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This is my first year celebrating Mother’s Day as a mom.
How crazy is that?!
Ok, so I know a lot of you who read this (or at least comment) are moms yourself so it probably isn’t that crazy ’cause you’ve been doing this for years. But think back to that first time celebrating this holiday as a mom yourself. What was it like? (I bet it was a little crazy.) Did you do anything special?
Last year when I found out I was pregnant my mom made sure I knew we would all be celebrating Mother’s Day together this year. Since my mom grew up near where I curently live and needs her dose of Boston, we’ll be skipping the fancy brunches and heading downtown to and hitting up the famous Faneuil Hall and Quincy Market to watch the street performers and eat tasty New Englandy food.
In addition to spending time with family, I’m really looking forward to starting the day sleeping in. Next Saturday night will actually be my first night away from Eve (!!) which I’ll admit, I’m really looking forward to (I love my baby, but mama’s got to have a night where she gets to sleep past 5:00 am!). I’m sure I will miss her like crazy, though!
With Mother’s Day around the corner, it only seemed appropriate to feature some awesome finds for Mother’s Day. Ladies, you may want to send the link for this post to your family members to give them a friendly reminder!
For the sentimental mom
A simple yet beautiful sentimental print by Sweet Peony Press (print found here)
For the mom who likes a tasty treat
My mom eats granola pretty much every day for breakfast when she’s home, so I’m excited to introduce her to my friend Ilene’s Hippie Chick Granola. (And I’m awaiting the arrival of my first order, ’cause of course I had to try some out for myself!)
For the mom who likes to cook
Spice up mom’s kitchen with these saucy spoons (pun intended!) by PageFree
For the mom who likes to entertain
These beautiful ceramic bowls in bright, cheerful colors are perfect for mom’s next dinner party (bowls by Blue Sky Pottery)
For the mom who likes to adorn her home with beautiful things
This gorgeous hand-blown glass vase will add a bit of charm to any room in mom’s home (vase by Avolie Glass, product photography by Elizabeth Bryant)
For the mom who likes cute things
What mom wouldn’t love an adorable tiny felted bowl embroidered with the word love? (Bowls by the Felterie)
For the crafty mom
Treat mom to an online creative class such as cooking, jewelry making, knitting, or sewing with Craftsy*
For the mom with a sense of humor
So true. Right, moms? (And you can download this print by Marley Design upon purchase, so it makes an excellent last-minute gift, not that any of you would wait until the last minute to buy a special gift)
For the mom who loves taking photos of her children
Make that mom in your life a beautifully curated custom photo book with Blurb Books*
Will you be doing anything to celebrate Mother’s Day, or is just a regular Sunday for you?
The post Friday Finds: The Mother’s Day Edition appeared first on Linkouture.