It’s the right time to make a fresh start! We are providing tips for how you can support your child’s learning at home. We also outline how Lindamood-Bell helps students during the year, whether they need a complete turnaround or ongoing homework help to stay on track.
Fresh Start at Home
Establishing good homework habits can help your child make the most of this school year. We recommend focusing on just a few areas that can help no matter how busy your family schedule becomes:
Refresh backpack and binder organization
Talk with your child about what worked well for them and what has been a challenge. For example, how often were they missing the right book they needed? Have your child visualize a few solutions and choose what will work best for them.
Create a distraction-free homework zone
Eliminate the “stops and starts” and you can maximize crucial time on what matters. Check out this video to get started.
Make a plan for busy evenings
A simple weeknight schedule can make a difference. Talk about when homework happens, and check for understanding ahead of time. You can ask questions that prompt your student to visualize—the key to good comprehension. For example, you can ask questions like, “What do you picture us doing when we get home?”
It’s wise to also plan for ongoing skill-building activities so your student can benefit, even when it gets busy.
Fresh Start Support
We hope a fresh start puts your student on the path to a great year. The truth is, for many busy families, protected homework time is not always practical, at least not for every night of the school week. Whether it’s a work schedule that keeps us from homework help until after dinner, or the myriad other family activities bustling around the studying child—our best laid plans for homework time can quickly go out the window. Families partner with Lindamood-Bell to give their student the best chance for a fresh start—and great school year.
Our learning center can discuss which school year support might be right for your child. New to Lindamood-Bell? In a thorough consultation, we will discuss an individualized learning plan to make a fresh start and make school easier.
Homework Matters at Lindamood-Bell
Homework Matters is supervised homework help, 1-4 afternoons per week.
We create an environment that motivates and focuses students on getting their homework done. Our skilled instructors take the struggle out of homework for families by helping students get their work done. We can answer your child’s questions and assist when necessary.
Academic Prep at Lindamood-Bell
Give your student the learning skills needed for success when entering a new grade or facing an academic challenge. Students benefit from our expertise in learning and cognition. We teach:
Note taking
Study Skills
Test taking strategies
Organization skills
Academic Prep is enrichment instruction for students who do not require remediation.
Kindergarten Boost at Lindamood-Bell
Your child can discover the Magic of Learning right from the start. Kindergarten Boost is instruction for our youngest students who need to get going with literacy. We help jumpstart the skills they need for this school year or next:
Letter names and sounds
Sounding out for reading
Sight word reading
Printing letters and numbers
Listening comprehension
Communication skills
Kindergarten Boost is enrichment instruction for students who do not require remediation.
We Start Where Your Student Is
Students who need a fresh start may have a weakness that is affecting learning. Unfortunately, these students typically fall further behind as the year goes on. Students with poor comprehension, critical thinking, writing and memory may have weak concept imagery—the ability to create an imagined gestalt (whole) from language; students who are poor decoders and spellers, or slow readers, may have weak symbol imagery—the ability to visualize letters in words. These difficulties are not only frustrating for a student, but prevent them from accessing school curriculum.
Sensory-Cognitive Instruction at Lindamood-Bell
We start by identifying strengths and weaknesses that may be affecting performance in reading, comprehension, and math. And, we make recommendations for individualized instruction plans that create learning gains. Sensory-Cognitive instruction is available at the learning center or online.
Contact the learning center for information and to get started 800.300.1818
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