Dreaming on Paper: The Creative Sketchbook
How To Make & Keep A Visual Journal for Discovery, Insight, Healing, and…Pure Fun!
Dreaming On Paper is a brand new four-week online workshop where I guide your through the process of visual journaling in your own creative sketchbook.
Dreaming On Paper helps you excavate your own true desires, innate wisdom, and intuition, with ease, gentleness and joy.
I will show you how to create without fear of the blank page, learning how to play and make a happy mess without fear of doing it wrong or not doing it perfectly.
Each session offers and with loads of visual journaling techniques that incorporate mixed media collage, photography, painting, and writing.
Absolutely no experience is necessary. We’ll use simple supplies that you can easily find, stuff you might already have around the house, or buy for kids.
The way we approach the blank page is a metaphor for life.
I’ll show you how it is fun to create, how pleasurable it is to tap into the visions and dreams that wait within you, eager for expression. Especially if you don’t think of yourself as “creative” or “artistic”.
You’ll be amazed at what you create after just one session! I promise!
This four-week online course includes:
Step-by-step lessons that make it fun and easy to face the blank page
Helpful tips and ideas to make time and space to create: for busy women who don’t have an art studio!
Engaging and delightful visual journaling prompts that you can pick and choose, mix and match
Exclusive access to my own sketchbooks and creative process that I don’t share anywhere else
Live group coaching sessions with me by phone - so you can talk with me personally about your experience
Mp3 recordings of our coaching sessions, that you can download and listen to wherever you are, whenever you want
Group sharing and connecting in on a private website and in a private Facebook group
Inspirational handouts of the entire course for you to download, keep and use forever
Lifetime access to the course website, so you can dip in enjoy it whenever you like
Workshop Tuition | $97
When & Where
Workshop begins on Tuesday, October 8, 2013.
You’ll receive an email with links to the private website, and Facebook Group in our first session email. The live group coaching calls will take place on Thursdays at 10 a.m. Pacific time, starting October 10th. There will a total of four live group coaching calls, one each week.
You’ll receive lessons in your email in-box every Tuesday, for four weeks beginning on October 8th, 2013.
This workshop takes place entirely online, so you can participate wherever you are.
Every idea first begins with a dream, or some inking to create or grow that we can’t quite name.
My dream is the simple desire to create beauty and use art for healing.
I discovered how to follow my dream and even make a living from it, using this simple, yet powerful creative process.
I want to help you give voice to your creative dreams, and keeping a creative sketchbook is the most simple, fun, and easy direct route I know to take you there.
If you are familiar with my first book, The Creative Entrepreneur, every page shows an example the creative sketchbook visual journal methods: done mostly by my students, with a few examples from my own sketchbooks.
I consider Dreaming On Paper a prequel to The Creative Entrepreneur. This online workshop that helps you learn and apply these methods to whatever it is you want to create. It doesn’t have to be a business idea at all.
Visual journaling and keeping sketchbooks has been a lifelong practice for me, one that’s supported me in every area of my life and work. I first began sharing these powerful techniques for insight, healing and problem-solving with patients in treatment for substance abuse and eating disorders.
Since then, for more than 20 years, thousands of people around the world have experienced the power and magic of visual journaling with me at retreats and in workshops.
Dreaming On Paper gives your the most powerful and potent tools that I rely on every day in my life and work, and that have joyfully empowered so many other creative souls.
I can’t wait to share this with you!
Click the add to cart button to register now.
Registration is just $97 for 4 weeks of in-depth sessions, including 4 live group coaching calls.