
Imbolc ~ Northern Hemisphere

Traditionally celebrated on February 1 or 2

Exact Astrological Point February 4

Scroll down for Luhnasa in the Southern hemisphere.

In the Northern hemisphere, Imbolc is the cross-quarter Wheel of the Year point following Winter Solstice. Also known as Brighid’s day or Candlemas, it marks the starting point of spring. Here, you begin to subtly notice that the days are lengthening, and depending on the where you live, you may actually start to see signs of spring.

In colder climates, Imbolc may simply bring the promise of spring as the light of the sun slowly begins to increase. Tune in this year to the subtle shifts you notice in the air and light around and after Imbolc. What does it signal internally for you? What things do you get a renewed urge to do?

Imbolc is the time to call forth the idea seeds that have been germinating in the inner realm and that are now stirring with life, ready to grow during the upcoming cycle. A great opportunity exists during Imbolc to ceremonially create a “treasure map” or a creation journal, a collage of pictures and ideas that represents what you want to manifest in your life this year, a visual reminder of the creations that are ready to sprout, grow, and bear fruit. Or you may want to engage in some other creative project to make use of Imbolc’s powerful creative urges.

Use Imbolc’s energy of renewal for spring-cleaning of both home and body, to purify the darker energy of winter. This point on the Wheel represents a potent time for creativity, for invoking a muse, or starting a new project or initiation cycle.

Imbolc means “in the belly” and is associated with ewe’s milk, the lactation that begins in order to nourish the baby lambs during this time of year. The Celtic Fire Goddess Brighid brings healing, purification, renewal, fertility, and creativity at Imbolc. If she interests you, take a few minutes and do a search online about her to find out more information. She is a wonderful Goddess to work with at this time of year, and she will bring you many gifts and blessings.

Candlemas was the name given to Imbolc as the old ways gave way to the Christian tradition. The ceremonial candles for the year were customarily created at Imbolc.

Choose the one or two ideas you need most to work with, then focus on those. Intentions function best when there are only one or two to concentrate on in any cycle.

Personal Action Suggestions for Imbolc:

~ In ceremonial space, invoke and connect with the Goddess Brighid if she interests you. Ask her to assist you with inspiration for your creative pursuits.

~ Ceremonially set aside time for the spring-cleaning of your home.

~ Ceremonially begin a cleanse for your body if it feels appropriate for you to do.

~ Ceremonially do traditional crafts associated with this time of year by creating your ceremonial candles for the year. Infuse your candles with energies for things such as abundance, fertility, inspiration, clear communication, etc.

~ Initiate projects that need to be taken on during the growing cycle and, depending on their nature, you may want to begin them with a ceremony.

~ Take time to journal any insights you receive about bringing your creations into form.

~ Receive Elemental Guidance: Take the time to listen to each element and their message to you about your creativity for the year. See questions below.

Business/Professional Action Suggestions for Imbolc:

~ Connect to your business or profession and ask what you can do to renew the energy you have for your work.

~ Tune into what needs to be released or freshened in your business for more creativity to flow.

~ Spring clean your office and business environment.

~ Open for creative insights about how to take your business or profession to the next level. Write down any ideas you receive.

~ Ask the Goddess Brighid for creative business inspiration.

~ Create a vision board with images for your business growing cycle.

~ Receive Elemental Guidance: Take the time to listen to each element and their message to you about your business creativity for the year. See questions below.

Elemental Guidance:

If you have an Elemental Forces of Creation Oracle, you may want to draw cards for additional guidance from each element and/or add insight from other decks.

Give thanks to Earth and ask “How can I bring more of my creative ideas into form?”

Give thanks to Water and ask “How can I infuse my creations with more feeling?”

Give thanks to Air and ask “Which of my creative ideas is most effective for me to focus on at this time?”

Give thanks to Fire and ask “How can I further energize my creativity and my creations?”

Give thanks to Spirit and ask “How can I express my essence further in my creativity?”

Now ask the unified field of all of the elements and Spirit for a unified message about expanding your creativity.


Click here to receive an additional page of Imbolc ceremonial ideas.

Leo Full Moon

Element: Full Moon in Leo, Fire • Sun in Aquarius, Air

Window: February 2-4

Exact: February 3 – 6:09p.m. Eastern

The Full Moon in Leo brings a prime opportunity to light up your self-love and claim your leadership ability. Leo teaches the value of radiance when it comes to shining as a leader. Shining radiance only comes when you are full of self-love, passion, and excitement. Leo shows up as the true leader when it comes to that kind of vibrant life energy.

Sit in the light of this moon if you can (even through a window) and listen to Leo’s messages about claiming your inner lion, the “King or Queen of the Jungle.” Where do you just need to step up and declare your inner position?

Then when you add Aquarian Air to the mix, you can come away with ideas on how you can work with your radiant inner fire to assist all of humanity in the big picture. This Air and Fire mixture can also show you how to communicate your message to the world so you can more effectively increase your visibility. This powerful combination is designed to support taking a quantum leap in your big picture perspective on how you show up in the world.

Leo helps you take a look at your inner child or adolescent to see if there are any pockets remaining in your inner world of self-doubt, self-criticism, self-loathing, or self-judgment that tamp down your inner fire. And if any of those old feelings and beliefs are there, Leo helps you to clear out those old energetic blocks by burning them up in your mind’s eye, to make way for more radiance.

If any emotions or beliefs have previously held you back from your full radiance, this window provides a good time for deep-level clearing.

If you want to add more power to your clearing, then use the fire of action and dance to release the old energy, while taking lots of deep breaths to allow Air to assist. This is a time to amplify and energize your ability to fully show up in the world.

Throw a log on your inner fire to fuel your radiance, and simultaneously release what you no longer need internally. Now allow your inner fire to illuminate new, creative, and innovate ways for you to fully show up in the world.

