Pagalworld is evolving into an entertainment platform for mobile users, with the search engine launched earlier this year, the India based start up now offers a wide range of resources including the latest songs, music albums, Android games and Bollywood videos.
Users can also browse and follow the charts to discover great stuff on mobile. The music chart offers the most popular music videos on various channels including YouTube Music, Movies Theme Songs, Bollywood Songs, Good Country Albums, Hot Hip Hop and more.. Videos chart offers the latest movie trailers, funny videos and Bollywood movies.
Following the trends, it allows users to search for free mp3 songs, ringtones, Android applications, celebrity photos and wallpapers on the same platform. Based on editorial reviews, the web app is compatible with various Operating Systems, though according to the spokesman, it is crafted especially for Android, iPhone and Blackberry users. He says, “If one wishes to hop from one end of the world to another, he can always be on board Pagalworld.”
Pagalworld provides a collection of top songs, music albums, movies, and games that are rocking the world. For more information please visit
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