
Link Detox Boost™ – Get rid of a Google Penalty in 3 days is a post from the best Link Building Tools available worldwide.

Recover Faster – Link Detox Boost™

I am very proud to present our latest tool Link Detox Boost™. We are very excited about this amazing new tool to help you recover from your Google penalty faster. A lot faster!

We have also added a few new features to this version…

I look forward to hearing your Google Penalty removal success story.

Wish you success!

Christoph C. Cemper

Google Penalties take FOREVER!

Link Risk Management: Pro-active Disavow of Links recommended

Old News about Google Penalty Recovery?

How Google values or de-values Toxic Links

Dirty SEO sins of the past

Introducing Link Detox Boost™

Get rid of a Google Penalty in 3 days

Google Penalties take FOREVER!

If you are like the thousands of webmasters who suffered from a Google Penalty (whether it being an algorithmic filter like from the Google Penguin updates or a manual action penalty), then you will know by now how frustrating it can be to play the waiting game with Google.

Even after you have done everything “by the book” according to Google’s recommendations, Uploading your disavow files, then waiting for Google to not count all the toxic links that are hurting your rankings can be a very slow and painful process. You have a business to run and waiting for Google is just not an option anymore.

Before I show you this new and advanced Link Detox Boost™ technology and how it can speed up the Google bot, you need to understand that a Google penalty can sometimes be referred to as an automatic algorithmic filter or it can sometimes be a manual penalty. (Or a Combination of both automatic and manual)

Google specifically advised webmasters to use the Disavow tool to clean up and disavow links that you already know are bad. This makes perfect sense, because Google’s rules will change all the time and unfortunately it will only get worse for webmasters in the near future.

Link Risk Management: Pro-active Disavow of Links recommended

So, if you have some bad links in your profile today and you can’t sleep at night because those links hurting your search engine rankings, or more importantly hurting your business then you should feel free to disavow those toxic links ASAP, that’s what actually was confirmed on a video by Matt Cutts himself. This describes the process of Link Risk Management that we recommend with Link Detox and “Round-Trip Disavow” for over a year now.

If you have uploaded your disavow file and your website traffic has not returned to its former glory then there is a good chance that the disavow process is not fully completed yet OR not all the toxic links you disavowed have been re-crawled.

This process can take a VERY long time. Uploading all of the bad links to the Google disavow tool does work but the time you have to wait for Google to re-crawl the bad website is painfully slow, you will probably notice that the links are never read even after waiting a full month.

Problem – Google is TOO SLOW!

This is exactly the problem… Google Disavow does not work fast unless it’s boosted.

Because even Google themselves say,


The important parts are highlighted above, ‘As we re-crawl the web’, and this ‘Can take a number of weeks’. Even though Google makes this statement, Google will only show 20% of the links in Google Webmaster Tools. Therefore it’s so crucial to combine as many different data-sources in your toxic link analysis.

Google is just Google. They have millions of crawling bots, but only millions of bots for trillions of websites; so it’s obvious that their resources are probably set to make high authority and trusted sites a priority.

You have to understand that Google is just a machine. Yes it’s a hyper-complex, hyper-large computer system that is programmed by humans using algorithms but it’s still just a machine, there are priorities in every machine and whilst Google is a large corporation, maybe the largest corporation in the world, but it’s still, not God.

Old News about Google Penalty Recovery?

This news is not new, I’m sure you have read this very same problem all over forums, inside comments, in all the blog posts and videos on search engine watch, on search engine land and possibly seen some users commenting on the Matt Cutts video about the disavow process.

How Google values or de-values Toxic Links

One thing that is very obvious is that Google sees toxic links as very low quality links and therefore these links will be assigned low crawling resources. These are the bad links that Google might automatically filters once and that can also cause manual actions. However don’t have much motivation to crawl those poor and risky links very often.

If you have a link on Google.com homepage, or on the BBC, Wikipedia, or amazon homepage, you can bet that they will re-crawl that link every 5 seconds.

Dirty SEO sins of the past

Whether you built a lot of spammy links in the past or hired someone who has done a lot of dirty SEO work to your site, like forum profile links on link on some subpage of a long abandoned forum, or in some link directory, then there is a good chance that these links have a very low crawl rate. Which means you will be waiting a very long time before you can see any changes in your search engine rankings.

