
I received free baby safety products from Prince Lionheart in exchange for writing this post, but all opinions are completely my own.

From babysitting to being a camp counselor to teaching, I have worked with children from infancy up through early adolescence for more than of half my life. I took child development classes both in college and graduate school, and through working with families with young children I had ample opportunities apply this knowledge that I had learned through the years. So when it came to being a parent, I totally knew what to expect.

Not. At. All.

If there was one thing I have learned about parenthood is there is absolutely nothing that can fully prepare you for it, especially not the emotional impact of watching your own child reach developmental milestones.

I could have never have imagined the tears of joy that would come to my eyes that first time Eve rolled over, the delight of feeding her solids for the first time and seeing her now devour everything in sight, the sweet music to my ears of hearing her baby babbles, the amazement of watching her take her first steps toward independence as she crawled for the first time.

Oh, the wonder and beauty of watching your child grow and change….and, OH MY GOODNESS, the total terror of realizing that your tiny bundle of joy is suddenly on the move and wants to get into everything and you can’t take your eyes off of her for a moment lest she hurt herself in the giant accident-waiting-to-happen that is your home.

::Deep breath::

See, nothing prepares for you the
joy of parenthood.

For months I had been nervously anticipating the day when Eve would learn to crawl. I knew the days where I could comfortably leave her on the floor of her bedroom while I ran to the bathroom or had her on a mat on the kitchen floor while I cooked dinner were numbered. I joked with friends and family (I did not joke, I was dead serious) that I wouldn’t mind her being a bit delayed in the mobility department. Unfortunately for me, Eve was right on schedule with crawling and was followed quickly by pulling herself up, and I’m discovering I have a little explorer on my hands. Apparently she is just like her mama at that age.


Don’t get me wrong, it is unbelievably amazing watching her. You would think she was the first baby to ever crawl I am just so blown away by the whole experience. All those years of watching other people’s children crawl doesn’t even hold a candle to watching my own daughter do it. But, yikes, talk about unprepared!

Suddenly I was looking our lovely new home with all its potential in a completely new light. Our new bed with its sharp corners is one bump away from a poke in the eye. Our new bookshelf is just one pull away from a baby being crushed beneath a tidal wave of books. Sam and I quickly realized that we needed to get our home baby proofed, and rather quickly, as Eve was no longer content
being caged
playing in her room with the baby gate up.

Step one: Do not panic.

Step to: Go on a “crawl-through” of your home. Get down on your baby’s level to see things from her point of view. Here are some things I came across:

Cable wire poking through right at Eve’s level, yikes!

More wires, just waiting for baby hands to pull

Since it’s still warm we don’t have our heat on, but I bet this radiator will get quite hot

Bookshelf = something fun for climbing toddlers! Needs to be secured to the wall

Towel hanging down = very tempting to pull, pot handle can be grabbed when she gets older and taller

Sharp corners and edges on our dining room table, exposed radiator, and plant with leaves hanging over (not to mention the dining room leaf which can easily topple over)

Not to mention lots of sharp corners on bookcases, tables and our bed.

Needless to say, there is a lot Sam and I need to do to ensure that our home is ready for a baby on the move.

Thankfully with some help from Prince Lionheart and the magic of the internet I was able to start making some changes to our home to protect our little cruiser until she is a little older, a little steadier on her feet, and has a better understanding of how to protect herself. These changes included:

Putting Jumbo Corner Guards by Prince Lionheart on our bedframe. These cushiony foam corners, which come in brown and gray, are fire-retardant, non-toxic and latex-free, and are super easy to secure with double-stick tape (which is included with the guards) and easy to remove when Eve gets older and we no longer have to worry about her bonking her head (unless she is as clumsy as her mom and her side of the family, in which case there’s nothing I can do!)

Moving the dining room leaf to a closet and the plant to a counter and trimming the long piece hanging down

Adding Prince Lionheart Jumbo Edge Guards and the Jumbo Corner Guards (which come in four pieces 18″ long each per box, plus full length double-stick tape) to the dining room table (and the coffee table when that finally gets put together)

Tucking away unsafe (not to mention unsightly) wires with this simple tutorial

Removing the towel from the stove and turning all handles inwards when I’m cooking, a habit which is important for me to do now before Eve is walking. When she is, I will be adding on the Prince Lionheart Stove Guard, which creates a barrier between stove flames and your little one’s fingers

Image courtesy of Prince Lionheart, stoveGUARD

Moving all my jewelry supplies to one room that Eve cannot access, especially since I work with very tiny (not to mention shiny and very tempting) items that can easily be swallowed. Unlike in the past, I will not be making jewelry all over the house (which will also make Sam very happy, baby or not!)

Covering electrical outlets that are at her level

I will also be attempting to make these doorknob covers as Eve starts to walk and learn how to open doors (I thankfully have some time on that one!), and before we turn on the heat we will be covering all five radiators in our home. Fun DIY project for Sam and I perhaps?

In addition to the things, it is recommended that you:

Take your shoes off when entering your home to avoid dragging in unwanted debris from outside

Sweep and/or vacuum the floor frequently (especially if you are like me and are prone to dropping small things)

Lock up any cabinets with items that are dangerous to babies (such as chemicals and sharp objects), and when possible move toxic items to places where babies cannot reach

Never keep any containers with liquid on the floor, such as a bucket for mopping, and never leave a baby unattended in a bathtub

Tie up or trim cords for shades, which can be a strangulation hazard

Secure heavy furniture to the walls

This is not an exhaustive list, but you can find a ton of more information on the National Child Safety Council, and also check out my Pinterest board for more baby-proofing ideas!

I may not be totally prepared for the onslaught of emotions I will face with each new developmental milestone Eve reaches, but at least for now I can have some piece of mind knowing that I am doing my best to protect her from avoidable dangers in our home. Now excuse me while I pull her down from our couch which she is attempting to scale.

What were you not prepared for with becoming a parent? What has been one of your child’s favorite developmental milestones?

The post The joys of parenthood: preparing your home for a baby on the move appeared first on Linkouture.

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