
There are a hundred things that I really should be getting on with today, I've really not got into the swing of things yet this year and am behind with all of my plans and aims. But this morning was a perfect winter morning and much too beautiful to stay inside. So I bundled up in my hat, gloves, scarf, thickest coat, cosy socks and trusty walking boots and set off for a walk.

The countryside is so beautiful after a full frost but it really was cold, the temperature was showing as -4 as I set off (which is pretty cold for these parts). I just walked a few miles, wandering down lanes, across fields, along bridleways and footpaths, past beautiful houses and around the churchyard, but there was much to see. Lots of frosty leaves and berries and a surprising amount of wildlife - robins, jays and blackbirds; a fallow deer (which was too quick for my camera); rabbits and squirrels and a couple of ponies. Here's what a I recorded from my walk, a little snapshot of a frosty winter day in a Hertfordshire village, when the 'earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone'*.

* From 'In the Bleak Midwinter' Christina Rossetti

Now I'm home again and warming up with a cup of tea and a toasted cheese scone and although I'll not be able to tick many things off my to do list today I do feel much restored by my quiet walk with it's small delights. Tomorrow I will begin to get organised, see you soon x

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