
Liquibase 3.2.3 and 3.3.0 have been released. As usual, they can be downloaded from the Liquibase download page and are available in the Maven repository as org.liquibase/liquibase-core.

Both 3.2.3 and 3.3.0 should be drop-in replacements for 3.2.2. A new batch of Liquibase extensions will be released over the next few days.

New “label” attribute on changeSet

Labels are general purpose way to categorize changeSets like contexts, but working in the opposite way. Instead of defining a set of contexts at runtime and then a match expression in the changeSet, you define a set of labels in the context and a match expression at runtime.

The most common time you would use labels instead of contexts is when the person doing the liquibase update has the knowledge of the types of changeSets to run, not the person writing the changeSet.

Labels can also be applied to modifySql

New change log commands and attributes

New “empty” tag for explicitly marking a changeSet as unused

New “output” tag for outputting a message during Liquibase update.

New relativeToChangeLogFile attribute for loadData and loadUpdateDate

New fullDefinition=true|false attribute on createView to support defining an entire view definition (including “column” names)

Support for clustered/nonclustered indexes and primary keys

A new “clustered=’true|false’” attribute is now avaiable on createIndex and createPrimaryKey to control whether they should be created as clustered or not.

And More

Saving of “remarks” in MySQL and MSSQL

Improved data type handling

Performance improvements

Official RPM and DEB packages built with release

Major refactoring and updating of Ant integration

Full release notes below

3.2.3 Change Log

3.2.3 is a patch release with smaller bug fixes. Even if not explicitly listed in the changelogs below, anything in 3.2.3 will be in 3.3.0.

CORE-1919 - SpringLiquibase fails when dropFirst is true

CORE-1987 - “mvn liquibase:diff” does not find any differences between databases

CORE-1988 - Reported size for Oracle NVARCHAR2 columns is wrong

CORE-1989 - Cannot set objectQuotingStrategy on root databaseChangeLog node

CORE-2002 - AbstractResourceAccessor generates path in a unpredictable way

CORE-2003 - Could not find implementation of liquibase.logging.Logger

CORE-2042 - If liquibase.jar is nested in another jar/war/ear, it fails to start with a “cannot find implementation of liquibase.logging.Logger” error

CORE-2058 - Load/Update tags should use “is null” not “= null” for null comparisons

CORE-2070 - dropAllForeignKeyConstraints does not work on Firebird databases

CORE-2075 - generateChangelog generates bad definition for TIME type

CORE-2080 - Liquibase “empty” change not present in XSD version 3.2

CORE-2065 - Use DOUBLE PRECISION for DOUBLE with Firebird

CORE-54 - Support System Properties in Maven Plugin

3.3.0 Change Log

CORE-16 - Support for “nonclustered” primary keys in mssql

CORE-54 - Support System Properties in Maven Plugin

CORE-1528 - Installer for Liquibase

CORE-1598 - support for rename sequence

CORE-1914 - New Change function: output

CORE-1942 - Support for changeSet “labels”

CORE-549 - relativeToChangelogFile for loadData, loadUpdateData, sqlFile

CORE-1438 - createView should support having the entire view definition in the change body

CORE-1502 - CLONE - UpdateSQL needs to append a “/” to the end of createProcedure for Oracle

CORE-1654 - logicalFilePath support in formatted sql

CORE-1660 - “remarks” attribute is ignored in MSSQL

CORE-1932 - support for encrypted passwords / custom properties

CORE-1946 - Have a rpm package for liquibase (built with maven)

CORE-1963 - Ability to define full CREATE VIEW statement in <createView> change.

