
It has been a while now I have been researching about umbilical cords and stem cells, where I came across a very frequently associated question – how much is cord blood banking? Before I give you the answer, let me explain you everything about it. If you feel, you know it and want to know its cost alone, then click the associated link given in the below box.

What Is Cord Blood Banking?

Cord Blood Banking Pros And Cons

Private Cord Blood Bank vs. Public Cord Blood Bank

How Much Is Cord Blood Banking?


What Is Cord Blood?

It is the blood, which remains in placenta and umbilical cord following birth. This blood is basically discarded. However, cord blood banks offer facilities to store & preserve baby’s cord blood. And if as a parent, you decide to store your baby’s cord blood, then it is vital to utilize a cord blood bank that is accredited by AABB (American Association of Blood Banks). And one such is Viacord. For further information, you can contact Viacord at their toll-free number: 1-866-384-0476.

What Is Cord Blood Used For?

The baby’s cord blood has some lifesaving cells known as “stem cells” and they have an incredible power to cure or heal a disease. Today, the stem cells from cord blood is widely used in treating about 80 different health disorders even including few cancer types, blood diseases and so on. Still researchers continue expanding different uses of cord blood. And storing your kid’s stem cells literally means that you have access to his or her stem cells at the time of need.

What Is Cord Blood Banking?

Cord blood banking is a medical process in which a baby’s umbilical cord stem cells are collected and stored for future medical use. And the place, where it is stored is called “Cord Blood Bank” and can be classified into 2 major types

Private cord blood bank

Public cord blood bank

Cord blood banks have been introduced since 1990. It is mainly used to treat some blood diseases & immune system disorders.

Why Should You Store Your Baby’s Blood In Cord Blood Bank?

So, why as a parent should you use cord blood bank? This is a good question. A cord blood is a rich source of stem cells (genetically associated to the baby & his or her family). These stem cells contribute in the development of organs, tissues and other body systems.

Stem cells from a baby’s cord blood might be extremely useful in treating few conditions or diseases of a sibling or parent. Stem cells can transform into different cell types to generate new growth & development. They are like immune system’s building blocks. This cell transformation gives a physician the right way or method to treat few inherited health issues. Therefore, cord blood banking is often helpful to families, who naturally inherit some health disorders.

Banking baby’s stem cells and blood in a cord blood bank is more like insurance. Preferably, one will not require accessing his or her baby’s stem cells to address a specific medical condition. However, using cord blood bank provides a relief knowing that one has a valuable source when he or she needs it.

How Is A Baby’s Cord Blood Collected?

Process of cord blood is safe, painless and simple. It does not take more than 5 minutes. And is taken right after the baby’s birth. Most importantly, it is 100% possible in both cesarean and vaginal deliveries. A healthcare provider often uses either the bag method or syringe method to collect blood.

Bag Method = In this, umbilical cord is been elevated in order to drain blood in a bag.

Syringe Method = In this, a syringe is used for drawing blood from umbilical cord within few moments after it is been cut. It is more like a blood test.

The cord blood must be collected only during the initial 15-minutes following birth & should be processed by lab officials within 48-hours of its collection. Whatever method is used, the bag or syringe must be labeled with a distinct number. This denotes your baby’s cord blood.

What Risks Can A Mother & Baby Have During The Process?

Surprisingly there are NO health risks involved while collecting cord blood. In fact, the process is so easy and painless that mother or baby doesn’t even realizes if such a thing was ever done. The blood is collected from umbilical cord right after the birth. There is neither discomfort nor pain. It is 100% safe and does not cause any harm.

What Happens After The Cord Blood Is Collected?

Once the baby’s cord blood is been collected, it will be then processed & stored by a laboratory accredited by AABB (American Association of Blood Banks).

What If You Don’t Want To Store Your Baby’s Cord Blood?

Your baby’s stem cells could be extremely valuable for other families if not to you. From institutions to medical facilities and nonprofit blood banks, numerous locations collect, process, store & use stem cells of your baby’s cord blood for treating people in need. And for this, there isn’t any cost involved, meaning the one donating the cord blood won’t be charged. And if you don’t prefer storing your baby’s cord blood, try donating it at least. This donation could seriously make a big difference in someone’s life.

Can You Store Your Baby’s Cord Blood Without Paying?

Yes of course. There are 3 ways you can do this.

One, it is possible only if you’ve a family member with a qualifying medicinal condition & who might require a therapy using newborn’s cells.

Two, there are many cord blood banks that run different charity programs for storing cord blood free but this is only if any existing member of the family – either the sibling or parent of baby had a health issue treated with stem cell therapy. Moreover, you will be asked to have your doctor write down the associated medical history. Only then, you will be accepted in such a medical program. For further information on such charity programs, you can see here: Parent’s Guide to Cord Blood Foundation.

Three, you are eligible for a free cord blood banking only if your baby has been diagnosed with a medical condition before birth. And for this, you have to participate in clinical trials earlier. For instance, if your baby is been diagnosed with congenital heart problem or hydrocephalus prior his or her birth then there are special programs, which allows you enter a good hospital for delivery. And there, the cord blood of your baby will be collected and stored with appropriate care.

Not All Mothers Can Donate Cord Blood

Mothers who are 18 years old or even younger aren’t eligible to donate their cord blood. Moreover, if a mother is been treated for an illness like cancer, HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) or Hepatitis, then she will not be able to donate cord blood. A mother will not be able to donate if she has delivered a premature baby (because there might not be sufficient cord blood to collect) or had multiple baby deliveries make.

The Cord Blood Is Always Screened & Tested

It doesn’t matter if you go with a public bank or private bank for storing cord blood but one is always tested for different infections like HIV, Hepatitis and so on. If the results happen to be positive for any infection or disease, then cord blood cannot be stored.

If Cord Blood Is Preserved Properly, It Is Long Lasting

Storing cord blood requires nitrogen freezer (same technology that is used for freezing a donated sperm). This helps it to last long. The scientists who first introduced cord blood conservation methods in the 1990 confirmed that few of his first specimens, which were stored 23+ years ago were as fresh and potent as they were taken after the birth.

The post How Much Is Cord Blood Banking & Why Should You Cryopreserve It? appeared first on Best HealthCare Magazine.

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