Obama Death Panel Puts Americans on ‘Secret Kill List’
ACLU Sues CIA & Pentagon Over Targeted Assassinations Of American Citizens
CIA Condemns Obama on His “Kill List” and says “STFU”
by TheLipperTube
Ventura: “I Don’t Trust My Government at All”
Obama’s kill list revealed
CIA agent Bush killed RFK & JFK
Marshall Thomas’s explosive Monarch book and video series exposes the New Phoenix Program currently being carried out on political activists and dissidents and whistleblowers (no mention of those from high-yield lawsuits, and random victims, ex-spouses, finance thefts, hit-lists)
Monarch : The New Phoenix Program (17/27)Monarch : The New Phoenix Program (21/27)Monarch : The New Phoenix Program (11/27)
When you first heard about the CIA torture rendition prison camps in Abu Graib, Gitmo and other secret prisons, I bet you didn’t know they’d start slow killing American civilians from their remote locations with those low-lying satellites over everyone’s home now. If you’re not aware of this, they’re using secret radar technologies, neuro-weapons, beam weapons of microwaves with the US military, chasing civilians out of their homes, state to state to place them into mental institutions then onto weapons and technologies lists (think Smart Dust, Nano Goo, Covert Implants, Nano Borgs, Robots , Scatter Radar, Freqencies Satellites HAARP beamed down on civilians using YOUR cellphones & motors & wireless – they’re using civilians to target civilians with any and all energy devices even in grocery stores (anything electrically hooked-up), WalMart (lights), the BUSH & CIA supporters should be hung for TREASON) reportedly 7 different weapons technologies including HAARP and electromagnetics, Plasma to handheld devices handed-out to local civic employees (i.e. utility depts) all over America to be used on fellow Americans since 2001, revved-up in 2004-05, on high-assault 2008 when Bush (CIA) gave the go ahead to target American’s for any reason whatsoever (what a great way to get rid of your million dollar client, take payment under the table for big CIA run steel corporations (Yes, this author). The CIA DOD are getting away with lethal slow-kill Weapons & Nano Technologies testings on America due to an American public who fell for the false flag 911 which brought in a fake war on terror that doesn’t exist, it’s the CIA DOD NSA MOSSAD.
Obama is obviously CIA or an CIA asset carrying out this dulge along with Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Boeing and DARPA as doctors, lawyers, dentists, Cops, military and their local buddy-system of all nationalities including foreigners brought-in are ‘targeting’ Americans, many include dissidents, whistleblowers, engineers, college graduates, Christians–yet many are placed on this randomly. Since the CIA earmarked assassination of JFK, they’ve slowly, behind the scenes infiltrated every level of government. Feared for years, they got into power by their level of secrecy because they’re in fear of the public finding out about their plans which include FEMA Camps, and slow death for Americans (CIA NSA DOD) all one and the same now hiring contractors to do their dirty work ‘gang stalking’ civilians, particularly lone-women (shows their cowardly stance) and if they try to report these high-paid assassinations to the local authorities they’re placed into mental institutions and worse, prison because Americans do and say nothing to come to the aide of their fellow Americans.
Much of the information here is not an over-grown conspiracy, these things are fact coming from former CIA NSA DOD FBI members, themselves ‘targeted individuals’ just like this author. Many assume folks like myself are put on this list from something said on or offline, and while its not impossible, many such as myself are lured by infiltrators, sabatogures, provocateurs who entice one to click on links that lead to our sad demise of being placed on these Red and Blue lists — the end goal is simple: Greed for who the CIA NSA DOD really work for–International Corporations Federal Reserve Wall Street CFR Trilateral Mossad Zionists (Elders of Zion) and Freemasons (high levels).
These assassins are revving their engines in your neighbors, urban and rural with years of ‘plausible deniability’ in practice out in the open within our societies (making fools of the American tax-payers) employing infrared-viewable EMP Mazer Laser weaponry from black boxes on board (air/ground) with no care as they’re making huge profits on the American tax-payers back hoping their controlled-opposition and complete control of local civilians (Include the Dept of Energy) they have everyone in their pockets now – and that’s who’s behind FEMA because they’re the perpetrators of 911.
