Cook your proteins in bulk to make living lean easier!
Always having some deliciously prepared proteins on hand is one of our secrets to maintaining a lean body 365 days a year.
3 Delicious High Protein Recipes to Cook in Bulk
One mistake we often see with people failing to live lean is lacking in protein in their diet.
And we understand. It can get really boring really fast if all you eat for protein is plain chicken, canned tuna or protein shakes.
Nobody wants to eat the same dry flavorless protein sources with every single meal.
Today I want to share with you 3 of our favorite easy to make, simple, but freakishly delicious protein recipes that we use to keep our protein macros on point AND actually enjoy what we’re eating.
All of these are dairy free, grain free, high protein, healthy and yummy!
1) Grilled Garlic Pepper Chicken.
If you don’t have a grill I suggest you invest in one! Grilling food is a great way to make your foods leaner. The fat drips off and grilling makes foods taste extra delicious. Even a small indoor grill is so useful in making so many different healthy recipes. We get a lot of use out of our electric grill & it’s so easy to use.
Chicken breast
Garlic powder
Season up your chicken breasts with some salt, pepper, and garlic powder and lay them on the grill.
Cook for 5 minutes each side and you have some tasty chicken ready to use in lots of different meals.
I recommend cooking at least 2-4 chicken breasts at a time, more if you’re feeding a whole family, so you’ll have leftovers that you can easily pull out of the fridge and whip up delicious meals quickly.
2) Curried Turkey Meatballs.
This one is from our members site where you can find many more high protein healthy recipe cooking videos.
1 lbs ground turkey
1 grated carrot
1 handful of diced cilantro
3 chopped garlic cloves
2 tsp curry powder
1 whole egg
1 tsp coconut oil
dash of sea salt
Add all the ingredients to a mixing bowl, mix together, and create golf ball size (or smaller) turkey balls.
Add snack balls to pre-heated pan with coconut oil.
Cook for 2 mins over medium high heat, flip to another side, cook for another 5 mins, then reduce heat to low, cover, and cook for another 5 minutes (or until cooked throughly).
Remove from heat, add to a plate with vegetables for a meal or take in tupperware as an on the go snack. Enjoy!
3) Slow Cooker Tri-Tip Steak.
Pre-seasoned tri-tip (we buy it from Costco)
1 cup of water
As many vegetables as you like
Throw all the ingredients in the crock pot.
Set it for 7 hours and forget about it!
The best part about using a slow cooker is there’s no chance of burning the food and you literally don’t have to do anything but wait. It makes the house smell awesome.
Make sure to pair these proteins with TONS OF VEGETABLES. When living lean you eat PRIMARILY PLANTS.. Along with a proper portion of protein to go with it.
We don’t eat All or Only animal protein but it is an essential building block to grow and maintain your body’s lean muscle mass.
When living lean make sure your plate is full of MOSTLY VEGETABLES but with a good portion of protein and healthy fats as well.
For more freakishly delicious high protein recipes join our Team at and start using our monthly workout plans
Thanks for reading and, KEEP Living Lean!
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I love you guys and keep Living Lean.
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