
We went to see the Disney movie Frozen on Wednesday.  It was such a cute and funny movie.  The kids loved it.  I won't give away the storyline, but I was a little concerned about something early in the movie and was glad to see how it was beautifully resolved at the end.  It made for a great afternoon.

Sassyfras and Juiciness have had some fun this fall with "roll a jack-o-lantern" and "roll a turkey" in their classrooms.  I thought we would have some fun with "roll a snowman", but with a twist...a tasty twist!

What You Need
printable roll a snowman game at ABC Jesus Loves Me

a die

Sharpie markers
1 quart size Ziploc bag

2 gallon size Ziploc bags

How to Play

Roll the die and draw the corresponding snowman part on the quart size Ziploc bag.  Once the snowman is complete, use this Ziploc to mix your ice cream ingredients.  

Ice Cream Ingredients

1/2 cup of half and half
1 tablespoon of sugar
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
rock salt
crushed ice

Easy directions and an explanation of the science of how this works can be found at Steve Spangler Science.  Top with your favorite toppings.  We had whip cream and sprinkles!  This does not get frozen firm like ice cream out of your freezer, but it does get frozen enough to enjoy as a novelty.  

Press most of the air out and make sure the bags are sealed well.  We placed our ice cream mixture in the freezer for about 10 minutes before placing it in the ice bag and shaking.  I think that helped decrease the time the kids had to shake it.  It gets very cold, you may want to wear mittens or gloves!

Linking to:  The Kids Weekly Coop, Tuesday Tots

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