They knew, as early as the 1940s of a, incoming, huge death planet was heading for earth’s atmosphere bring comets, mini solar systems and the potential to destroy our sun, and planet. Hence, they conspired for years behind the curtains of shadowy government to build the Deep Underground Military Bases (D.U.M.B.) and Fema Camps because they are too cowardly to face what we the people will have to, that of incoming comet-planets (Nibiru, Destroyer, Frightener, Red Planet, Hercolubus, Planet X, Gas Giant, Dragon). These millenium old secret societies are the ones who will survive, using the rest of the population like personal slaves (what’s old is new again — nothing new under the sun) with the exception that this time we end with a way less than higher-level of technological genius as their predecessors did. In other words, they’re in fast decline with each passing ‘reset’ their term.
Currently, this slow-soft-kill assassination with drones, super-computers (Ft Meade MD / Utah, New Mexico, NJ, NC, Fl, GA) Satellite/Cell Towers Cell Phones / Electrical Grid / Chemtrails & HAARP RADAR GWEN used on innocent civilians ‘is’ going to target everyone else, too–they’re already utilizing everyone’s cellphone and wireless devices to target slow kill any passerby current target meaning they’re hitting through your devices and you’re on the receivers end, as well which leads once again to my argument that if we’re going to die anyway from these paid government assassinations vs civilians, people should awaken now and think long and hard – can you live with yourselves allowing this torture-regime to continue in your communities and live with yourselves with a clean conscience? Because this is unconscionable acts of treason being committed against some of the finest citizens this country has. When the last of us are gone, that leaves all of you. Sorry for the bluntness, but its the cold hard fact. If you think leaving the country will protect you it will not because they chase us around the world, no place is safe from these tax-paid/black budget murdering ‘Remote Neural Monitoring’ satellite weapons slow-kill assassinations for the CIA FBI DOD NSA and they’re committing these horrid crimes globally with their ‘global’ partners, tax-free.
See the following references. We need your help, or they’re going to kill over 6 million that we’re aware of because Bush/Cheney and the PNAC group (Neo Libs Neo Cons) are running the country into the ground and want us dead.www.apfn.net/Messageboard/09-13-05/discussion.cgi.37.html
When the day of Martial Law begins the 6 million UNISF and … gangrape and kill millions of Americans whose names appear on the CIA Red Hit List and the CIA Blue Hit …Inside the CIA’s “Kill List” | Top Secret America … *Funding for drone-related projects and activities was about $350 million in 2001, when the first CIA Predator … The CIA process for putting a person on the hit list …”The CIA Hit List”-Assassinating FBI/MI6/CIA/Mossad
“The CIA Hit List”-Assassinating FBI/MI6/CIA/Mossad assets … and this private company-for-profit / intelligence group receives half a million dollars a year from … Direction 333: THE CIA RED LIST, AND DEEP UNDERGROUND ..
Red Hit List and the CIA Blue Hit List. Do not think it won’t happen, … In Russia the Gulag or prison population is over 2.6 million people in size.”FEMA RED / BLUE LIST” Marked For TERMINATION (with videos …
Pam Schuffert. 09/04/2008 17:48:10 12/16/2007 22:32:31. While I have no doubt that the NWO-cravers at the CIA have their own list of people to round up and FEMA Red/Blue List – Marked For Termination | Dprogram.net
May 31, 2008 … FEMA DEATH CAMPS AND THE RED AND BLUE LIST UNDER MARTIAL LAW. Pam Schuffert 05/30/2008 02:05:22 12/16/2007 22:32:31.
