(Off Goodreads)
Vie is tough, sexy and fiercely loyal. As an international P.I., she doesn’t take much from anyone. Her paranormal talent permits her to “look” back in time but using this skill makes her vulnerable. So she needs a guide—someone trustworthy and courageous, willing to protect her and keep up with her. What she isn’t expecting to find is a man capable of stirring her passionate nature.
Beckley is determined to change his career as a stodgy librarian. At the wackiest interview ever, he quickly discovers adventure awaits him if he joins Vie. “Watch your step with Violet Tine,” he’s warned. She chews up her guides and spits them out. However, Beckley is tougher than he appears and has a talent of his own—reading auras. When he views Vie’s, he knows there’s more to this hard-as-nails woman than others can see.
Ellora’s Cave, May 2, 2014, 448 pages, available in ebook
My Review:
The second book in the Look Behind You is an intriguing read that has readers shivering in suspense. The suspense itself also draws the reader deeper into the story and tension builds as Vie and Beckley are stalked by a very unusual and intriguing enemy. “Curiosity killed the cat” is a saying that comes to my mind because the plot keeps inspiring curiosity and the reader just can’t stop reading until they know everything. I found the story to be an enjoyable and sensual paranormal romance with a few unique elements and some very bewitching characters that capture the imagination. This book can be read as a stand alone, I have not read the first one yet, although I will be remedying that, but the story does reference the events of the previous book.
See my full review at:
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Look Behind You series:
The small town of Port Grange, Connecticut, has a long and comfortable history. Many of the founding families still live and prosper in this close-knit New England town. One prominent family has known such notoriety that they've come to be known simply as The Family. For centuries it’s been no secret that there is something peculiar about the women in The Family. Some of them have talents that occasionally make them targets of the mysterious, the ghost-like, the odd and the downright bizarre. These women also attract strong, sexy men who are willing to stand up to the sinister forces in their lives, displaying courage in the face of the unknown. When they struggle to resolve the shadowy forces at work in their lives, their caution is to be careful and to always, always look behind you.
About Jessica L Jackson:
(Off author’s site)
How do I sum up decades of life in only a few short paragraphs? I don’t want to bore my reader with incidentals and rhetoric. However, I must write something or my sister, who is looking after this site for me, will probably reach through the telephone line and across thousands of miles of Canadian vastness and choke the living daylights out of me. (I’m her oldest sister, you know.) I wish I could just say, “I came, I saw, I conquered,” but that summation has already been used.
What do my readers want to know about me, I ponder, a quizzical expression confusing the staff at our local Edo restaurant. (I come here several times a week to write during my lunch hour.) They never ask me what I’m doing sitting with my laptop open at a corner table. They probably couldn’t care less. These days, it seems as though everyone is tap, tap, tapping at some device during every spare moment of the day. Why should I be any different?
So, to begin…my favourite colour is blue. I like to use Canadian spelling in my books, but I’m often forced to remove ‘u’s left and right by vigilant line-editors. I like dogs and cats, though we only have a cat right now—how is it that everybody who can’t keep their cat thinks that I’m such a soft touch that I’ll take their cat until they can find a place that allows them to arbitrarily remove that cat—now a beloved pet—and leave my husband and I looking like two deer caught in the headlights?
My favourite food is…well, to be blunt…my favourite food is meat. That’s right, I’m a meatetarian and proud of it! Give me meat or give me death! Steak…roast beef…chicken wings…pork chops…sausages…bacon…oh, yes, thick cut bacon….I feel like Homer Simpson. Don’t get me wrong, I like the other food groups too—my favourite veg is asparagus—yum. My favourite desert must be chocolate mousse, followed closely by sex-in-the-pan.
Okay, this is my fifth paragraph. I think I’ve revealed enough about me—maybe too much for my vegetarian and vegan readers. I believe I’ll close this with listing a few of my favourite authors: Georgette Heyer—of course! Amanda Quick and all her pseudonyms; Terry Pratchett—who doesn’t? Julia Quinn—boy is she funny! And Jasper Fforde—the man’s a nutcase but in the very best possible way! There are too many more to list so this will have to suffice for now. If there is something particular you want to know, ask me on facebook and I’ll probably tell you because my life is an open book, dontchaknow?
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Books by Jessica L Jackson: