
We are living in a world of social media where we share almost all our details. From the food we eat to the place we are going, we update it on social media. Social media is not limited to text only, we can upload our pics. There are many social platforms which give importance to images like Instagram, Pinterest etc.

However, if you are a regular social media user, you will understand how difficult it is to crop, edit and upload a picture on different social networks as each site has different need for the image size. The perfect cropped and edited profile picture of Facebook may not look perfect for Twitter. Although, there are inbuilt cropping tools in websites but they don’t work as perfect as we want.

When it comes to uploading images for social media, we wish to upload the best quality pictures. Everyone is not a Photoshop expert and thus I want to share some online tools which would help you to create perfect images for social media.

Best Tools for Creating Awesome Social Media Images

Below are some of the helpful tools to generate good social media images!

1. Social Media Image Maker

One of the biggest problems with most of the images for social media is the size. Getting that exact size is much crucial and important. The closer you are to the specific size, the better will be the image. Now, different social media platforms have different needs. While the Facebook profile image need a big size photo, Twitter needs a small one.

So, the need is of a tool which can easily resize our images as per our need. It supports over 15 different social networks which includes Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and Pinterest. Free, easy and fast are the notable features of this image maker.

2. Social Image Resizer Tool

The major problem while uploading pics is the width and height of the pic. Most of the times, we need to resize or crop the pic so that it can fit as per the websites need. Now, there are many complex tools which can do this work or you can use Photoshop, but both the methods are time-consuming and costly.

Apart from that, there comes a time when we need Favicons and designing a favicon is a real tough task due to its small size. However, there is no need to worry as this tool produces the perfect images of social media icons. It can also be used to resize images of social media like Facebook and Twitter. This free social media images tool is easy to use.

3. Sizzlepig

There are many tools which are dedicated for Facebook images only. Many tools are in the market which works just for Twitter. Sizzlepig is one such tool which works for almost all kinds of social media websites. It is the best tool for creating all kind of social media images sizes at one place.

This amazing image editing tool also be used for cropping and scaling of images. One of the most beautiful thing about this tool is the variety and editing options it provides. It offers large number of options and settings to create social media images. You can create and manage as many projects as you wish. However, this tool is not free and you will need to buy a subscription. Although, the quality of image this tool offers, it is worth buying.

4. Timeline Slicer

There is no doubt in the fact that Facebook is the ultimate king of social media. Millions of pictures are being uploaded on Facebook in one single day. Facebook has taken an important place in our life. So, it would be good to upload a perfect pic on Facebook. This tool is fully dedicated to Facebook.

You can get the ideal cover pic and profile pic by using this tool. Not only that, this tool can also be used to create perfect pic for Facebook ads and YouTube thumbnail. The most amazing thing of Timeline Silcer is that it is free to use.

5. Timeline Cover Banner

Facebook cover photo is the first thing every visitor looks at for the first time. Getting that best Facebook cover photo and profile pic is like a dream comes true. This tool helps you in creating creative and customized images for Facebook which can even be used for commercial purpose at no cost. There are many cool feature of this tool like it does not leave any kind of visible branding or watermark on the image.

There is also a feature in this tool where you can create an integrated pic of your profile pic and cover photo. You can also add text and can draw images on the pic as per your need. There are many clipart’s to choose from. You just need to upload the pic, do the editing and download the pic. As easy as it can be.

6. Camera+

There are few apps which actually edits the pic while clicking it and camera+ is best among them. It focuses on the resources thus offering better pictures. It is basically an app which allows you to set the exposure and focus points independently.

However, the issue with this app is that it is only available for iPhone and iPad. It syncs with iCloud to give better images for social media. Another downside of this app is that it is a paid app. But once you will start using it, you would feel that they are just charging pennies for such an awesome app. With this app, you can generate shareable images for Twitter and Facebook.

7. Recite

Quotes leaves a great impact. Some of the quotes can really change your view towards life. This tool helps in creating images for social media with quotes. You will find many images on Google with quotes on it but most of them are either copyright protected or have background which you don’t want.

With this striking photo editing tool, you can use any quote of your choice with any image of your choice. There are many in-built options to choose from. Quozio also works like this tool to produce social media images.

8. Colour Lovers

Just as we have tools fully dedicated to Facebook, this tool is also majorly dedicated to colors. One of the best thing about this tool is that it offers millions of colors to choose from. There are thousands of backgrounds and layouts which you can use for your image for social media.

You can use this exceptional image creating tool  to add the pinch of color in your images or to make your background colorful and vibrant.

9. Photovisi

Making a collage seems easy but when you will start making one, you will realize how difficult it is. To adjust each image in a manner that it does not need to be cropped is the main part in making a collage. Collage is one of the most uploaded images for social media. Photovisi is one such tool which help you to make a perfect collage.

Another good thing about this tool to create social media images is that you can even make a collage by using your own different pictures. It is free and easy to use. You just need to upload the photos, edit and save them. From there you can either download the pic or you can upload directly to social media.

10. Befunky

If you are the one who loves to add filters to your images for social media, this is the best tool. It is the most versatile image editing tool which offers large number of filters and editing tools. This tool to edit images for social media is easy to use and offers features like image cropping, red-eye effect, borders, collages and text. You can upload your photo directly from Facebook or from computer.

Offering smartphone app which is compatible with iOS and android is the thrilling feature of this photo editing tool. So, now you can edit your images from your phone or tablet thus making the process easier and faster.

Final Words

Most of the social media image tools mentioned here are free of cost and there are chances that they will give you the final image with branding or a watermark. Although, if you don’t want watermark or any kind of branding then you can for premium version of this tools. With latest updates many social networking sites like twitter and Facebook has focused their attention on images.

Content with good quality photos attracts much more eyeballs in social media marketing. I hope these top 10 tools to create images for social media will let you to use images for marketing and increase your brand awareness.

Do you wish to use social media marketing images to enrich the social presence of your blog/business? Are you using any tool to make images for social media? Let me know if I missed any tool and which one you liked the most.

Source: blog.bufferapp.com

The post Helpful Tools To Make Images For Social Media appeared first on Litabi.

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