
If you are thinking about adding a deck, there are many things that you must decide on, including whether to go with composite, plastic or real wood decking. While this most likely won’t be an easy choice, there are pros and cons to each type of decking material. Choosing the right material could mean the difference between maintaining and enjoying your deck for years to come with minimal cost, or having to start all over because you chose the wrong type of decking.

A look at the options

There are many different materials you can choose from. However you want to choose one that is going to last. There are two different categories of decking materials and six options under that. The first step is deciding on a category; synthetic or natural wood. For this first step, you need to consider many things such as longevity, aesthetics, chances of rot, insect resistance, maintenance and cost. Below we will go into more detail on each material to help you decide what is right for your needs.

Synthetic options

There are some definite pros to using synthetic materials, unfortunately, they don’t work for all climates. For instance, if you live in a region where it is extremely hot, synthetics hold a lot of heat, which means you most likely won’t be able to walk on your deck barefoot. In addition, all synthetics fade at least a little, a lot of sun can make them fade even more.

Cellular PVC

Cellular PVC decking is 100% made of plastic and is considered the very best when it comes to synthetic options. This is because it is resistant to stains and fading. In addition, this type of decking is extremely low maintenance and has a longer life span than just about any other type of decking. The downside is the cost, as the old saying goes: “you get what you pay for” cellular PVC is the most expensive synthetic option.


This type of decking is made up of resin and wood. The wood gives the material a more natural look while the resin protects it and makes it weather resistant. In choosing this material, you will never need to stain, sand, or seal it, which makes it quite low maintenance. The downside to this material is that it holds heat that can make it impossible to walk on barefooted.

Natural options

While wood isn’t always a low maintenance option, it can be more cost effective than composite or PVC. There are several advantages to having a wood deck. Because this material requires sanding and re-staining every couple of years you can change the look of your deck, this simply isn’t an option with PVC and composite decking. The downside is that they are a bit on the high maintenance side, can crack and deteriorate and are susceptible to both insects and rot.

Tropical hardwood

These decks are made from several different types of wood including cambara, red balau, tigerwood, ipe, and others. While these are the most expensive options available on the market, they are well worth the price. Exotic looking hardwoods come in several different shades and, in most cases, can last up to 25 years.

Redwood and cedar

These two types of wood are middle of the road when it comes to cost and longevity. They last longer than pressure-treated wood and cost less than tropical hardwoods. Unfortunately, they require the same maintenance as pressure-treated wood so many peopled don’t end up going with it. One advantage is that you don’t generally have to paint or stain these because they have very unique, beautiful coloring already.

Pressure treated wood

Pressure-treated wood is on the low end of the spectrum for decking. It is the cheapest option available, but can give you a beautiful deck as long as regular maintenance is performed. What kind of pressure-treated wood you end up purchasing will vary depending on your geographical location. This being said; the quality of lumber will also vary. In order to properly care for this type of deck you will need to sand, stain, and seal it at least once every two years, possible every year, depending on where you live and the type of lumber.


As you can see, there are many different options available, and each of these materials has its own set of perks and pitfalls. For this reason, it is important to think about what you are looking for as far as longevity and maintenance, as well as your budget. If you have a big budget, then you might be able to choose from the best materials available to get the deck you’ve been dreaming of.

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