
USA - Practice Tests Free is one of the most popular software development companies offering a wide range of advanced test preparatory applications to people. This developer has now introduced a new test preparatory application named TOEFL Practice Test to check the skills of students in the English language, especially for taking the TOEFL test. The Free TOEFL Practice Test is made available to people through the website Download.com.

TOEFL is a well-known English language certification exam. The Free TOEFL Practice Test contains 55 questions, which are grouped under three different sections. Audio questions are included in a section called Biological Listening similar to the real TOEFL test. Those who are taking this practice test can listen to the conversations provided for answering and if they are not understandable, the replay option can be used.

The website says, “The app is really simple yet very useful. It is the best way to prepare for a real TOEFL test before taking it. It gives you a good view of your weak points.”

People can download the Free TOEFL Practice Test from the website Download.com. CNET is hosting the TOEFL Practice Test file and has scanned it carefully to ensure that the app is free from virus and spyware for download. The specifications include version: 1.0 and file size: 5 MB. The developers guarantee that the TOEFL Practice Test app is compatible with Windows Server 2008, Windows 7/8, Windows 98, Windows 2000/2003, Windows Me, Windows NT/XP and Windows Vista.

Full specifications and details about the process of application can be collected from the website Download.com. New users can also go through the suggestions and opinions of the existing users about the benefits of this product.

To get more information about the Free TOEFL Practice Test, visit http://download.cnet.com/Free-TOEFL-Practice-Test/3000-13572_4-76038251.html

About Practice Tests Free

The software development company Practice Tests Free is focused on developing highly reliable and user-friendly software applications for practicing different tests conducted by universities and companies. People across the country rely on these applications to do exercises for tests.

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