Choose the one or two ideas you need most to work with, then focus on those. Intentions function best when there are only one or two to concentrate on in any cycle.

Personal Action Suggestions for Leo Full Moon:

~ Dance, dance, dance and get your inner fire burning brightly.

~ Think about what actions you need to take to bring more self-love into your life.

~ Release any old emotions or beliefs that have previously tamped down your radiance.

~ Notice what creative and innovative ideas are being illuminated for your life.

~ Open for insights about where you need to step up the leadership of your life. Write down what you receive in your journal.

~ Ask Leo to reveal to you where you need to turn up your inner light.

~ Connect to the expansive freedom of Aquarius and the radiant self-love of Leo to determine ways to increase your capacity to bring your dreams into reality. Feel into both of them at the same time and ask what messages they have for you.

Business/Professional Action Suggestions for Leo Full Moon:

~ Connect to ways you can be more visible in your business and bring more visibility to your business.

~ Notice how you can step more fully into your radiant leadership abilities.

~ Determine if your business needs a more innovative message in order to become more visible in the marketplace.

~ Open to discovering ways your business or profession could better serve humanity.

~ Ask Leo if your business image needs to be updated and write down any messages you receive.

~ Connect to both the quantum leap energy of Aquarius and the radiant leadership of Leo and ask how they can assist you in increasing your income.

~ Plan to implement at least one new creative or innovative idea in your business/professional life during the next two weeks.


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Lughnasad ~ Southern Hemisphere

Lughnasad, (pronounced loo-na-sah), is named after the sun god Lugh, and is the cross-quarter Wheel of the Year point following Summer Solstice. Also known as Lammas, it marks the starting point of the turn toward autumn. The cross-quarter days which fall between the solstices and equinoxes signal the turn toward the next season.

For ease of timing, the day of the celebration became more focalized on a certain day, when the energy of the cross-quarter day might vary by as much as a week. Astrologically, Lughnasad falls exactly between Summer Solstice and Autumnal Equinox.

Lughnasad is the first of three harvest festivals celebrated each year as the growing season begins to produce bountiful crops. Celebrating the harvest was an extremely important part of life that was deeply connected to the land and the growing cycle. Gratitude for the blessings of fruit and grain that would carry the community through the harsher days of winter expressed a heartfelt appreciation for the core of nature that sustains life.

The relationship between the abundant Earth Mother and the Solar Fire God is vital to the survival of the species. Those who honor the Wheel of the Year connect to this primal understanding, showing their gratitude and giving blessings back to the land. Just as any other being appreciates your gratitude when they have bestowed you with a gift, Nature also loves receiving your power prayers of thanks.

Lammas actually means “loaf mass” and was named from a Christian mass for honoring the grain that we grind into flour and then transform into food for our bodies. This process of transformation provides you with a wonderful example of how you can integrate all of your experiences, regardless of how they felt at the time, into food for the soul, food that wisdom rises from in order to nourish your life.

During the week of Lughnasad, take a look around your life and notice where integration and the blessings of transformation may be showing up for you. Be sure to give thanks, celebrate the bounty of your harvest, and work with this powerful window to enhance your creations.

Choose the one or two ideas you need most to work with, then focus on those. Intentions function best when there are only one or two to concentrate on in any cycle.

Personal Action Suggestions for Lughnasad:

~ Ask yourself what you have to be thankful for in life and in relation to your creations. List all those things in your journal. Also ask yourself what desires have come into form that are now ripe and ready for picking.

~ Notice if there is a place in life where you are releasing the grain from the chaff or pounding your creations down so they rise again in a fuller form.

~ Lammas serves as a good time of year to pay attention to which part of the transformational cycle your creations may be in and perhaps honor them in ceremony.

~ Honor the abundant Earth Mother in some way. Thank the Corn Goddess for her fertility. Create an altar with corn, bread, flowers that bloom this time of year, grapes, and seasonal produce.

~ Create a ceremonial meal with seasonal vegetables, grains, and fruit. Serve it with corn bread or freshly baked bread. Finish it off with blackberry cobbler. Be sure to set a beautiful table and express your gratitude fully before and during your ceremonial meal.

~ After working with each element around your harvest, create an art piece to represent their messages from this point on the Wheel.

~ Elemental Journaling: Take the time to listen to each element and their message to you about producing a good harvest.

Business/Professional Action Suggestions for Lughnasad:

~ Pay attention to what is being harvested or coming into fruition in your business at this time. Give thanks.

~ Tune into what your business creations need now in order to continue to produce an abundant harvest in the months ahead.

~ Connect to your financial growth. What do your finances need from each of the elements for a more abundant harvest this year?

~ Lughnasad begins the turn toward autumn. Ask yourself what needs to fall away or be released in your business in order to streamline, simplify, and create more success.

~ Notice what needs to be transformed in your business or finances.

~ Make a plan for the changes that need to occur in the next few months.

~ Take the time to sit on the ground outside and ask the Earth Mother what additional pieces you need to create in your business in order to produce your desired results.

Elemental Guidance:

If you have an Elemental Forces of Creation Oracle, you may want to draw cards for additional guidance from each element and/or add insight from other decks.

Give thanks to Earth and ask “What do my creations need in order to produce a good harvest?”

Give thanks to Water and ask “What do my creations need in order to produce a good harvest?”

Give thanks to Air and ask “What do my creations need in order to produce a good harvest?”

Give thanks to Fire and ask “What do my creations need in order to produce a good harvest?”

Give thanks to Spirit and ask “What do my creations need in order to produce a good harvest?”

Now ask the unified field of all of the elements and Spirit for a unified message for what your creations need to produce a good harvest.


Click here to receive an additional page of Lughnasad ceremonial ideas.

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