doesn’t, you want to fix that real quick.

In Closing…

This whole conscious creation thing can sometimes feel like more trouble than it’s worth…the frustration factor can be high, the doubt strong and the trust slow to come. But, just keep at it….what better way is there to live than consciously creating our reality? You may not feel super powerful all the time, and you will sometimes wonder if this stuff really works. But, you are more powerful than you know, and it will reveal itself more and more, and yes, it really works.

Your Turn…

What did you think of this post? What part resonated with you the most? Where do you think you are struggling? Would you add anything to what I have said here? Any tips of your own? Looking forward to your thoughts so we can have a nice chat!

The post Law of Attraction: 3 Things that May Be Messing with Your Manifestations appeared first on Life Made to Order.

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