FEMA RED / BLUE LIST” Marked For TERMINATION – Survivalist Forum www.survivalistboards.com/showthread.php?t=14980
FEMA RED / BLUE LIST” Marked For TERMINATION Controversial News and Alternative Politics. … Pam Schuffert 05/12/2008 17:59:17 12/16/2007 22:32:31 … KNOW THE COLD HARD FACTS ABOUT FEMA! the same blueprint being used because it’s the same spirit leading the Fourth Reich as led
Cia Agent Confession Regarding Fema Death Camps – Godlike Productions
no its not, its part of the population reduction and thos who are threat to the NWO … [link to www.rinf.com] RED-BLUE LIST” Marked For TERMINATION … Pam Schuffert … to the TERMINATION OF ALL ON FEMA’S RED/BLUE LIST UNDER MARTIAL LAW. … KNOW THE COLD HARD FACTS ABOUT FEMA!
Sep 13, 2005 … 24 or Reuters to give a full or accurate account of the truth. Mass genocide will occur like it …. W. has the Blackwater Group! FACT- It’s “FEMA RED-BLUE LIST” Marked For TERMINATION ! —Pam Schuffert, Tue Sep 13 22:20 …
Dec 16, 2013 … The resignation marked the end of her four year term as DHS under … It’s clear to see that the government is keeping something from the public “FEMA RED / BLUE LIST” Marked For TERMINATION (with videos) are no longer available … Pam Schuffert … KNOW THE COLD HARD FAC
VISION ALERT! Seeing Russian Military TWO … – Before It’s News
Dec 2, 2013 … By Pamela Rae Schuffert presenting investigative journalism from a … I was to be terminated. … (In fact, I was told by Pentagon source Al Cuppett, that many of the … names on FEMA’S red/blue list to be picked up and executed under …. Before It’s News® is a registered Service
WHISTLEBLOWERS (Long incomplete list)
William ‘Bill’ Cooper
Bill Cooper predicted 911 (it cost him his life) – YouTube
William Milton Cooper Killed in Entrapment
Edward Snowden
Surveillance is for remotely torturing innocent Americans
Obama ordered hit-list of Targeted Individuals worldwide to cyber-attack
How NSA spies ruin 1000s of America’s greatest people
Obama spying on all Americans a major human rights violation
Geral Sosbee – http://sosbee…
Bob Levin, Investigative Journalist -BobLevin on Scribd
Thomas Drake http://www.examiner.com/article/secret-government-report-vindicates-nsa-whistleblower-fbi-targeted-individual
Wm Binney
Russell Tice
SA Blackmailing Obama? | Interview with Whistleblower Russ Tice
Jul 9, 2013 … Abby Martin talks to Russell Tice, former intelligence analyst and original NSA whistleblower, about how the recent NSA scandal is only …
NSA Whistleblower Alleges Illegal Spying – ABC News
Jan 10, 2006 … Russell Tice, a longtime insider at the National Security Agency, is now a … For 20 years, Tice worked in the shadows as he helped the United …
Russell Tice – Huffington Post
Russ Tice, a former intelligence analyst who in 2005 blew the whistle on what he alleged was massive unconstitutional domestic spying across multiple .
NSA Whistle-Blower Russell Tice: Is the Top Echelon of … – Truthout
Sep 6, 2013 … Is the upper echelon of the American intelligence community running the country ? I know that’s an explosive idea, and easily dismissed as …
NSA Collects ‘Word for Word’ Every Domestic Communication, Says …
Aug 1, 2013 … RUSSELL TICE, former National Security Agency analyst: The United States were, at that time, using satellites to spy on American citizens.