In short… the problem is that Googlebot is lazy, when it comes to crawling the poor links that you have already disavowed. Google Bot is very active on high quality sites that they deem to be High Quality or High Authority, but those low quality links you added to your disavow file weren’t crawled well in the first place and if you have ever followed spammy link building practices or hired an SEO who did that to your website then you will know what I mean.

These low quality links will not be detected until Google Bot comes around, and nobody knows “when” that will be.

This is why we built the advanced Link Detox Boost™ tool to help you push the Google Bot into re-crawling the low quality links you have already asked Google to disavow.

The Googlebot needs to re-crawl these low quality links fast or else you will be waiting a very long time before you notice any changes.

And… This is something that you don’t need to worry about anymore…

Introducing Link Detox Boost™…

Link Detox Boost™ forces the Google Bot to come around and crawl the bad links you have already disavowed, and values the Disavow command knowing what links not to count towards your site anymore.

We’ve had this technology for many years using it on our own websites and projects. This advanced and proven technology is now available to you. We even have a success story about it from our beta version.

Get rid of a Google Penalty in 3 days – the Link Detox Boost success story

If you’re thinking “Boost sounds too good to be true” then think again…

We have tested it time and time again and we even recovered a website in as little as 3 days, thanks to the new Link Detox Boost™.

It was an info graphic site, which provided a tool to make info graphics easier, libraries and all of that cool stuff which in my opinion is nice product actually. But it received a Manual Action in September. It went from a search engine visibility of 200 to 3, which must have hurt their rankings dramatically.

First Reconsideration request was done after lots of ‘Widget’ Links, follow ‘Widget’ links were cleaned up, other page links were cleaned up, links were no followed, links were disavowed, and the 1st Reconsideration Request went off.

The next Google update came around, and the website wasn’t removed from the index, but it was past page 6 in the Google SERPS. So basically the visibility for all relevant keywords was gone.

But, the newly developed Beta of Link Detox Boost™ was used to Boost all Disavowed links on October 22. And guess what? On October 24, a couple days later, we had seen an email from Google saying, Your Manual Spam action has been revoked…

As you can see here, a day later, the rankings really went up and if you look at this chart below, in search metrics, over the past 3 weeks, it came back to where it was already; 3 days later, with the 3rd reconsideration request. And today 2 months later it ranks better than ever before!

Yes! Now that’s a real boost in recovery performance. More traffic than ever!

Watch the full story here

Link Detox Boost™ will save you a LOT of waiting time, helping you recover from your Google Penalty faster and it essentially takes away the guess work of “when” the Google Bot will come around.

This new tool is available right now in the LRT Superhero Plans and up and the Link Detox Consultant plans and up. So if you already have an account with us then you can start using the tool right now.

If you do not have an account with us you can sign up here to start using link detox boost

If you need to Boost a lot of disavowed links you can purchase additional Link Detox Boost credits in the application.

What do you think about this new innovation?

Let us know!

You can read more about the new Link Detox Boost here:
The full Link Detox Boost User Guide


Is the Link Detox Boost™ driven by the disavow file?

YES. Like the whole link risk management process we introduced with “Round-Trip disavows” Link Detox Boost is driven by the disavow file that you manage between multiple runs of Link Detox. But you can also upload disavow files created manually or in third party tools.

Will Link Detox Boost™ be available in all plans

The Link Detox Boost will be available for Superhero, Enterprise, Link Detox Consultant, Link Detox Agency and Link Detox Enterprise accounts.

Will Link Detox Boost work if there was no manual action algorithmic penalty

We don’t have enough field examples for the algorithmic only case, but very strongly assume so based on what we’ve seen.

Can I use all my link data sources on boost like GWT or Majestic?

Actually we even strongly encourage you to use as many link sources and link data files you have, just like we did with Link Detox in general. Every single link counts, so upload whatever you have. Thanks to our aggregation, deduplication and verification of those files it doesn’t matter if they are years old! Yes, your link building reports you bought for cheap in 2006 from cheap labor countries will work as well.

If I had a manual action penalty removed and my traffic has not fully recovered so my site is struggling on ranking - should I use boost?

Yes. We recommend to boost all disavowed links in general, proactively and on an ongoing basis to support your link risk management.

Will the tool be available as a standalone tool?

No the Link Detox Boost™ is only available in the Link Detox Consultant plan and up and the LinkResearchTools Superhero plan and up.

Can Link Detox Boost™ work with boosting disavow file links for domains from different countries?

Yes, all of our tools work for different countries.

How fast can Link Detox Boost™ work? How long does it take for your new technology to boost?

