
Everyday we are bombarded with thousands of pieces of informations. In fact, compared to the past, people today are exposed to more information in one day than some people were in an entire year! Thanks to the internet and google you can find the answer to just about anything that you want. You can translate things instantly, search for directions, cheat on trivia (we don’t condone this), or just appear to be super smart in general. While this can be very advantageous, it also has numerous downsides. For example, movies today have to change scenes much quicker than they did in the past. Why? It’s because we are so used to stimulation these days that if the camera stays fixed for too long we get bored. Once again, you can frame this as a good thing, but it’s also a bit like a drug. As a society we are basically taking stimulants and we have accustomed ourselves to that high. If you don’t believe it, just try to go without internet for one week. It’s almost impossible right? One of the results of our constant high is the fact that we are “smarter” than we used to be. Not surprisingly though, many of the things we know can be quite useless. And that brings us to our list for today. These are 25 Cool Bits Of Information You Might Find Useful In Winning Your Next Trivia Pursuit!

Featured Image: A Health Blog via Flickr


Elephants prefer to use one of their tusks for doing things, much like humans are right or left handed

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


Cows have best friends

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


Yoshi's full name is T. Yoshisaur Munchakoopas

Source: wikipedia, Image: theyoshifanboy via deviantart


There are 2.27 popes per square kilometer in the Vatican (the Vatican is only .44 square km)

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


The name of the hard end on a shoelace is an "aglet"

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Horses can't vomit (which means if they eat something bad they're in trouble)

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Your "weenus" is the loose skin on your elbow

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Nile crocodiles can go up to two years without eating

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


In space it is hard to know when you need to pee because the lack of gravity causes the pee to just float around in your bladder

Source: wikipedia, Image: pixabay


The first item to have a barcode was a Wrigley's pack of gum

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Kangaroos can't jump backwards

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


Jellyfish are 99% water and don't have a brain

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Butterflies taste with their legs

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


British eggs are illegal in the US and US eggs are illegal in the UK. This is because the US requires eggs to be washed for sanitation reasons while the UK requires eggs to be unwashed for sanitation reasons.

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


Lesotho is the only country to be completely surrounded by another country

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The modern definition of one second is 9,192,631,770 oscillations of the cesium atom

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Most of the stars you see in the sky are already dead

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


The dot above the letters i and j is called a tittle

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


There is no English word which rhymes with "orange" (that is not a proper noun)

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


There are entire clouds of alcohol floating in space

Source: wikipedia


Penguins have knees

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Do not eat a polar bear liver. The high concentration of Vitamin A would kill you.

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


You can make diamonds out of tequila

Source: Javier Morales, Luis Apátiga and Victor Castaño, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Image: wikipedia


Ronald Reagan is the only US president to have been divorced

Source: reddit, Image: wikipedia


There are more people living in and around Tokyo than in all of Canada

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

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