The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission (CSPSC) recently released a snapshot report that indicates that during the summer of 2014 there were 174 child drownings in swimming pools and spas. They also compiled a list that ranked states from highest to lowest in terms of how many child drowning deaths were reported by the media. Florida came in sixth with 10 drownings. California and Texas came in at the top with 21 and 20 drownings respectively.
While it is commendable that Florida had half as many drownings reported as the leading states, these types of deaths are tragically unnecessary. For decades, government programs have educated adults and children about pool and water safety. Regulations have been passed to increase the safety standard in pool products used. There is a current campaign, called the Pool Safety Pledge, designed to educate adults and children even more stringently than before with an added commitment to follow pool safety principals.
Industry specific organizations like the National Swimming Pool Foundation (NSPF) work with government agencies to provide swimming pool operators, installers, and maintenance workers with the latest and most up-to-date safety information and training. In turn, these swimming pool companies should work to educate their clients and provide sound safety advice when designing and installing pools and spas.
That is exactly what Pool Doctors of the Palm Beaches does. This company has served the greater Palm Beach area since 1984. They have actively sought after the information and training needed to be fully informed and competent on behalf of their customers. It’ll be two and a half years since they received their last CPO certification through NSPF. It’s good for five years, so in a few years Pool Doctor of the Palm Beaches will go through the certification process again. They belong to the Florida Swimming Pool Association (FSPA), which serves as a non-profit industry check and balance and vets their pool company members. Pool Doctor of the Palm Beaches also writes extensively about pool and water safety in their blog.
There are standard services that Pool Doctor of the Palm Beaches provides their customersthat promote safety. These services include, but are not limited to:
New pool construction to current safety standards.
Recommendations and quotes on renovating and updating existing pools to current safety standards.
Assistance with purchasing appropriate safety products for a given pool or spa. Safety products include safety pool covers and appropriate drain covers.
Tips on other safety features the pool owner should be aware of. (For example, a suitable pool enclosure to monitor and control pool usage.)
If desired, development and execution of a regular pool maintenance program geared towards pool safety.
While Pool Doctor of the Palm Beaches makes sure they have their certifications and training up to date and are actively promoting safety on their website (, ultimately it is the pool owner’s responsibility to ensure that the Pool Safety Pledgeis followed.
The Pool Safety Pledge ( is a pledge that adults and children take. It highlights certain safety rules that each must observe. One such example is that kids pledge to never swim alone and adults pledge to designate a life guard during swimming activities. The pledge and associated campaign is still in full swing even though the summer is coming to an end, especially after the child drowning snapshot for the past summer came to light.
As Florida does not necessarily deal with swimming pool down-time due to the winter season, Pool Doctors of the Palm Beaches continues to promote the safety pledge and the swimming pool safety principles behind it. For more information about how Pool Doctors of the Palm Beaches can help you make your pool safer, call (561) 203-0270 or visit
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Media Contact:
Barbara Williams
Pool Doctor of the Palm Beaches
(561) 203-0270 Embedded data.