Bush-Era NSA Whistleblower Makes Most Explosive Allegations Yet …
Sibel Edmonds’ Boiling Frogs – Politics, Civil Liberties, Media
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Eric Robertson
Tue Sep 13, 2005 14:08
——– Original Message ——–
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 16:08:43 -0000
From: Eric Robertson ultraknown@yahoo.comFrom: Above Top SecretAfter Hurricane Katrina there were witnesses coming forward with
reports of UNMNTF and UNISF Troops working alongside the Army of the
Republic of Mexico Soldiers. When the day of Martial Law comes in
America, do not expect Fox News Network, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, BBC News
24 or Reuters to give a full or accurate account of the truth. Mass
genocide will occur like it has done in many other countries like
Cambodia, Russia, China, Germany, Poland, Armenia, Georgia,
Belorussia, Hungary and the Ukraine over the past 100 years. The best
option for many Americans is to leave your country and go and live in
Europe. When the day of Martial Law begins the 6 million UNISF and
UNMNTF troops in America and Canada will be deployed to round up,
gangrape and kill millions of Americans whose names appear on the CIA
Red Hit List and the CIA Blue Hit List. Do not think it won’t happen,
it most definitely will. You have been warned.The American Empire Pax Americana has come to an end and now the
Thirteen Reptilian Illuminati Luciferian Families want to reduce the
American and Canadian populations to a more manageable size and also
want America to become a Fascist Police State under dictatorial rule.
This obviously cannot be achieved if America stays the way it is.
Only the people of America can stop the coming American Holocaust
from occurring, so please, for Gods sake, wake up and do something to
prevent this Luciferian insanity that will come true very soon all
around you!In Russia many local newspapers and news channels are printing
articles concerning the huge troop movements leaving Russia at the
moment. The TASS News Agency and Pravda have given out endless
reports concerning this issue. According to various news reports the
Russian Imperial Navy, which includes the Baltic Fleet, have now
anchored themselves off certain US Navy Bases across America. Bases
such as US Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, US Naval Station Everett
and US Naval Station Bremerton, all of which are in Washington State,
have reportedly accomodated thousands and thousands of sailors and
ships from the Russian Imperial Navy and also the Chinese State Navy.
These ships include aircraft carriers, mindsweepers, frigate ships
and also a number of nuclear submarines. Nobody here really knows for
sure what the hell is going on, but I feel these troops will come
under UNISF and UNMNTF Troop authority jurisdiction and will
eventually be used to round up and kill millions of innocent
Americans. I think the Thirteen Reptilian Illuminati Families that
run all the banking and finance on this planet have had enough of
America and American people, who they feel have become to big for
their boots. The Illuminati are all sick, violent psychopaths, who
want to completely reshape America. They only want there to be around
140 million people in America by the 31st of December 2015, so this
begs the question, how will they achieve this? I think most forum
users here already know the answer to that.I find it incredible that so many Americans do not see the coming
holocaust that is planned across the whole of North America. It isn’t
some sort of pipe dream or the mad wranglings of a bunch of fringe
conspiract theorists. There is so much hard evidence out there, it is
unbelievable. I know that alot of Americans must be feeling alot of
fear, terror and paranoia, but you must snap out of it and wake up
from the brainwashing your Illuminati media pumps into your heads all
day long. Are you going to be a rabbit in the headlights? or are you
going to stand up and say ‘enough is enough’? The US Government
through the NSA, DOD, CIA, DIA, ATF, ONI, US Army, US Marine Corp,
FEMA and the DHS has spent in excess of 12 trillion dollars building
the massive, covert infrastructure for the coming One World
Government and New World Religion over the past 40 years or so. In
America alone there are over 368 Deep Underground Military Bases
situated under most major cities, US AFBs, US Navy Bases and US Army
Bases, as well as underneath FEMA Military Training Camps and DHS
control centers.There are also many Deep Underground Military Bases under Canada and
Alaska. Almost all of these bases are over 2 miles underground and
have diameters ranging from 10 miles up to 30 miles across! I’ve
previously mentioned the Deep Underground Military Base underneath
Denver International Airport DIA which is over 22 miles in diameter
and goes down over 8 levels. The holding capacity of such leviathanic
bases is huge. These city-sized bases can hold millions and millions
of people, whether they are mind controlled, enslaved NWO World Army
Soldiers or innocent and enslaved surface dwellers from the towns and
cities of America and Canada. There are over 600 FEMA Internment and
Concentration Camps in America, Canada and Alaska. There is one such
camp in Alaska that has a holding capacity for over 1.5 million
prisoners. I guess most Americans will not beleive that an American
Holocaust will happen until they see it happening with their own