In the best case a recovery took 3 days, but depending on the amount of bad links I disavowed the result could be different for me. E.g. if not enough links were disavowed Google might still not be happy after this boost.

Should I add the GWT links to the Link Detox before I boost?

Yes, make sure you upload whatever your have as link data source into Link Detox.

However, you should only boost the links that you have actually disavowed!

Should I use boost if I have received a manual penalty?

We recommend following the important genesis steps found in our help.linkdetox.com before running the Link Detox Boost. Afterwards you can create a Disavow File and upload it to Google.

When you have received the confirmation from Google and waited another 48 hours, then you can start with Link Detox Boost.

How long should I wait to run the Link Detox Boost™ after I have uploaded my disavow file to google?

Please wait until you have received your confirmation mail from Google that they have received your disavow file and then another 48 hours.

Is boosting too many links dangerous? Should I boost slowly or should I just boost all the links after Google has parsed the disavow file that I uploaded to Google.

You should boost all the links which you have also uploaded in your disavow file. You can boost all the links at once.

Does the boost tool also support the domain syntax?


Can I use the Boost tool multiple times?

If you only want to check if links were crawled, you have unlimited Reprocessing for that in your reports.

For new Link Detox Boost runs (i.e. new links disavowed) you need additional credits and if you run out of credits you can buy them in the upgrade section.

How many credits does it cost to run a Link Detox Boost™?

Currently you need one credit per 300 disavowed links/domains.

Therefore it’s “cheaper” to disavow on domain level (recommended for spammy domains) than on page level.

What does the Link Detox Boost™ guarantee?

We guarantee that we do our best to make your disavows taken into account by Google. But since we are not affiliated with Google in any way there’s no other guarantee at all.

Is there a limit on how many links can be boosted?

Technically the limit is maximum 150.000 links in one go at the moment.

Commercially it’s limited by the number of Link Detox Boost credits you have in your plan or buy as add-on credits.

Can you tell me more about what advanced technology that Boost is using.

We cannot disclose all the details but we are using the advanced methods to push the Google bot in many ways that are not hurting any guidelines.

How long does it take to get out of Penguin 2.1?

It depends. You have to do a lot of link removal work and also upload the LINK DETOX disavow file to Google and then it is up to Google how long it takes. Please also monitor your backlinks to be sure that you will not receive new bad backlinks

However, with the new Link Detox Boost we will be able to speed up the process noticeably!

How do I know that the disavowed links I just uploaded have reached Google? Will I get an email notification? How long will I have to wait to see the result?

Google will take the disavowed links into account when they crawl them again. Unfortunately they will not provide you with a confirmation mail or email notification. So it depends when your site will get crawled again.

However we strongly recommend you to use the advanced tool Link Detox Boost to speed up the process of Google factoring in your disavow file.

Does the Google Disavow Tool only work if you submit a reconsideration request?

We assume this is a myth. The Disavow Tool confirms your upload within 24-48 hours and from then on the Google Crawlers have that information. The Link Detox Boost tool then furthermore helps get those disavow commands to the Google Bot work in faster than they used to.

When does Google take the disavowed links into account?

Unfortunately nobody knows exactly when Google takes the disavowed links into account. It can take several weeks or even months. But we have also built the Boost tool that you can use to speed up the process of Google crawling your disavowed links.

Will the Link Detox Boost get linked to the Google Webmaster Account?

It is planned; However, not necessary.

I had a site that had a manual action. I did a few rounds of link removal and disavow. The manual action was removed. Would you recommend Link Detox Boost for a disavow list from over 6 months ago? Site is still struggling on rankings.

Google has no logical reason to crawl the spam links therefore it is recommended to use the Link Detox Boost. Probably some pages are still affected by Penguin.

Do I have to wait for the next data refresh of Google to see if a link removal was successful?

No. Usually you should see effects in link building or link removing after a couple days or weeks. Of course very low quality links are only re-crawled every couple months, which could pose a problem. Use the new Link Detox Boost to be better safe than sorry and waiting.

Quick question for LinkBoost: Do you have to enter all the individual URLs, or does it also work on domain level, for example: domain: xyz.com?

domain is sufficient

What if the link I disavowed is still on the linking page? Does it make a difference how quick google revisits the page/poor link if the link is still there?

Ideally we want the bad link gone, but practically that can be difficult. Please make sure you have uploaded the disavow file to Google Webmaster Tools, got confirmation and waited at least 48 hours before starting Boost.

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