CORE-1990 - Preserve inline comments in view snapshots in mssql

CORE-2060 - Support liquibase.properties files with unknown properties

CORE-2061 - Improvements to Informix support

CORE-2062 - Add onlyUpdate flag to loadUpdateData

CORE-2064 - Use ignoreClassPathPrefix for rollback as well

CORE-2065 - Use DOUBLE PRECISION for DOUBLE with Firebird

CORE-2066 - Support for –outputFile in command line

CORE-2067 - Refactor Ant Task codebase

CORE-2068 - New liquibase.hostDescription property for additional details in the DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK table

CORE-2069 - Use prepared statement in <update> change whenever a clob type is used

CORE-2072 - Do not include Oracle internal tables in snapshot/diff

CORE-870 - Postgres, in an ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN statement, sometimes needs USING clause

CORE-945 - Oracle : Temporary tables are created as regular tables

CORE-1463 - Views not generated correctly with generateChangelog

CORE-1556 - remarks attribute ignored for mysql

CORE-1723 - unable to update on DB2/400, version V6R1, on jt400-6.7.jar

CORE-1745 - afterColumn not working in MySQL

CORE-1774 - Autocommit not restored on close in SpringLiquibase

CORE-1882 - NullPointerException when MySQL foreign key points to an invalid table

CORE-1919 - SpringLiquibase fails when dropFirst is true

CORE-1922 - Sequence is not a reserved object name in HSQLDB

CORE-1925 - liquibase scripts can not represent clustered indexes

CORE-1937 - Oracle Float and VARCHAR precisions in changelog generated by generateChangeLog are incorrect

CORE-1952 - liquibase loadData does not properly load numeric field in boolean always as false

CORE-1956 - Double and float converted to FLOAT8(, 17) and FLOAT4(, 8) in PostgreSQL

CORE-1958 - Column type of “TIMESTAMP(6)” under MySql converted to TIMESTAMP dropping fractional seconds

CORE-1974 - dbchangelog-3.1.xsd missing <empty>

CORE-1977 - CreateSequence with cacheSize=0 failing on Oracle

CORE-1979 - MSSQL should not include parameters in SYSNAME data types

CORE-1981 - Parameters set in included file are no longer set in 3.2.0

CORE-1982 - Snapshot outputs defautlValueDate as defaultValueComputed on MSSQL for dates not in ISO format with a T in the middle

CORE-1986 - includeAll from changeLogs within a jar is not working

CORE-1988 - Reported size for Oracle NVARCHAR2 columns is wrong

CORE-1993 - Drop table with cascade is not supported by Sybase

CORE-1996 - addNotNullConstraint on h2 database has unexpected side effects

CORE-1997 - Bit changelog default value of 1 executed as 0

CORE-2002 - AbstractResourceAccessor generates path in a unpredictable way

CORE-2010 - Oracle data type SDO_GEOMETRY snapshotted as SDO_GEOMETRY(1)

CORE-2014 - applyToRollback property ignored when rollback changes are specified

CORE-2015 - DiffChangeLog writes to the wrong point in the file on windows if file uses \n not \r\n

CORE-2020 - Oracle default value current_timestamp converted to systimestamp

CORE-2021 - Column remarks not snapshotted in mssql

CORE-2026 - Oracle columns of type ANYDATA are snapshotted with a size

CORE-2028 - generateChangeLog on SQL Anywhere 11.0.1 throws DatabaseException Driver Not Capable

CORE-2032 - Snapshot incorrectly including clob/blob sizes on diff

CORE-2051 - Not quoting VIEW params with spaces when snapshotting

CORE-2054 - Add new “computed” column attribute to differentiate between an actual column name and a function as a column

CORE-2063 - Fix for H2 autoincrement “start with” and “increment by” syntax

CORE-2070 - dropAllForeignKeyConstraints does not work on Firebird databases

CORE-2075 - generateChangelog generates bad definition for TIME type

CORE-2080 - Liquibase “empty” change not present in XSD version 3.2

CORE-2081 - PrimaryKeyExists precondition without tableName is broken

CORE-2082 - Column snapshot on PostgreSQL does not include precision information for numeric data type

CORE-2087 - Executing against Oracle doesn’t respect liquibaseSchemaName or liquibaseCatalogName

CORE-2088 - outputDefaultSchema and outputDefaultCatalog command line parameters not respected

CORE-2093 - Error: Property ‘relativeToChangelogFile’ not found on object type liquibase.change.core.LoadDataChange

CORE-2094 - Liquibase.dropAll() should reset the lock service

CORE-2095 - Invalid generated changeset for mysql bit with defaultValue 0

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