eyes. Till then, it is just another strange conspiracy theory for
them to laugh at. Trust me, this is no laughing matter. When it
happens, it will be to late to stop it! For the love of God America,
wake up and see the truth starring at you in the face!President George W.Bush has already said he will “use foreign troops”
on the streets of America if another Islamic terrorist attack occurs,
because there may not be enough US Military personnel to cope with
the massive urban chaos and panic that will obviously ensue if it
occurs. Lastly, the US Government has been involved covertly in the
creation of an army of loyal, soulless soldiers of the future. They
will have cybernetic and microchip implants and will fight anywhere
in the world, without question, with total loyalty and without
hesitation or fear. These soldiers were created at Brookhaven
National Laboratories BNL, the National Ordinance Laboratories NOL
and the Massachussetts Institute of Technology MIT and covertly
transferred under DOD and NSA control and planning. Many of these
soldiers are stationed in Deep Underground Military Bases like the
one under Denver International Airport. All of this information is
researched information that has taken much effort to fit together
properly. In Russia there has been huge troop movements over the past
2 years that have been transported up into Yamantau Mountain in the
Lower Ural Mountain Range. Yamantau Mountain is located in the
Bashkortostan region of Russia. Within Yamantau Mountain itself is a
huge Deep Underground Military Base that goes down over 10 miles
underground and is over 18 miles in length. The base is also
constructed over 12 levels. Currently there are over 1 million
Russian personnel within the Yamantau Deep Underground Military Base.
Russian Army Volska Spetsialnolo Naznacheniya VSN or Spetnaz and
Russian Army Vysotniki or Special Operations Teams are permanently
based in the Yamantau Military Complex. Their are many mag-lev
subterraenean train networks that stretch from the Yamantau complex
and go out to Cheblinsk, Vladivostok, Ekaterinburg, St. Petersburg
and Moscow. The RAKA or Rosavia Kosmos as it is known by the Western
media which is the Russian Aviation and Space Agency built all the
mag-lev train networks by using lazer cutting and nulcear powered
tunneling equipment. All soldiers working there are microchipped and
under total Psychotronic Mind Control all hours of the day and night.
Beyond the Ural Mountain Range hundreds off out-of-date Gulags are
being brought into commission by the Duma in Moscow. This
refurbishment work started on the 20th June 1993. This was the date
that tens of thousands of unemployed workers or unemployed
Stakhanovites, were mass recruited by the Russian Army to start
rebuilding and refurbishing these deadly and dreadful Gulags. Nobody
knows what is going on in the Yamantau Military Complex, but day and
night there are huge Russian troop movements in and out of this
remote location which are witnessed constantly by the residents of
Beloretsk, the nearest city to the Yamantau Military Complex. I feel
that what is planned in America may well happen on a lesser scale
here in Russia.
Denver International Airport has a 88.3 square mile Deep Underground
Military Base underneath it. In other words this base is over 22
miles in diameter. This base goes down over 8 levels. Basically this
Deep Underground Military Base is 8 cities on top of each other. The
first level starts at around 1 mile undeground. On the eight level is
a mag-lev train network that takes you out to hundreds of other Deep
Underground Military Bases all over Mexico, America and Canada. This
base is connected to the Los Alamos and Dulce Deep Underground
Military Bases. There are over 330 such bases under North America and
Central America alone. All these bases are run by the Satanic NSA.
The CIA and DIA work with the NSA very closely. This base used to be
used as a holding center for millions of adults and children who were
kidnapped or abducted from the towns and cities of America and
sometimes Canada. The Milk Carton Kids that the FBI used to post on
milk cartons were all taken by the NSA for genetic experimentation,
microchipping, psychotronic mind control and cybernetic implantations
for future used as brainwashed soldiers of the NWO Illuminati. Every
year in America over 1 million children go missing and over 450,000
adults go missing. Go to http://www.missingkids.com/ for further
details. These slave children will be used as effective killing
machines against innocent people in America and Canada in the very
near future. As most of you now know there are already over 7 million
UNISF and UNMNTF troops stationed across America and Canada readying
themselves for the approaching day of Martial Law in America, where
millions of Americans will be rounded up, gangraped, sadistically
tortured and executed by these Luciferian UNMNTF, UNISF, UNPKF
Troops. All these UN Troops are Chinese, Russian, German, Polish,
Japanese, Ukrainian, Saudi Arabian, Pakistani, Mexican, Honduran,
Salvadorean and Chilean. I know it all sounds like some weird,
screwed up conspiracy theory, but i know in my heart that i am only
speaking the truth. There isn’t much time left for America. Soon
events will overtake your reality and what many of us have been
warning about will suddenly be revealed to you. Your government is
pure evil and does not care for any man, woman or child in America.
