
Modern Pixel Photography is now the go to business for those looking for wedding photographers Calgary has relied on for a journalistic perspective of the memories of a special day. Photographers Mike and Lisa work to capture the essence of the day and each moment, helping memories to last a lifetime. They interact little while functioning as wedding journalists.

The Calgary wedding photography captures all of the events as they unfold. It is this journalistic approach that makes the service so special. If clients are looking for specific shots or extra input is required, there are times they make this as easy as possible. Sample shots are available online for new and potential clients to view.

Mike and Lisa’s style is well documented online. It is not only Calgary wedding photography that exhibits the capabilities. There are many categories covered, such as family shots, maternity, fashion, and commercial promotion. Modern Pixel featured its own promotional campaign recently called Pay it Forward, providing a no fee service to a select couple to promote its own cause.

Each image taken doesn’t necessarily have to feature a pose. In fact, the Winnipeg wedding photographer prefers to capture moments, nuances to reflect peoples’ relationships and the meaning of the day. This is indeed a unique approach to Winnipeg wedding photography and high quality photos taken with Canon and Sigma equipment enhances the memories even more.

For all customers looking for wedding photography Winnipeg is the place as these Canadian photographers can do it all. Mike and Lisa develop a working relationship with clients to best understand their needs. All receive 250-500 photos; while some may be available online in days, the full package is available within four weeks.

More details on Modern Pixel Photography, its services, and pricing are available online at www.modernpixel.ca

About Modern Pixel Photography

Modern Pixel Photography is a professional and journalistic photography business based in Calgary and Winnipeg, Alberta. Mike and Lisa use their background to capture the moment at weddings, engagements, and family and fashion events.

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