Remember also that the Illuminati want to reduce the population of
America down to only 140 million people by 2015. How do you think
they will beable to do this?
In Russia the Gulag or prison population is over 2.6 million people
in size. If the work and labour camp populations are added to this,
it would amount to over 4 million Slavic Russians, Central Asians and
Chechnyan Caucasian Muslims in incarceration in Russia. The NWO
Illuminati want all people on this planet to be slave workers on low
or nonexistent wages in the very near future. The creation of a
Global Fascist Police State by the Luciferian Illuminati will become
a reality on this planet in the 5 or 6 years if we do not all wake up
and see what the world is becoming. To read about the horrific human
rights abuses and work camps or Gulags if you like in Russia go to
http://www.amnesty.org/, http://www.humanrightsfirst.org/,
http://www.rightsinternational.org/ and http://www.prison.org/. I
find it amazing that so many Americans, Scandanavians and Western
Europeans refuse to believe that there are milions of UNISF and
UNMNTF Troops in America. Under the Partnerships For Peace Program
PFPP set up by President Bill Clinton in early 1992 around 25,000
troops a month have been coming into America for the past 12 years.
The world needs to wake up and see how demonic and twisted all these
Fascist criminals really are that parade as our friends and leaders
while stripping away democratic rights that will be replaced with a
Corporatist and Fascist Luciferian mindset that will break societies
across the world in the very near future unless people wake up now.
This article is from the Above Top Secret Forum. The ATSF seems to
have had alot of threads deleted in the past whenever really
sensitive information is posted up. So fingers crossed this
information is still available there.
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FEMA camps | Dutch Patriot News – Update: CIA torture camp investigation blocked by Polish government. … also using soft-kill weapons, such as: Staged war (false flag attacks) (military …. Blue List – these are also enemies of the NWO, but are followers of the Red List folks.
FEMA – Halliburton Confirms Concentration Camps Already … Apr 14, 2010 … “transform U.S. military forces to execute homeland defense missions in the. … ” Oh, ALL OF US in the CIA know ALL ABOUT the concentration camps …. “Mr. Sea ” elaborates on the ‘RED and BLUE Lists’ and what they mean
The Truth Denied – Deep Underground Military Base D.U.M.B.Dec 14, 2012 … Many of the United States’ Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) … U.S. soldiers are battling the CIA, Xe (BLackwater) mercenaries, FEMA and DHS … whose names appear on the CIA Red List and the CIA Blue List.
“FEMA RED / BLUE LIST” Marked For TERMINATION (with videos …Jun 10, 2013 … “FEMA RED / BLUE LIST” Marked For TERMINATION (with videos) … contractor Booz Allen Hamilton and former CIA technical assistant, said he … Gunny G: 11 Attempts To Disband The Marines Or Merge With The Army…
US CONCENTRATION CAMPS – MORMON MOVEMENT PART II http://www.mindfully.org/Reform/2004/FEMA-Concentration-Camps3sep04.htm · http://www.heartsongs.org/FEMA.htm · http://proutnewsnetwork.org/NWO/files/ femavideo.html … CIA RED & BLUE LIST … Underground Military Facilities.
THE CIA RED LIST, AND DEEP UNDERGROUND MILITARY BASES Sep 13, 2005 … Red Hit List and the CIA Blue Hit List. Do not think it … Bases, as well as underneath FEMA Military Training Camps and DHS control centers.
Full text of “Things You Never Knew About FEMA” – Internet Archive Now I will say that these red list / blue list stories have been circulating for well over … Operation Garden Plot is a general U.S. Army and National Guard plan to …. an FBI agent got hold of the Region Three BLUE List (from a CIA agent), and …
RED and BLUE list confirmed by Northcom – “terr0rist DATABASE … You may have heard about the red and blue lists. ….. A good example in the Army is that it used to be that when you developed software, you …
Pigs In The Parlor: FEMA – Confessions Of A CIA Agent. Jan 1, 2009 … The CIA is involved in everything from global drug trafficking and covert …. We are all on a Red or Blue list somewhere, those on the red list will be woken at … Over 30 foreign military bases under the United Nations flag are …
DEEP UNDERGROUND MILITARY BASES IN AMERICA It’s the reality of the existence of DEEP UNDERGROUND MILITARY BASES. … of Americans whose names appear on the CIA Red List and the CIA Blue List. … as well as underneath FEMA Military Training Camps and DHS control centers.
p>“FEMA RED / BLUE LIST” Marked For TERMINATION (with videos …)Inside the CIA’s “Kill List” | Top Secret America
Funding for drone-related projects and activities was about $350 million in 2001, when the first CIA Predator … The CIA process for putting a person on the hit list …”The CIA Hit List”-Assassinating FBI/MI6/CIA/Mossad assets: forum.prisonplanet.com/index.php?topic=167957.0“The CIA Hit List”-Assassinating FBI/MI6/CIA/Mossad assets and this private company-for-profit / intelligence group receives half a million dollars a year from …La Direction 333: THE CIA RED LIST, AND DEEP UNDERGROUND … **Red Hit List and the CIA Blue Hit ListPam Schuffert. 09/04/2008 17:48:10 12/16/2007 22:32:31: While I have no doubt that the NWO-cravers at the CIA have their own list of people to round up and …FEMA Red/Blue List – Marked For Termination | Dprogram.net
May 31, 2008 … FEMA DEATH CAMPS AND THE RED AND BLUE LIST UNDER MARTIAL LAW. Pam Schuffert 05/30/2008 02:05:22 12/16/2007 22:32:31.
FEMA RED / BLUE LIST” Marked For TERMINATION – Survivalist Forum
FEMA RED / BLUE LIST” Marked For TERMINATION Controversial News and Alternative Politics. … Pam Schuffert 05/12/2008 17:59:17 12/16/2007 22:32:31 … KNOW THE COLD HARD FACTS ABOUT FEMA! … It’s the same blueprint being used because it’s the same spirit leading the Fourth Reich as led .
Cia Agent Confession Regarding Fema Death Camps – Godlike Productions
no its not, its part of the population reduction and thos who are threat to the NWO … [link to www.rinf.com] RED-BLUE LIST” Marked For TERMINATION … Pam Schuffert … to the TERMINATION OF ALL ON FEMA’S RED/BLUE LIST UNDER MARTIAL LAW. … KNOW THE COLD HARD FACTS ABOUT FEMA!
Sep 13, 2005 … 24 or Reuters to give a full or accurate account of the truth. Mass genocide will occur like it …. W. has the Blackwater Group! FACT- It’s “FEMA RED-BLUE LIST” Marked For TERMINATION ! —Pam Schuffert, Tue Sep 13
Dec 16, 2013 … The resignation marked the end of her four year term as DHS under … It’s clear to see that the government is keeping something from the public ….. “FEMA RED / BLUE LIST” Marked For TERMINATION (with videos) are no longer available … Pam Schuffert … KNOW THE COLD HARD FAC
VISION ALERT! Seeing Russian Military TWO … – Before It’s News
Dec 2, 2013 … By Pamela Rae Schuffert presenting investigative journalism from a … I was to be terminated. … (In fact, I was told by Pentagon source Al Cuppett, that many of the … names on FEMA’S red/blue list to be picked up and executed under …. Before It’s News® is a registered Service
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